OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr. Oliver Stansfield
Deacon: George Kingsnorth
WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €411.00 Kilcurry €563.64
Brid-a-Chrin €412.00 Faughart €193.80 Non-Envelope €876.00
Castletown Candelabra €100.00 Priest Easter Collection €2245.63£53.80
WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY: Farrah Faith Hutchinson Boyce who was baptised recently
WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Joe Mc Nally who died recently. May he rest in peace.
TROCAIRE BOXES : Please return at Church, or to the Parochial House. Thank you.
FAUGHART LOURDES FUND RAISING: Draw cards are now in circulation for our Annual Fund Raising. Prizes – Cash €300, €200 & €100 with various other valuable prizes. Draw will be held at coffee morning in Kilcurry Resource Centre on Sunday 7th May. We look forward to your usual generous support.
FOUND: A sum of money found in the Church, Brid-A-Crinn, Easter Sunday after mass. Please contact May or the Parochial House.
TAX REBATE FORM: Over the next few weeks, we will be compiling the parish records. We ask you to take a form home, sign and enter your PPS number, and return to one of the priests, or to the Parochial House. This will be a great boost to Parish Funds, and we thank you for your assistance.
CASTLETOWN NEW Sunday 4th June at 7:30pm
CASTLETOWN OLD Thursday 8th June at 7:30pm
KILCURRY Sunday 11th June at 7:30pm
KANE Tuesday 13th June at 7:30pm
FAUGHART Thursday 15th June ay 7:30pm
BRID-A-CHRIN Sunday 18th June at 7:30pm
URNAI Tuesday 20th June at 7:30pm
COME AND LISTEN: You are warmly invited to come and listen to a series of talks that will be given after Easter in Eoin Baiste Primary School. This time of Easter calls us to have new hope and new life, and God, through His Church, is continually offering these gifts to us all. The talks are open to adults and older youth. There is no registration required, and no charge-just walk in, you will be most welcome! They will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays for two months, starting Tuesday 18th April at 7:30pm. For more information, please contact the Parish Office on 042 9334410.
FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Bingo Monday evening at 7.30pm.
Sunday | 11.00 a.m.
Colin Meegan (1st Ann), Peter & Cyril Finnegan, Feede (Ann), Angela McNamee (1st Ann), Mickey Nash (Ann), Kathleen Dunne (Ann), Harry & Sinead Reilly, Eileen, James & Jim McEvoy. |
Next Sat | 10.30 a.m. | NO MASS |
Next Sunday | 11.00 a.m. | Alan Mc Geough (1st Ann), Hugh Mc Donald (1st Ann), Jimmy and Brigid Rafferty and DFM, Bridget Mc Kay, John and Anna Mc Namee. |
Sunday | 10.00 a.m. | Brigid Gernon (BR), James Green 2nd Ann). |
Friday | 7.30 p.m. | |
Next Sunday | 10.00 .m. | Mona and Patsy Rogers. |
Saturday | 6.00 p.m. | Jimmy, Mary & Colette Nixon, Pauline Boyle, Claire O’Molloy, John Hearty (Newtownbalregan). |
Sunday | 12 noon | Pauric Kelly (Ann). |
Monday | 7.00 p.m. | Sean Mc Dermott, Hamill Family, Callan Family and all in Castletown Old Graveyard. |
Tuesday | 10.00 a.m. | Pauric Kelly (Ann) |
Wednesday | 10.00 a.m. | |
Thursday | 10:00 a.m. | |
Friday | 10.00 a.m. | |
Next Saturday | 6.00 p.m. | Anne Murray, Benny and Peggy Mc Connon (BR) Millicent Cunningham (1st Ann)
Briege Meegan Grant. |
Sunday | 12:00 p.m. | Ann Mc Ardle (Ann) Jimmy Mc Kenna (Ann) Peter Dollard (Ann) George Savage (BR) Seamus Connolly, John and Mary Savage. |
Saturday | 7.30 p.m. | Denis Maddy. |
Next Sat | 7:30 pm |