Newsboard – 30/06/2024


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian,  Fr.Oliver Stansfield, Deacon George Kingsnorth.

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €265.50 Kilcurry €303.00 Brid-a-Chrin €199.45 Faughart €136.30 and £13.50 Non-Envelope.

Education of young priest: €161.16.




WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Margaret Mc Keever and Rose Hamill who died during the week.  May they rest in peace.


CONGRATULATIONS: Amy Mitchel and Sean O’ Hare who were married recently.


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Anna May Lennon who was baptised recently.


NATIONAL PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE: Sunday 7th July at 3.00pm.   Procession around the Stream, the Anointing of the sick during the Mass and Blessing with St. Brigid’s Relic.  – Our celebrant this year will be Archbishop Eamon Martin.  All welcome.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS:  Next Friday if anyone would like a visit please contact the Parochial House,

ROCHE TRACTOR RUN: Will take place on Sunday 14th July at 2pm sharp. Starting at Roche Emmets with refreshments after in Kilcurry Resource Centre. All proceeds will be donated to North Louth Hospice.

SR BRIEGE MCKENNA’S AND FR. PABLO’S VISIT 16TH/17TH AUGUST 24.The Parish of Faughart is delighted to announce the following schedule for the visit: Evening Session: Fri 16th Faughart Shrine 7-9pm, Mass & open talk. Morning Session: Sat 17th St Joseph’s Church, Castletown, 10am Mass. 11.30-12.30 Talk. Afternoon Session: St Joseph’s Church, Castletown. 2.30-4.30pm Talk followed by Eucharistic Healing Service.

CAMINO 2024: Fr. Vinod will walk the Camino Primitive in 12 days commencing from August 1st to raise funds for the upgrade of the Church carpark, and the graveyard pathways at St. Joseph’s Castletown. Sponsor cards and donation envelopes are available in all churches.

MARYS SUPREME APOSTOLATE: Mass for healing for those who lost loved ones by suicide will be offered in St Josephs Church Castletown on Friday 5th July at 6pm. All welcome.


Sunday 11.00a.m Tommy & Nellie Duffy. Niall Delaney (Ann).
Next Sunday 11.00a.m


Edward & Margaret O’ Hare (Roskeagh) Hugh O’ Hare, Brigid and Alice Reilly, John Mc Kevitt, Mary Mc Bride (Ann) Kathleen Hughes and DFM. John Mc Cann.
Sunday 10.00a.m John Daly (Ann)
Friday 7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday 10.00a.m John and Nora Mc Shane and DFM Nora Gernon (Ann) Niall Craven (BR)
Saturday  6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12 noon Tommy O’Connor (MM). Dr Frank O’Reilly. Gerry Costigan (6th Ann).


Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m. NO MASS
Friday 10.00a.m.  
Next Sat 6.00 p.m. Mary Byrne (MM)
Sunday 12:00noon Martin Morgan 1st Ann, Pat Murphy and DFM, Michael, Rose, Michael (Jr) Crosse and DFM of the Crosse and Bergin Family.  Willie and Nancy Parkin.  Pat Murphy and DFM.
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  
Next Sat 7.30 p.m. Henry Dooley and DFM.