Newsboard – 02/01/2022


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €927.50 Brid-a-Chrin: €528.00 Faughart: €124.50 Castletown: €305.35 Non-Envelope:€190.00

CONGRATULATIONS: To Peter O’ Reilly and Jacqueline Ferrigan who were married during the week.


WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Hugh Mullen, may he rest in peace.


MARY’S SUPREME APOSTOLATE- Healing Mass of comfort and consolation for everyone but especially for those who are suicidal and those effected by suicide on Friday 7th January 2022 at 6pm in St. Joseph’s, Castletown.


PRIESTS CHRISTMAS COLLECTION: Thank you for the Christmas collection of €3,000.


NO MASS:  There will be no novena mass at 7.00 pm in Fatima on the 3rd of January.


HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.




CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY: First Sunday of the month at 3pm. St. Nicholas Church, Dundalk. Featuring Holy Hour, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Veneration of the Relics of Saint Faustina. This will next take place on Sunday 2nd January 2022. Come and receive God’s blessing.


MASS NUMBERS: Due to small numbers of parishioners attending mass on Friday evening in Brid -A- Chrin at 7:30pm and Saturday morning in Kilcurry at 10:30 am mass, we feel if the numbers don’t increase, we may consider cancelling the masses. We will review this in the new year.


HOLY HOUR: Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The parish needs new volunteers to join the group which help with the typing of the news-board weekly, on a rota basis. Anyone interested please contact the parochial house


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Fabian Mc Entee; Ben and May Marmion; Briege Whyte; Peter and Maureen Goss.
Saturday 10.30a.m George and Cissie Mc Namee.
Sunday 11.00a.m Margaret Mc Keown 2nd Anni; Fiona Hamill; Kathleen Dennison; Maisey Mc Keown
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid, Liam and son Gerard Rice; Rita Martin; Eamon Mc Crave.
Friday 7.30pm  
Sunday 10.00 a.m Florence Harvey and Deceased Family Members; Margaret Mc Keown (Anni)
Saturday  6.00pm Margaret Kelly Anniversary; Larry and Joan Meegan; James and Agnes Ward and Grandchildren; Tom Mc Faul.
Sunday 12 noon Bridge Mc Geeney (Nee Martin) 1st Anni
Monday  7.00 p.m. No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Sheila O’ Rourke
Friday 10.00 a.m  
Saturday 6.00 p.m Nancy Harrison; Derek Younger; Cathy Vaz.
 Sunday 12 noon Freda Browne (MM) Brigid and John Dillon; Tom, Annie and Tom (JR) Martin, Rita, John, Laura and Brian Mostyn.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Jack and Margaret Fegan and Deceased Family Members.


Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Reynolds Family and Deceased Family Members.

Wishing all our Parishioners a happy New Year.