
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART    Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our  Parish:- Castletown  €328 Kilcurry   €546 Brid-a-Chrinn    €324 Faughart €214 Non Envelope Collection  €755 Priests Dues €2902   Faughart Lourdes Coffee
WEEKLY ENVELOPES  –  Your contribution towards the upkeep of our Parish last week was:-   Castletown   €235    Brid-a-Chrin  €227   Kilcurry €507   Faughart  €161     Non envelope Collection  –  €732 We pray for the happy repose of John Goss, May he rest in peace. Welcome to our Christian Community Shea Darren Watters and
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042  9334410 Our Priests:  Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr. Bernard Hughes              Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown             €323                                     Kilcurry
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our  Parish:- Castletown  €194   Kilcurry   €305   Brid-a-Chrinn    €239    Faughart    €623 Non Envelope Collection  €610 Fundraising:-  Faughart Parish 3 week fundraising draw will
  NEWSBOARD FOR THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Our Priests:  Fr. Vinod Kurian & Fr. Bernard Hughes Tel: 9334410 & 9333235 WEEKLY ENVELOPES – Your contributions towards the upkeep of our Parish last week was:  Castletown €136.  Brid-a-Chrinn €197.  Kilcurry €295 Faughart €125 Non envelope Collection €428. 00. THANK YOU:
NEWSBOARD FOR THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Our Priests:  Fr. Vinod  Kurian and Fr Bernard Hughes Email:    Tel:  9334410 and 9333235   WEEKLY ENVELOPES  –  Your contribution towards the upkeep of our Parish last week was:-   Castletown   €608    Brid-a-Chrin  €207   Kilcurry €385   Faughart  €180      Non envelope Collection  –  €650
   NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Bernard Hughes    Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our  Parish:-  Castletown  €208.70   Kilcurry   €462   Brid-a-Chrinn    €204.20    Faughart    €127 Non Envelope Collection  €560   We Pray for the happy
                       NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042  9334410 Our Priests:  Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr. Bernard Hughes               Email:  / Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown             €247          Kilcurry          €344 Brid-a-Chrin           €447         Faughart        €180 Non envelope collection €773      Faughart Shrine €725 Mass for
WEEKLY ENVELOPES  –  Your contribution towards the upkeep of our Parish last week was:-       Castletown     €240      Brid-a-Chrin    €174      Kilcurry         €354          Faughart          €161    Non envelope Collection  –  €580 FIRST FRIDAY  –  Next Friday.  Anyone who would like a call please contact the Parochial House. WE PRAY for the happy repose of