Newsboard – 30/10/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian,  Fr.Oliver Stansfield, Deacon George Kingsnorth.

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €376.70 Kilcurry €500.85

Brid-a-Chrin  €208.77   Faughart  €179.10   Non Envelope €740.00



WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Aine Forde (Nee Dawe), Winifred (Winnie) Mullen (Nee Woods) & Seamus Watters. May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Cillian James McGee who was baptised recently.

REMEMBRANCE MASS: Sunday evening 6th Nov, St Brigid’s Church at 7:00pm where we will be remembering our dearly departed. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Resource Centre.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next weekend, if anyone would like a visit, please contact the Parochial House.

  1. VINCENT de PAUL COLLECTION: Next weekend in all churches.

CANCER PRAYER GROUP: Bethany, 34 Point Road, Dundalk.  Relaxation, Meditation and Prayer Wednesday 2nd November 11 am to 12 noon. E-mail Tel: 042-9331602.

ALL SAINTS DAY  & ALL SOULS DAY: Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd Castletown Church at 10am.

MARY’S SUPREME APOSTOLATE: Mass of Healing & Comfort for all but especially for those who are suicidal and those who have lost loved ones by suicide in St. Josephs Church, Castletown on Friday 4th November at 6pm.

THANK YOU :Thank you to the teachers, parents, children, the beautiful banner, hamper, offertory gifts and music at last week’s Harvest Thanksgiving mass.

COOKERY COURSE: Cookery course for Parents in St. Louis Secondary School “Cooking on a budget” every Tuesday morning 9.15 -11am starting Nov 8th for 6 weeks. All parents welcome and its free. Contact Marie Meehan 089-4121704.

COMMUNITY CENTRE: Yoga: Sat mornings 10am – 11am, all welcome.

Connolly Scholl of Irish Dance: Classes Thursdays 5.30 – 6.30pm. Classes for children with additional needs for ages 4-12 years, Tuesday night’s 6 – 6.40pm. Contact 087-8831736. Bowls: Practice session and club night on Tuesdays from 8 – 10pm. New Members Welcome.


CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY: First Sunday of the month at 3pm. St. Nicholas’ Church, Dundalk. Featuring Holy Hour, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Confessions and Anointing of the Sick. This will take place on Sunday 6th November.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Siobhan Mc Keever (2nd Anni) Patrick and Adelaide Tumulty; Michael Tuite (Anni)

Baby Mairead Rose Kelly; Vincent and Brigid Holsgrove and D.F.M

Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. MASS IN THE PAROCHIAL HOUSE
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Peter McArdle. Teresa Maddy (3rd Anni). Matthew Finnegan. Dessie & Saddie Malone (Anni).


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Celilla Halpenny (Anni) Olive Kavanagh (Anni)
Friday  7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Owen Faughey & DFM.


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Sarah & Martin Shiels & Kerley & DFM. Ann Matthews (3rd Anni).
Sunday 12 noon Frank McDonagh (1st Anni) & Daughter Mary. Cameron Treanor Martin (1st Anni). John & Eileen O Sullivan & their son Raymond (Anni).
Monday  7.00 p.m. No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. All Saints Day
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. All Souls Day
Thursday 10:00 a.m. Pat Mulholland
Friday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Kelvin & Ann Murray. Marie Sherry & DFM. Rita Kelly ( Anni).
Sunday 12:00 noon Gerry & Eileen Brennan. Joe & Mary Meegan, Mill Rd (Anni).
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Jimmy & Cissie Flynn & DFM. Mary Gribbin.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Larry & Joan Meegan



Newsboard – 23/10/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian,  Fr.Oliver Stansfield, Deacon George Kingsnorth.

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €183.40 Kilcurry €490.90

Brid-a-Chrin  €315.39   Faughart  €131.00   Non Envelope €370.00 Castletown Candelabra €215.00


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Kyran Anthony Kelly who was baptised recently.

  1. JOSEPH’S CASTLETOWN Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday will be held in the meeting room throughout Autumn/Winter due to the rise in heating costs.

REMEMBERING OUR DEARLY DEPARTED: Envelopes and lists will be available in all Church.

FOUND: A prayer to St. Martin and relic was handed in with the weekly envelopes by mistake.  Please contact the Parochial House.

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK: Total   €23,275.00 sincere thanks.

REMEMBRANCE MASS: Sunday evening 6th Nov. at 7:00pm where we will be remembering our dearly departed. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Resource Centre.

MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION: This Sunday there will be a second collection at all churches.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Monday 24th Ceoil and Craic 7.30pm.

CANCER PRAYER GROUP: Bethany, 34 Point Road, Dundalk.  Relaxation, Meditation and Prayer Wednesday 11 am to 12 noon.

NORTH LOUTH FIRST RESPONDERS: A massive thank you to all who came to our open night. We were delighted and encouraged by the interest. We continually take names of those interested in Irish Heart Foundation Heartsaver CPR & AED Course. This course is free and we will run classes as and when we have enough names for a class. Contact us on FB north louth first responders by: email: Phone: 083-0484245 or 085-7121834.

MEN’S HEALTH  & WELLBEING TALK: On Thursday 27th Oct 7pm to 8.30pm in Kilcurry Resource Centre. All very welcome.



CRAFT GROUP: Returning soon. If you are interested in joining we would be delighted to hear from you. Explore your creative side.  Contact 087 643 9546.”



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Phyllis Malone (M.M)

Michael, Julia & Mary Cunningham.

Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. MASS IN THE PAROCHIAL HOUSE
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Siobhan Mc Keever (2nd Anni) Patrick and Adelaide Tumulty; Michael Tuite (Anni)

Baby Mairead Rose Kelly; Vincent and Brigid Holsgrove and D.F.M



Sunday 10.00 a.m. Nancy & Danny O Hanlon (Anni). Fr Bernard Hughes (2nd Anni). Patrick John McKay (Anni)
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Celilla Halpenny (Anni) Olive Kavanagh (Anni)


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Gavan Allen (MM). Kevin Boland (Anni). Barry Jnr Griffin. John Mulligan. Jimmy McGivern (14th Anni).
Sunday 12 noon Betty McNally (6th Anni)
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Christine Duffy (Anni)
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Sarah, Martin Shiels and Kerley and D.F.M

Ann Matthews (3rd Anni)

Sunday 12:00 noon Frank Mc Donagh (1st Anni)

Cameron Treanor Martin; John and Eileen O’ Sullivan and their son Raymond (Anni)

Saturday   7.30 p.m. Mary & Patrick McGee & DFM. Willie Quigley (4th Anni). Tommy, Rose & Michael Boyle & DFM.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Jimmy and Cissie Flynn and D.F.M

Mary Gribbin.



Newsboard – 16/10/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian,  Fr.Oliver Stansfield, Deacon George Kingsnorth.

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €219.30  Kilcurry €369.35

Brid-a-Chrin  €235.97   Faughart  €167.00   Non Envelope €545.00 Castletown Candelabra €40.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Nicholas Ferguson who died recently. Rest in peace.


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Bonnie Rose Mulligan who was baptised recently.

CONGRATULATIONS to Mark Finnegan and Criona McGrath who were married recently.

  1. JOSEPH’S CASTLETOWN Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday will be held in the meeting room throughout Autumn/Winter due to the rise in heating costs.

REMEMBERING OUR DEARLY DEPARTED: Envelopes and lists will be available in all Church this weekend.

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK: Total   €22,865.00 sincere thanks.

HARVEST THANKSGIVING MASS: Next Sunday 22nd Oct. – St. Brigid’s Church at 11:00am. Refreshments will be served after mass in the Resource Centre. All Welcome.

REMEMBRANCE MASS: Sunday evening 6th Nov. at 7:00pm where we will be remembering our dearly departed. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Resource Centre.

MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION: Next Sunday there will be a second collection at all churches.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Next Monday-Meditation with Eileen McCann 7.30pm. Monday 24th Ceoil and Craic.

IRISH DANCING CLASSES: Thursdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm, plus NEW JUMP ‘N’ JIGS class for children with additional needs on Tuesdays 6pm to 6:40pm. Ages 4 to 12 years. Contact 087 8831736.

NORTH LOUTH FIRST RESPONDERS: A massive thank you to all who came to our open night. We were delighted and encouraged by the interest. We continually take names of those interested in Irish Heart Foundation Heartsaver CPR & AED Course. This course is free and we will run classes as and when we have enough names for a class. Contact us on FB north louth first responders by: email: Phone: 083-0484245 or 085-7121834.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Joe Thornton (MM), Norah McCoy (1st Ann), Michelle Flynn, Matt Flynn (Ann), Agnes Gartlan and DFM, Larry & Bride Craig, Mary Finnegan and DFM.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. MASS IN THE PAROCHIAL HOUSE
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Michael, Julia & Mary Cunningham. Phyllis Malone (M.M)


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Patricia McShane(Ann) Annie Faughey (Anni)
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Nanny & Danny O Hanlon (Anni). Fr Bernard Hughes (2nd Anni). Patrick John McKay (Anni)


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Geraldine McGuinness, Jim Quigley (3rd Ann)
Sunday 12 noon Gerry McGuinness (Ann), Johnny, Margaret & Jim McArdle, Rose & Pat Brennan and DFM. James & Rosie Mellon.
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Molly & James Meegan (Anni)
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Gavan Allen (MM). Kevin Boland (Anni). Barry Jnr Griffin. John Mulligan. Jimmy McGivern (14th Anni).
Sunday 12:00 noon Betty McNally (6th Anni)
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Pat & Eileen Roe and DFM.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Mary & Patrick McGee & DFM. Willie Quigley (4th Anni). Tommy, Rose & Michael Boyle & DFM.



Newsboard – 09/10/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Deacon: George Kingsnorth

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €229.02  Kilcurry €457.60

Brid-a-Chrin  €202.20   Faughart  €413.60   Non Envelope €560.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF:  Francis-Yella Kenneway, Nicholas Ferguson and Gerard Sherry who died recently. Rest in peace.


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Rian Aaron McCann, Lyla Edie Rose Taaffe and Donnacha Leo Lavery who were baptised recently.

CONGRATULATIONS to Ray O’Neill and Rebecca Morgan who were married recently.

  1. JOSEPH’S CASTLETOWN Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday will be held in the meeting room throughout Autumn/Winter due to the rise in heating costs.

BOWLS CLUB: Tuesday nights 8pm to 10pm.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: meeting Tuesday 11th October at 7.30pm in the Parochial House.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP  Tea evening this week, and next week meditation with Eileen McCann. Pop up shop in the Long Walk Shopping Centre on 10th Oct. In aid of Cerebral Palsy.

IRISH DANCING CLASSES: Thursdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm, plus NEW JUMP ‘N’ JIGS class for children with additional needs on Tuesdays 6pm to 6:40pm. Ages 4 to 12 years. Contact 087 8831736

REMEMBERING OUR DEARLY DEPARTED: Envelopes and lists will be available in all Church this weekend.

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK: Total   €22,295.00 sincere thanks.

NORTH LOUTH COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS: Open night Wed. 12th Oct. in Resource Centre 7:30 to 10pm. Free to call in to see us/find out about us. Anyone aged 16 and upwards can attend. Everyone welcome. Contact 083 0484245.

ARMAGH DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: Last week the Faughart Lourdes Group returned from Lourdes. We wish to congratulate Briege McKevitt and Susan Dougan on receiving their 15 year Silver Medal, and to Elaine Grills on receiving her 10 year Bronze Medal. We offer them our sincere thanks for their dedication to our Assisted Pilgrims.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION: Collection in aid of Louth Cerebral Palsy takes place on October 15th/16th at all churches in the parish.

Harvest Thanksgiving Mass, Sunday 22nd Oct. – St. Brigid’s Church at 11:00am. Refreshments will be served after mass in the Resource Centre.

Remembrance Mass, Sunday evening 6th Nov. at 7:00pm where we will be remembering our dearly departed. Refreshments will be served afterwards

in the Resource Centre.

Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Oliver Duffy (MM), Oliver Traynor, Stephen Traynor & DFM, Kevin & Bridget Reilly (Ann), Cissie & Owenie Murphy.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. MASS IN THE PAROCHAIL HOUSE
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Joe Thornton (MM), Norah McCoy (1st Ann), Michelle Flynn, Matt Flynn (Ann), Agnes Gartland and DFM, Larry & Bride Craig, Mary Finnegan and DFM.


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Lynda Nicklaus (Nee Cumiskey) MM, Fr. Bernard Hughes 2nd Ann., Fr. Jim Pollack, Fr. Malachy Loughran, Ivy & Vincent Heeney and DFM.
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Patricia McShane(Ann)


Saturday  6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12 noon  
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Geraldine McGuinness, Jim Quigley (3rd Ann)
Sunday 12:00 noon Gerry McGuinness (Ann), Johnny, Margaret & Jim McArdle, Rose & Pat Brennan and DFM
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Baby Seamus Casey (MM), Una Begley (Ann), Thomas & Eileen Mulally and DFM.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Pat & Eileen Roe and DFM.


Newsboard – 02/10/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian,  Fr. Oliver Stansfield,

Deacon George Kingsnorth

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €238.42  Kilcurry €378.55

Brid-a-Chrin  €226.39  Faughart  €229.75  Non-Envelope Collection €552.00 Faughart Candleabra €330.04.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday, if you would like a call please phone the Parochial House.

CONGRATULATIONS: Shane Duncan and Aoife Shanahan; Michael Mc Wall and Megan Rogers who were married recently.

WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY: Muireann Eileen Mc Wall and Finley Paul Jackson-Smith

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Phyllis Malone, Gavan Allen and Gerard Kinch who died recently.  May they rest in peace.

MID-WEEK MASSES AT ST. JOSEPH’S-CASTLETOWN: Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday will be held in the meeting room of St. Joseph’s Church throughout the Autumn/Winter months due to the rise of heating costs.  If there is an intention with a large number we can have mass as normal.

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK:  Sincere thanks to everyone who donated towards the painting of St. Brigid’s Church.  Total money collected €21,015.00.  Work will be starting in the coming weeks.

SVDP COLLECTION: This weekend at all Churches.

MARY’S SUPREME APOSTOLATE: Mass of healing and comfort for all but especially those who are suicidal and those who have lost loved ones by suicide, in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown on Friday the 7th October at 6pm.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Monday at 7.30pm with Pauline Mc Gee and a talk on health and safety Taking names for Tea evening next week.

IRISH DANCING CLASSES: Thursday 5.30pm to 6.30pm– Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA: Saturday 10am-11am – Community Centre.

JIVE CLASSES: Thursday evening 8pm-9:30pm €12 per person. Phone 086 3573271.

SINGING/PANIO/MUSIC THEORY LESSON: From an experience teacher and performer, all styles and age groups welcome. Phone 086 3756236.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Vincent (Vinnie) Heeney (MM) Patsy Harrison; Kevin Tumilty.
Next  Sat 10.30 a.m. Kevin Kirk (Anni)
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Oliver Duffy (MM) Oliver Traynor; Stephen Traynor and DFM; Kevin and Bridget Reilly (Anni) Cissie and Owen Murphy (Anni)
Sunday 10.00 a.m. John Mc Ardle (1st Anni) Maura, Tommy and Peter Dullaghan (Anni)
Friday  7.30 p.m. Patrick and Margaret Thornton
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m. Lynda Nicklaus (Nee Cumiskey) MM

Fr. Bernard Hughes 2nd Anni; Fr. Jim Pollock; Fr. Malacy Loughran; Ivy and Vincent Heeney and DFM;



Saturday  6.00 p.m. Mark Faulkner (Anni)
Sunday 12 noon Terry and Amy Kelly (Anni)

Joan and Andy Gallagher; Rose and Peter Kelly and D.F.M of the Gallagher and Curtis Family. Seamus, Sheila, James and Ena Gordon;

Joe and Nan Keenan and D.F.M.

Nancy, Eamon and their son Robert Gordon.

Monday  7.00 p.m. Gerry, Martha, Edward Campbell and DFM.

Anna and Ben Ralph (Anni)

Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Sat 6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12:00noon  
Saturday 7.30 p.m. Imelda Muckian (Anni)

Thomas and Eileen Mullally and D.F.M.

Next Sat 7:30 pm Baby Seamus Casey (MM) Una Begley (Anni)

Thomas and Eileen Mullally and D.F.M.


Newsboard – 25/09/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian,  Fr. Oliver Stansfield,

Deacon George Kingsnorth

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €272.00  Kilcurry €353.25

Brid-a-Chrin  €157.20  Faughart  €218.20  Non Envelope Collection €681.00

WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY:  Gabriela, Victor and Rachel Gooding who were baptised recently.

MID-WEEK MASSES AT ST. JOSEPH’S-CASTLETOWN: Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday will be held in the meeting room of St. Joseph’s Church throughout the Autumn/Winter months due to the rise of heating costs.  If there is an intention with a large number we can have mass as normal.

ARMAGH DIOCESAN LOURDES-FAUAHART GROUP: Wishing all those travelling to Lourdes a safe journey with Spiritual Director Fr. Vinod.  All Intentions will be offered.

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK:  Sincere thanks to everyone who donated towards the painting of St. Brigid’s Church.  Total money collected €21,015.00.  Work will be starting in the coming weeks.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION: This weekend The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland.

SVDP COLLECTION: Next weekend 24th and 25th September.


Harvest Thanksgiving Mass: Sunday 23rd Oct. – St. Brigid’s Church at 11:00am. Refreshments will be served after mass in the Resource Centre.

All welcome.

Remembrance Mass: Sunday evening 6th Nov.– St. Brigid’s Church at 7:00pm where we will be remembering our dearly departed. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Resource Centre.

SCOIL BEAG: Is looking to recruit the following roles under the Community Employment Scheme: Caretaker in PM, Cleaner/Caretaker in the AM, Childcare assistant. Contact Catherine/Shauna on 042 9329862.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Monday at 7.30pm with Seamus Flynn and stories of times gone by.

IRISH DANCING CLASSES Reach your potential! Classes are being taught by one of Michael Flately’s original dancers. Kilcurry Community Centre every Thursday @ 5.3pm



10am to 11am. Cost €65 for 6 weeks.  Contact Jackie  at Unity Yoga, 087 621 7359 to book a place.”



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Bridie Keating (Nee Cunningham)  (5th Anni)
Next  Sat 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Vincent (Vinnie) Heeney (MM) Patsy Harrison; Kevin Tumilty.


Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday  7.30 p.m. Frank and Alice Rice; Thomas, Mary and Gerard Dowdall and Yvonne Conway.
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m. Maura, Tommy and Peter Dullaghan (Anni)

John Mc Ardle (1st Anni)



Saturday  6.00 p.m. Mary Grant and DFM of Mc Ardle Family.
Sunday 12 noon Baby Nina Heffernan (MM)

Michael Moore (Anni) Patricia Talt and DFM; Peggy and Tom Gernon (Anni)

Monday  7.00 p.m. NO MASS
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. NO MASS
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m. Josephine Clarke and Miss Tyrrell
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Sat 6.00 p.m. Mark Faulkner (Anni)
Sunday 12:00 noon Terry and Amy Kelly (Anni)

Joan and Andy Gallagher; Rose and Peter Kelly and D.F.M of the Gallagher and Curtis Family. Seamus, Sheila, James and Ena Gordon;

Joe and Nan Keenan and D.F.M.

Nancy, Eamon and their son Robert Gordon.

Saturday 7.30 p.m.  
Next Sat 7:30 pm Thomas and Eileen Mullally and D.F.M.


Newsboard – 18/09/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian,  Fr.Oliver Stansfield,

Deacon George Kingsnorth

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €171.35  Kilcurry €447.10

Brid-a-Chrin  €108.60   Faughart  €423.10  Non Envelope Collection €500.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPSOE OF: Joe Thornton and Baby Seamus Casey who died recently.  May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY:  Archie Daly, Esme Mulligan and Kodie Kieran Wiseman who were baptised recently.

ARMAGH DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE: Mass and meeting for all those travelling to Lourdes will be held in the Parochial House at 8pm Monday 19th Sept.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS GROUP: The bottle bank in Kilcurry has for some time been treated by some individuals as a dumping ground. To eliminate this problem, CCTV will monitor the area, and prosecution of people identified will follow. If it does not belong in the bottle bank, take it home. Do not leave your rubbish for somebody else to clean up.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Chair aerobics with Margaret Marmion and music at 7.30pm on Monday 19th Sept.

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK:  Sincere thanks to everyone who donated towards the painting of St. Brigid’s Church.  Total money collected €20,645.00.  Work will be starting in the coming weeks.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION: Order of Malta Church gate collection this weekend. The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland will be holding their Annual Church Gate Collection next weekend of 24th & 25th September.


Harvest Thanksgiving Mass: Sunday 23rd Oct. – St. Brigid’s Church at 11:00am. Refreshments will be served after mass in the Resource Centre.

All welcome.

Remembrance Mass: Sunday evening 6th Nov.– St. Brigid’s Church at 7:00pm where we will be remembering our dearly departed. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Resource Centre.

IRISH DANCING CLASSES: Thursday 5.30pm – 6.30pm in Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA 6 WEEK COURSE: 10am – 11am. Cost €65 for 6 week course.

Contact Jackie on 0876217359.

SCOIL BEAG: Is looking to recruit the following roles under the Community Employment Scheme: Caretaker in PM, Cleaner/Caretaker in the AM, Childcare assistant. Contact Catherine/Shauna on 042 9329862.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Dan O’Connell (1st Ann), Mary & Matt Coburn (Ann), Margaret (Peggy) Kirk & Benny Kirk (Ann), Joe Reilly. Fr. Malacy Loughran
Next  Sat 10.30 a.m. NO MASS
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Bridie Keating (Nee Cunningham)  (5th Anni)


Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday  7.30 p.m. NO MASS
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m.  


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Jim & Bridget Califf; Kevin Mc Kenna (25th Anni)
Sunday 12 noon Veronica Woods & Josephine Woods, Margaret & Thomas McArdle
Monday  7.00 p.m. Phylis and Paddy Rice (Anni)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Sat 6.00 p.m. Mary Grant and DFM of Mc Ardle Family.
Sunday 12:00 noon Baby Nina Heffernan (MM)

Michael Moore (Anni) Patricia Talt and DFM; Peggy and Tom Gernon (Anni)



Saturday 7.30 p.m. Josephine & Edward Clarke & DFM.
Next Sat 7:30 pm  


Newsboard – 11/09/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €221.00  Kilcurry €435.80

Brid-a-Chrin  €234.65   Faughart  €156.02   Non Envelope Collection €367.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF:  Gerard Maddy, Oliver Duffy and Michael Treanor.  May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Holly Shannon Craven and Joseph Hugh Lydon who were baptised recently.

CONGRATULATIONS to Anthony McLoughlin and Tracey McQuillan who were married recently.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS GROUP The bottle bank in Kilcurry has for some time been treated by some individuals as a dumping ground. To eliminate this problem, CCTV will monitor the area, and prosecution of people identified will follow. If it does not belong in the bottle bank, take it home. Do not leave your rubbish for somebody else to clean up.

FINANCE COMMITTEE:  meeting Wednesday 14th September @ 7.30pm in the Parochial House.

WELCOME INTO OUR PARISH: Deacon George Kingsnorth who will be serving the parish of Faughart.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP  are back Monday 12th Sept. At 7:30pm in Resource Centre.

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK: Fr. Vinod has now completed his Camino walk, big well done Fr. Vinod! Please return all remaining sponsor cards and donations to the priests or to the parochial house by Sunday 11th Sept. Many thanks for your support.

UNITY YOGA 6 WEEK COURSE: Starting Saturday 10th Sept. 10am to 11am. Cost €65 for 6 weeks. Contact Jackie at Unity Yoga, 087 6217359 to book a place.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION: The Order of Malta will be holding their Annual Church Gate Collection on the weekend of 17th & 18th September at all churches in the parish.

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland will be holding their Annual Church Gate Collection on the weekend of 24th & 25th September.




Harvest Thanksgiving Mass, Sunday 23rd Oct. – St. Brigid’s Church at 11:00am. Refreshments will be served after mass in the Resource Centre.

All welcome.

Remembrance Mass, Sunday evening 6th Nov.– St. Brigid’s Church at 7:00pm where we will be remembering our dearly departed. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Resource Centre.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Gina Quigley (MM), Matthew & Catherine McBride, Patty Marmion (Ann), Bernard & Winnifred Duffy & their sons Patrick & Bernard Duffy & Colin Meegan & DFM.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Dan O’Connell (1st Ann), Mary & Matt Coburn (Ann), Margaret (Peggy) Kirk & Benny Kirk (Ann), Joe Reilly. Fr. Malacy Loughran.


Sunday 10.00 a.m. James & Ester O’Hanlon, Patrick & Kathleen O’Hanlon
Friday  7.30 p.m. Kathleen McKeown & DFM.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.  


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Brendan Harrison (BR)
Sunday 12 noon Bridget & Patrick Jennings & DFM
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Barney Malone (Ann)
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Jim & Bridget Califf
Sunday 12:00 noon Veronica Woods & Josephine Woods, Margaret & Thomas McArdle


Saturday   7.30 p.m. Michael Woods (Ann).
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Josephine & Edward Clarke & DFM.


Newsboard – 04/09/2022


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian, Fr.Oliver Stansfield, Deacon George Kingsnorth

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown: €469.00 Kilcurry: €420.95 Brid-a-Chrin: €187.67 Faughart: €269.70 Non-Envelope Collection: €636.00  Faughart Candelabra: €318.91 Kilcurry Candelabra: €445.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Baby Nina Heffernan and Vincent Heeney who died during the week.  May they rest in peace.

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Laura Browne & Shane McKenna who were married recently.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Shauna Nicole McGahon & Fiadh Dearbhla Burlingham who were baptised last weekend.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday 6th September at 7.30pm in Parochial House.

We welcome to Our Parish Deacon George Kingsnorth who will be serving the Parish of Faughart.

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary next Thursday.

COVID REMEBERANCE MASS: A mass will be celebrated in St Marys Church, Lordship on Thursday 8th Sept @ 7.30pm. All are invited to attend. We have lost loved ones, neighbours, Parishioner’s and friends over the last 2.5 years. This is an ideal opportunity to celebrate the lives of the deceased and for the community to now join with all those who were bereaved. We will pray for all families who have lost loved ones during this difficult time. During the mass a Remembrance Candle and our Tree of Hope will be blessed. Ribbons are available should you wish to include a loved one’s name on “OUR TREE OF HOPE”

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK- ST. BRIGID’S CHURCH PAINTING PROJECT: Fr. Vinod has now completed his Camino walk, big well-done Fr. Vinod! Please return all remaining sponsor cards and donations to the priests or to the Parochial House by Sunday 11th September.   Many thanks for your support.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS GROUP: The bottle bank in Kilcurry has for some time been treated by a few individuals as a dumping ground. To eliminate this problem CCTV will monitor the area and prosecution of people identified will follow. If it does not belong in the bottle bank, take it home. Do not leave your rubbish for somebody else to clean up.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION: St Vincent de Paul will be holding a Church Gate Collection this weekend in our churches.

The Order of Malta will be holding their annual Church Gate Collection on the weekend of the 17th & 18th of September at our churches.

CHILD MINDER REQUIRED: Falmore/Kilcurry area, for a ten-month-old baby in owners’ home or child minders house.  Please contact 086 3446135.












Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Ciaran Rice, Eamonn Carroll and Michael Flynn; Christina Begley (Anni)

Tommy Gartlan; Michael, Elizabeth and Peter Cunningham; Michael Hamilton (Anni). Jack McWall (Anni).

Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Lochlinn Haughey, Ethel Haughey & Siblings.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Matthew & Catherine McBride. Patty Marmion (Anni). Bernard & Winnifred Duffy & their Sons. Patrick, Bernard Duffy & Colin Meegan & D.F.M.

Gina Quigley (MM)

Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. James & Ester O Hanlon. Patrick & Kathleen O Hanlon.
Saturday  6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12 noon Ann Mc Geown (Anni). Ruth Jennings & D.F.M.
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Brendan Harrison (BR). Jim & Bridget Califf.
Sunday 12:00 noon Bridget & Patrick Jennings & D.F.M.
Saturday 7.30pm Eoin Quinn (Anni).
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Michael Woods (Anni)


Newsboard – 28/08/2022


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown: €244.52 Kilcurry: €415.00 Brid-a-Chrin: €203.60 Faughart: €204.30 Non-Envelope Collection: €410.00.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday is the First Friday.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Niamh Murphy (nee Mackin) who died during the week.  May she rest in peace.

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Alannah Mc Laughlin and Conall Mc Keever who were married recently.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Vogue Fiona Morrissey who was baptised last weekend.

MARY SUPREME APOSTOLATE – MASS:  Mass of Healing and Comfort for all but especially for those who are suicidal and those who have lost loved ones by suicide in St. Joseph’s Church Castletown on Friday 2nd September at 6pm.

COVID REMEBERANCE MASS: A mass will be celebrated in St Marys Church, Lordship on Thursday 8th Sept @ 7.30pm. All are invited to attend. We have lost loved ones, neighbours, Parishioner’s and friends over the last 2.5 years. This is an ideal opportunity to celebrate the lives of the deceased and for the community to now join with all those who were bereaved. We will pray for all families who have lost loved ones during this difficult time. During the mass a Remembrance Candle and our Tree of Hope will be blessed. Ribbons are available should you wish to include a loved one’s name on “OUR TREE OF HOPE”

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK- ST. BRIGID’S CHURCH PAINTING PROJECT: Fr. Vinod has now completed his Camino walk, big well-done Fr. Vinod! Please return all remaining sponsor cards and donations to the priests or to the Parochial House by Sunday 11th September.   Many thanks for your support.

  1. BRIEGE MISSION: In the Church of the Holy Redeemer, Dundalk from 29th August until 1st September.  There will be two daily sessions at 10am and 7pm.  The theme of the Mission is;  “Reconciliation”,  “ Prayer and the Power of the Holy spirit” The Eucharist-The Source and Summit of our faith” and “ Healing and the Power of the Cross”.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS GROUP: The bottle bank in Kilcurry has for some time been treated by a few individuals as a dumping ground. To eliminate this problem CCTV will monitor the area and prosecution of people identified will follow. If it does not belong in the bottle bank, take it home. Do not leave your rubbish for somebody else to clean up.

LMETB REGIONAL SKILLS & TRAINING CENTRE: Are you interested in turning a new leaf with new skills this Autumn? LMETB offer a range of accredited evening courses in: Computing, Business, Management, Welding, Engineering to name a few. Courses are free to jobseekers and people in employment may be eligible for free/reduced course fees under the “Skills to Advance” Employee Development initiative subject to certain criteria.

You can apply online now for courses starting in September by logging onto or call 9355794 for details of evening courses.

CHILD MINDER REQUIRED: Falmore/Kilcurry area, for a ten-month-old baby in owners’ home or child minders house.  Please contact 086 3446135.




Sunday 11.00 a.m. Richard & Jim Goss (Anni). Harry & Sinead Reilly. Kathleen Keegan (Anni). 

Eilish Keegan (Anni)

Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Ethel and Loughlin Haughey and DFM.

Frank Farrell.

Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Ciaran Rice, Eamonn Carroll and Michael Flynn; Christian Begley (Anni) 

Tommy Gartlan; Michael, Elizabeth and Peter Cunningham; Michael Hamilton (Anni)

Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid Gernon-Kilbride (Anni) Frank Finnegan (Anni) Patricia Ryan (Anni)
Friday 7.30 p.m. Jackie Callan (3rd Anni) Baby Maisie Callan (3rd Anni)
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m.
Saturday 6.00 p.m. Mary Bishop (Anni). Peter & Mollie Callan.
Sunday 12 noon Ester Duffy (Anni) Sean and Felicia Kellegher (Anni)
Monday 7.00 p.m. Maurice Carville (Anni)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10:00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m.
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 noon Ann Mc Geown (Anni)
Saturday 7.30pm
Next Saturday 7:30 pm


Newsboard – 21/08/2022


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown: €210.41 Kilcurry: €365.40 Brid-a-Chrin: €162.80 Faughart: €129 Non-Envelope Collection: €565.00 Candleabra: €37.20

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Seamus Harry Watters who was baptised last weekend.

COVID REMEBERANCE MASS: A mass will be celebrated in St Marys Church, Lordship on Thursday 8th Sept @ 7.30pm. All are invited to attend. We have lost loved ones, neighbours, Parishioner’s and friends over the last 2.5 years. This is an ideal opportunity to celebrate the lives of the deceased and for the community to now join with all those who were bereaved. We will pray for all families who have lost loved ones during this difficult time. During the mass a Remembrance Candle and our Tree of Hope will be blessed. Ribbons are available should you wish to include a loved one’s name on “OUR TREE OF HOPE”


Fr. Vinod is walking the Camino Primitivo from Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela (walking 320 km approximately in 13 days) he started on the 10th August and he asks all Parishioners to support him by sponsoring him. Donations can be given at any of Churches, envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided in all Churches. Could all remaining sponsor cards and donations be left with the priest or at the Parochial House. Many Thanks for your support.


This bus operates on Fridays, picks up at your house and delivers you back home.  It is a great way to get to town and back with no looking for parking or charges the price is free for all who hold a free travel pass or 4€ return to Dundalk for anyone who has no free travel pass.   It is a great way to meet up with neighbours, get to appointments, have a coffee, or shop. Contact Brendan on 087 323 0048. Route includes Faughart, Kilcurry, Lurgankeel, Dungooley, Roche, Hacksballscross and Sheelagh. If anyone wishes to be picked up please phone 087 323 0048 and give your postcode to be collected.


The bottle bank in Kilcurry has for some time been treated by a few individuals as a dumping ground. To eliminate this problem CCTV will monitor the area and prosecution of people identified will follow. If it does not belong in the bottle bank, take it home. Do not leave your rubbish for somebody else to clean up.






LMETB REGIONAL SKILLS & TRAINING CENTRE: Are you interested in turning a new leaf with new skills this Autumn? LMETB offer a range of accredited evening courses in: Computing, Business, Management, Welding, Engineering to name a few. Courses are free to jobseekers and people in employment may be eligible for free/reduced course fees under the “Skills to Advance” Employee Development initiative subject to certain criteria.

You can apply online now for courses starting in September by logging onto or call 9355794 for details of evening courses.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Michael and Brigid Lennon; Gerard Toner.

Mary O Connell (Anni)

Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Richard & Jim Goss (Anni). Harry & Sinead Reilly. Kathleen Keegan (Anni).

Eilish Keegan (Anni)

Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Brigid Gernon-Kilbride (Anni) Frank Finnegan (Anni) Patricia Ryan (Anni)
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Molly Mc Gee; Kelvin and Raymond Murray; Gavin Grills.
Sunday 12 noon John Joe Brennan (MM)
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Mary Bishop (Anni). Peter & Mollie Callan.
Sunday 12:00 noon Ester Duffy (Anni)
Saturday 7.30pm  
Next Saturday 7:30 pm  


Newsboard – 14/08/2022

   NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown: €350.85 Kilcurry: €398.70

Brid-a-Chrin: €336.58 Faughart: €258.91 Non-Envelope Collection: €490.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPSOSE OF: Regina (Gina) Quigley who died during the week.  May she rest in peace.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be mass on Monday at 11am in Kilcurry and Castletown 7pm – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Donnacha Shea O’ Connor who was baptised last weekend.

CONGRATULATIONS: To Tracey Mc Quillan and Anthony Mc Laughlin who were married recently.


Fr. Vinod is walking the Camino Primitivo from Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela (walking 320 km approximately in 13 days) he started on the 10th August and he asks all Parishioners to support him by sponsoring him with whatever you can afford, even a small donation will be very welcome as the fund will grow if everybody helps.  Donations can be given at any of Churches, envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided in all Churches.  Thank you most sincerely to everyone who has donated so far and please keep the donations coming.

PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: with Mary’s Supreme Apostolate on Monday, 15th of August, to pray for those who are suicidal and those affected by suicide.  Bus leaves Kilcurry chapel at 7.15am and St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown at 7.30am.  Contact Noreen at 0857617058.


This bus operates on Fridays, picks up at your house and delivers you back home.  It is a great way to get to town and back with no looking for parking or charges the price is free for all who hold a free travel pass or 4€ return to Dundalk for anyone who has no free travel pass.   It is a great way to meet up with neighbours, get to appointments, have a coffee, or shop. Contact Brendan on 087 323 0048. Route includes Faughart, Kilcurry, Lurgankeel, Dungooley, Roche, Hacksballscross and Sheelagh. If anyone wishes to be picked up please phone 087 323 0048 and give your postcode to be collected.


The bottle bank in Kilcurry has for some time been treated by a few individuals as a dumping ground. To eliminate this problem CCTV will monitor the area and prosecution of people identified will follow. If it does not belong in the bottle bank, take it home. Do not leave your rubbish for somebody else to clean up.”




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Claire McGrath (MM).  Ciaran McKeever.  Peggy and Gerry McGeough.

Rosaleen Loughran (Anni).

Monday 11.00a.m. Robert Mc Kay (BR)
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Patsy Mc Namee, James, Brigid and Elizabeth Woods. Margaret Lennon 6th (Anni)
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Michael and Brigid Lennon; Gerard Toner.


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Tom Litchfield and Eileen Hamill.  John Begley. May McArdle; Gerard Daly.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Mary and Tommy Flood.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.  


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Patrick and Mary Catherine McGee.

Elizabeth Murden.  Frances White (Anni)

Sunday 12 noon Kathleen Shannon (MM). Ellen Hodgers nee Nelly.  Valerie Owens (Anni)

Rita, John, Laura, Brian and Sandra Mostyn (Anni).   Nelly and John Duffy and Lisa Narine.

Monday  7.00 p.m. Mary and Tom Litchfield; Eileen Brennan, Elizabeth Murden, Sean Murden, Jacqueline Flynn.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Molly Mc Gee; Kelvin and Raymond Murray; Gavin Grills.
Sunday 12:00 noon John Joe Brennan (MM)


Saturday 7.30pm Majella McKeever and Con Morton.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm  


Newsboard – 31/07/2022

NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown: €339.47 Kilcurry: €383.30

Brid-a-Chrin: €180.87 Faughart: €353.40 Non-Envelope Collection: €725.00

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday, if any one would like a visit please contact the Parochial House.

PLEASE NOTE: No mass bank holiday Monday evening in St. Joseph’s.

WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY:  Cillian John Murphy who was baptised recently.

FATIMA 70 CELEBRATION:  Monday 1st August 10am Mass in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown.  There will be a presentation made after mass at 11 am to the longstanding and original members of Fatima as part of the Fatima 70. Mass will be celebrated by Fr. John Mc Ardle originally from Fatima.  All welcome.

S.V.D.P Collection next weekend 6th and 7th August, please give what you can. Thank you.


Fr. Vinod will be walking the Camino Primitivo from Oviedo to Satiago de Compostela (walking 320 km approximately in 13 days) starting on the 10th August and he asks all Parishioners to support him by sponsoring him with whatever you can afford, even a small donation will be very welcome as the fund will grow if everybody helps.  Donations can be given at any of Churches, envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided in all Churches.  Thank you most sincerely to everyone who has donated so far and please keep the donations coming.


This bus operates on Fridays, picks up at your house and delivers you back home.  It is a great way to get to town and back with no looking for parking or charges the price is free for all who hold a free travel pass or 4€ return to Dundalk for anyone who has no free travel pass.   It is a great way to meet up with neighbours, get to appointments, have a coffee, or shop. Contact Brendan on 087 323 0048. Route includes Faughart, Kilcurry, Lurgankeel, Dungooley, Roche, Hacksballscross and Sheelagh. If anyone wishes to be picked up please phone 087 323 0048 and give your postcode to be collected.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS: The judging in the national tidy town’s competition is running for the next several weeks. We ask that people keep outside their perimeter litter free and tidy please. It would be a great help to our efforts if this was done, and would be appreciated by our volunteers.


TRIP TO KNOCK SHRINE: Bus from Friary Church, Dundalk to Knock Shrine on Monday 1st August. For day of prayer for Priests with Sr. Briege. For bus details call Phil on 086-0638452.

FIT KIDS SUMMER CAMP: In Kilcurry Community Centre. 4 to 8-year olds. August 2nd to 4th. €50 per child, 10am to 2pm. To book call or text Niall on 087-6724411.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Fintan Conlon (Anni) Darragh Craven; Peter, Aileen, Mary Mc Ardle and D.F.M.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Kathleen and Desmond O’ Hare (Roskeagh) John and Rosanne Rafferty; Rose Martin; Margaret Mc Namee; John and Joan Reilly.




Sunday 10.00 a.m. John and Nora Mc Shane and D.F.M.
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Peter, Tommy and Maura Dullaghan; Peter and Katie Kavanagh and DFM; Niall Craven 2nd Anni


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Brian Sherry and DFM; Christopher Mc Quillian.
Sunday 12 noon  
Monday  7.00 p.m. NO MASS
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Benny and May O’ Callaghan and D.F.M
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Pat Murphy (MM) Brigid, Edward and Noel Hoey; Patricia and Paddy Ellis; Paddy and Eileen Leavy; Margaret Bishop (BR)
Sunday 12:00 noon Farrell, Philomena and Thomas Scanlon.


Saturday 7.30pm John and James Quinn and DFM
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Henry Dooley and D.F.M; Josie Mc Conville.


Newsboard – 24/07/2022


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown: €160.00  Kilcurry: €446.20

Brid-a-Chrin: €243.15 Faughart: €236.00 Non-Envelope Collection: €435.00.


WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF:  Kathleen Shannon and John Joe Brennan who died recently.  May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY:  Kyler Michael Smyth Mc Shane and Eimile Brigid Mc Nally who were baptised recently.

FATIMA 70 CELEBRATION:  Monday 1st August 10am Mass in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown.  There will be a presentation made after mass at 11 am to the longstanding and original members of Fatima as part of the Fatima 70. Mass will be celebrated by Fr. John Mc Ardle originally from Fatima.  All welcome.

FEAST DAY OF BLESSED SOLANUS CASEY: Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 30th July at St. Brigid’s, Kilcurry, Blessing of 1st Class Relic. All welcome.


Fr. Vinod will be walking the Camino, starting on the 10th August and he asks all Parishioners to support him by sponsoring him with whatever you can afford, even a small donation will be very welcome as the fund will grow if everybody helps.

Donations can be given at any of Churches, envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided in all Churches.  Thank you most sincerely for your support.


This bus operates on Fridays, picks up at your house and delivers you back home.  It is a great way to get to town and back with no looking for parking or charges the price is free for all who hold a free travel pass or 4€ return to Dundalk for anyone who has no free travel pass.   It is a great way to meet up with neighbours, get to appointments, have a coffee, or shop. Contact Brendan on 087 323 0048. Route includes Faughart, Kilcurry, Lurgankeel, Dungooley, Roche, Hacksballscross and Sheelagh. If anyone wishes to be picked up please phone 087 323 0048 and give your postcode to be collected.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS: The judging in the national tidy town’s competition is running for the next several weeks. We ask that people keep outside their perimeter litter free and tidy please. It would be a great help to our efforts if this was done, and would be appreciated by our volunteers.

TRIP TO KNOCK SHRINE: Bus from Friary Church, Dundalk to Knock Shrine on Monday 1st August. For day of prayer for Priests with Sr. Briege. For bus details call Phil on 086-0638452.

FIT KIDS SUMMER CAMP: In Kilcurry Community Centre. 4 to 8-year olds. August 2nd to 4th. €50 per child, 10am to 2pm. To book call or text Niall on 087-6724411.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


John Mc Cann (MM) Damien Rogers; Patrick, Alice and Kathleen Hynes and D.F.M; Joseph and Brigid Coburn and DFM; Marie Coburn. Olive O’Connor.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Feast Day Mass- Blessed Solanus Casey
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Fintan Conlon (MM) Darragh Craven; Peter, Aileen, Mary Mc Ardle and D.F.M.


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Gerard Thompson and D.F.M. Judith and Thomas Treanor and D.F.M Drumbilla, Mc Allister family Drumbilla and Powell family.


Friday  7.30 p.m. Teresa and Fergus Grant, Angela Murphy, Briege Grand, Maurie Grant U.S.A and

Family Members.

Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. John and Nora Mc Shane and D.F.M.


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Brendan Carthy
Sunday 12 noon Michael and Bridget Mulligan and their son Patrick Mulligan.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Paul, Maura their daughters Olive, Bridge, Elaine and Majella and all the DFM of the Martin Family.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Brian Sherry and DFM; Christopher Mc Quillian.
Sunday 12:00 noon  


Saturday 7.30pm Paddy and Maggie Tiernan; Miceal, Mary and Geariod O’ Donnell; Thomas Muldoon.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm John and James Quinn and D.F.M.


Newsboard – 17/07/2022


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown: €262.70 Kilcurry: €403.50

Brid-a-Chrin: €186.90 Faughart: €259.10 Non-Envelope Collection: €490.00.


WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE: Clare Mc Grath who died during the week.


WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY: Tadgh James Mc Gee and Annie Brown who were baptised recently.


Thanks to everyone who helped at the presentation of St Patrick’s medal to May Rice last Friday in Brid-A-Crinn.



Fr. Vinod will be walking the Camino, starting on the 10th August and he asks all Parishioners to support him by sponsoring him with whatever you can afford, even a small donation will be very welcome as the fund will grow if everybody helps.

Donations can be given at any of Churches, envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided in all Churches.  Thank you most sincerely for your support.


KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS: The judging in the national tidy town’s competition is running for the next several weeks. We ask that people keep outside their perimeter litter free and tidy please. It would be a great help to our efforts if this was done, and would be appreciated by our volunteers.



This bus operates on Fridays, picks up at your house and delivers you back home.  It is a great way to get to town and back with no looking for parking or charges the price is free for all who hold a free travel pass or 4€ return to Dundalk for anyone who has no free travel pass.   It is a great way to meet up with neighbours, get to appointments, have a coffee, or shop. Contact Brendan on 087 323 0048. Route includes Faughart, Kilcurry, Lurgankeel, Dungooley, Roche, Hacksballscross and Sheelagh. If anyone wishes to be picked up please phone 087 323 0048 and give your Eircode to be collected.


TRIP TO KNOCK SHRINE: Bus from Friary Church, Dundalk to Knock Shrine on Monday 1st August. For day of prayer for Priests with Sr. Briege. For bus details call Phil on 086-0638452.


YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Join over 1000 young people between 16 and 35 this August at the Youth 2000 Summer Festival. The Festival takes place in Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co. Kildare from Thursday 11the August to Sunday 14th August 2022. For more info, go to

FIT KIDS SUMMER CAMP: In Kilcurry Community Centre. 4 to 8-year olds. August 2nd to 4th. €50 per child, 10am to 2pm. To book call or text Niall on 087-6724411.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


John Craig (18th Anni). Eileen, James & Jim McEvoy. Harry & Sinead Reilly. Veronica Dalton (Anni) Annie Rogers.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. John Mc Cann (MM) Damien Rogers; Patrick, Alice and Kathleen Hynes and D.F.M; Marie Coburn. Olive O’Connor.


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Tom and Cissie Treanor and Maura Bret.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Tom Duffy (MM) Paddy Mc Keown and D.F.M
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Gerard Thompson and D.F.M.




Saturday  6.00 p.m. Nancy Harrison (BR)
Sunday 12 noon Rasario Andrews (1st Anni). Ann Dollard (Anni)
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m. John Myles (25th Anni)
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Brendan Carthy
Sunday 12:00 noon Michael and Bridget Mulligan and their son Patrick Mulligan.


Saturday 7.30pm Philomena & Jack McMahon
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Paddy and Maggie Tiernan; Miceal, Mary and Geariod O’ Donnell; Thomas Muldoon.


Newsboard – 03/07/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown €319.00 Kilcurry €336.55

Brid-a-Chrin €135.73 Faughart €237.00 Non-Envelope Collection €527.00. Faughart Candelabra €180.00.

WE PARY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: John Mc Cann, may he rest in peace.

CONGRATULATIONS: To Maeve Campbell and Christopher Casey who were married recently in St. Brigid’ Church.

WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY: Amirah May Murphy Rafferty and Charlie O’ Hare who were baptised recently.


Fr. Vinod will be walking the Camino, starting on the 10th August and he asks all Parishioners to support him by sponsoring him with whatever you can afford, even a small donation will be very welcome as the fund will grow if everybody helps.

Donations can be given at any of Churches, envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided in all Churches.  Thank you most sincerely for your support.

PATRICK’S MEDAL AWARD: May Rice has been our Sacristan in Brid-A-Crinn for over 41 years. Bishop Michael Router will be celebrating Mass to recognise this great achievement with a presentation of the St. Patrick’s Medal on Friday 8th July at 7.30pm in the Church of Most Holy Rosary. Tea and refreshments will be served in Roche Hall, all are Welcome.

NATIONAL PILGRAMAGE TO FAUGHART SHRINE: will take place on Sunday 3rd July at 3p.m. with the procession around the stream, Mass, anointing of the sick and blessing with the relic. Celebrant: Fr. John Fortune IC. All welcome.

S.V.D.P COLLECTION: At all Churches this weekend.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS: The judging in the national tidy town’s competition is running for the next several weeks. We ask that people keep outside their perimeter litter free and tidy please. It would be a great help to our efforts if this was done, and would be appreciated by our volunteers.

NORTH LOUTH HOSPICE: Vintage Tractor and Car Run on Sunday 10th July at 12pm starting at Roche Emmets GAA Club. It will take in Roche, Kilcurry and Faughart area approx. 10 mins.  Refreshments served in Kilcurry Resource Centre afterwards. Registration is €20 per vehicle and we need stewards to help out on the day with traffic control etc. Contact John on 0878153765.

LMFM RADIO MASS: will be recorded in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown on Sunday 16th July at 6pm.




This bus operates on Fridays, picks up at your house and delivers you back home.  It is a great way to get to town and back with no looking for parking or charges the price is 2€ each way or 4€ return to Dundalk.  It is a great way to meet up with neighbours, get to appointments, have a coffee, or shop. Contact Brendan on 087 323 0048. Route includes Faughart, Kilcurry, Lurgankeel, Dungooley, Roche, Hacksballscross and Sheelagh. If anyone wishes to be picked up please phone 087 323 0048 and give your postcode to be collected.

CPR AND AED COURSE: in Kilcurry Community Centre.  On Thursday July 7th at 7pm to 9pm.

Free of charge. Limited spaces available and must be booked before attending. Book a place by contacting 083 899 6992.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Edward and Margaret O’ Hare (Roskeagh) Hugh O’ Hare; Brigid and Alice Reilly; John Mc Kevitt; Hugh Curtis.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Kathleen Hughes and D.F.M. Mark and Catherine Mark and Catherine Marmion and D.F.M. Patrick and Brigid Reilly and D.F.M.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Nora Gernon (Anni) Niall Craven (BR)
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Saturday  6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12 noon Willie and Nancy Parkin; James and Rosie Mellon.
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Rose Myles (MM)
Sunday 12:00 noon Margaret and James Fox and D.F.M; Frank O’ Reilly; Michael, Rose, Michael Jnr, Richie Crosse and D.F.M of the Crosse and Bergin Families.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Mary and Patrick Ferguson and their son Anthony
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Pat Nash and D.F.M.


Newsboard – 19/06/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €319.48  Kilcurry €479.00

Brid-a-Chrin  €208.90   Faughart  €252.60   Non Envelope Collection €1,005.50   Castletown Graveyard €675.00

THANK YOU  To our parishioners on the recent Trocaire appeal. Total amount €3,595.00

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Shea Iarlaith Marmion and Leah Tiernan who was baptised recently.

CONGRATULATIONS to Stephanie Coburn & Darren Watters who were married recently in St. Brigid’s Church

SCOIL BEAG: Scoil Beag is looking to recruit a caretaker under the Community Employment Scheme. The role will include cleaning and general maintenance of the building. The position is for evening work. If interested please contact Catherine or Shauna on 042 9329862.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS The judging in the national tidy towns competition is running for the next several weeks. We ask that people keep outside their perimeter litter free and tidy please. It would be a great help to our efforts if this was done, and would be appreciated by our volunteers.

CONGRATULATIONS to our children from Scoil Eoin Baiste who received the sacrament of Confirmation last weekend. Many thanks to their teachers and parents for preparing them.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Councillor John Reilly will be joining us at 7:30pm on Monday evening.


Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm

Please bring your Holy Water to bless your graves.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP Monday 21st at 7:30pm – Jiving lessons with Sheila. Taking names for our Grand Final night with a choice of menu. Grand Final night Monday 28th June.


Kilcurry church is a very fine church, and is regularly used for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, as well as weekly Masses. However it is over 30 years since it was painted, and the flaking paint on the walls highlights the fact that it is badly in need of a makeover! Parishioners will be delighted to know that the project for this year is to paint the inside of the church. This project will be very expensive and in order to offset the cost, Fr. Vinod will be walking the Camino Primitivo and he asks all parishioners to support him by sponsoring him with whatever you can afford, even a small donation will be very welcome as the fund will grow if everybody helps. Donations can be given at any of the churches. Envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided in all churches. Thank you most sincerely for your support.


NATIONAL PILGRIMAGE TO FAUGHART SHRINE will take place on Sunday 3rd July at 3pm, with the procession around the stream, Mass, anointing of the sick and blessing with the relic. Celebrant Fr. John Fortune IC. All welcome

FIT KIDS SUMMER CAMP in Kilcurry Community Centre. 4 to 8 year olds, August 2nd to 4th. €50 per child, 10am to 2pm. To book, call or text Niall on 087 6724411.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Brian Conlon (Ann), John & Julia McShane, Nuala & Patrick Goss (Ann), Denis & Molly Doyle, John Rafferty & daughter Teresa & DFM, Lily Gartlan (10th Ann)
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Niall Delaney (1st Ann)
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Cecilia Halpenny (BR)
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.  
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Peter Maguire (2nd Ann)
Sunday 12 noon George Savage (Ann), Betty McNally (BR), Jimmy McGovern
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12:00 noon Gerard Costigan
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Fr. Bernard Hughes & Fr. Jim Pollack
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Jack & Margaret Fagan


Newsboard – 12/06/2022

   NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Kilcurry: €567.77.  BAC: €236.85 Castletown: €154.30.  Faughart Shrine: €136.00. Non-Envelope: €513.85. Castletown Candelabra: €52.52

Kilcurry Graveyard Collection: €2,154.35


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Tom Michael McKenna and Raynah Jayne Tuite were baptised last weekend.


WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Rose Myles and Sr Triona McGinty SSL who died during the week. May they rest in Peace.


CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK:  Kilcurry Church is a very fine Church and is regularly used for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, as well as the weekly Masses. However, it is over 30 years since it was painted and the flaking paint on the walls highlights the fact that it is badly in need of a makeover! Parishioners will be delighted to know that the project this year is to paint the inside of the Church.

This project will be very expensive and in order to offset the costs Fr. Vinod will be walking the Camino and he asks all Parishioners to support him by sponsoring him with whatever you can afford, even a small donation will be very welcome as the fund will grow if everybody helps.

Donations can be given at any of Churches, envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided from this weekend.  Thank you most sincerely for your support.


NATIONAL PILGRAMAGE TO FAUGHART SHRINE: will take place on Sunday 3rd July at 3p.m. with the procession around the stream, Mass, anointing of the sick and blessing with the relic. Celebrant: Fr. John Fortune IC. All welcome.


Castletown (New) Sunday June 12th at 7:30pm

Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm

Please bring your Holy Water to bless your grave.

HOLY HOUR: Holy hour for Peace in Ukraine every Monday at St. Joseph’s Church, 6.00 -7.00pm.

Faughart Social Group: Eileen McCann with Meditation on Monday 13th June at 7.30pm.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday 14th June at 7.30pm in the Parochial House.

MANY THANKS: To Catherine & Roisin McEneaney on their recent VHI sponsored Walk with a donation of €500 going towards Parish Funds. Thanks to all who sponsored them. Well Done!!!

SCOIL BEAG: Scoil Beag is looking to recruit a caretaker under the Community Employment Scheme. The role will include cleaning and general maintenance of the building. The position is for evening work. If interested please contact Catherine or Shauna on 042 9329862


UNITY YOGA: 6 Week course starts this Saturday, 10am – 11am. €60 – 6 weeks or €12 – drop in. Contact 087-6217359 or Unity Yoga on Facebook or Instagram.

FIT KIDS SUMMER CAMP: In Kilcurry Community Centre. 4 to 8 year olds. August 2nd to 4th. €50 per child, 10am to 2pm. To book call or text Niall on 087-6724411.


Masses during the week

Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Sean Watters (MM) Brian Sloan (MM) Francie Kirk (Anni)
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Brian Conlon (Anni) Nuala & Patrick Goss (Anni) John & Julia McShane. Dennis & Molly Doyle. John Rafferty, his daughter Teresa & D.F.M, Lily Gartlan (10th Anniv)


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Larry & Kitty Carroll
Friday  7.30 p.m. Vera Kirk
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.  




Saturday  6.00 p.m. Oliver Hand and Deceased Family Members. Eugene Grant. Tom Joe Jordon & Teresa Jordan.
Sunday 12 noon Thomas, Josephine & Paddy Grant.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Dessey McElligot
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m. No Mass
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Patricia Maguire (2nd Anni)
Sunday 12:00 noon George Savage (Anni). Betty McNally (BR). Jimmy McGovern.


Saturday 7.30pm Pat Eaton (Anni).
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Fr. Bernard Hughes & Fr. Jim Pollock.


Newsboard – 05/06/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield  

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown €229.05 Kilcurry €475.15

Brid-a-Chrin €186.50 Faughart €261.40 Non-Envelope Collection €700.00 Faughart Candleabra: €270.00 Brid A Crinn Graveyard Collection €1500.00 & £31.64. Education of Young Priests €620.00.


CAMINO DE SANTIAGO WALK:  Kilcurry Church is a very fine Church and is regularly used for Baptisms, Wedding and Funerals, as well as the weekly Masses. However, it is over 30 years since it was painted and the flaking paint on the walls highlights the fact that it is badly in need of a makeover! Parishioners will be delighted to know that the project this year is to paint the inside of the Church.

This project will be very expensive and in order to offset the costs Fr. Vinod will be walking the Camino and he asks all Parishioners to support him by sponsoring him with whatever you can afford, even a small donation will be very welcome as the fund will grow if everybody helps.

Donations can be given at any of Churches, envelopes and sponsor cards will be provided next weekend.  Thank you most sincerely for your support.

S.V.D.P Collection this weekend at all Churches.

SCOIL BEAG: Scoil Beag is looking to recruit a caretaker under the Community Employment Scheme. The role will include cleaning and general maintenance of the building. The position is for evening work. If interested please contact Catherine or Shauna on 042 9329862


Kilcurry Sunday June 05th at 7:30pm,

Castletown (New) Sunday June 12th at 7:30pm,

Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm

Please bring your Holy Water to bless your grave.



Loving God, We pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them, We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices,

We pray for the world, that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine, and for all the world. Amen


Scoil Phádraig Naofa Green Flag Committee is running a clothes recycling day on Thursday 9th June 2022.  We accept clean clothes, curtains, duvet covers (not duvets or pillows) towels, linens and shoes. Bags can be left into Kilcurry School on Thursday morning from 8.15 until 10.00.  Telephone 042 -9339310.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Michael Duffy (MM) John and Susan Quinn and DFM; Margaret Kearney 5th Anni; Malachy Begley (Anni); Leo and Bridie Gartlan (Anni) Thomas Reilly and D.F.M
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Sean Watters (MM) Brian Sloan (MM) Francie Kirk (Anni)
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Stephen, Geraldine and Samantha Lynch (Anni)

Deceased members and relatives of the Kilkenny Families.


Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Patrick Crilly; Teresa Connolly 2nd Anni.
Sunday 12 noon Iris O’ Sullivan (Anni) Johnny Mc Cabe (Anni)
Monday  7.00 p.m. NO MASS
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Peter and Katie Donnelly and their daughters Ann and Breige, Late of Tattetra and Brid-A-Crinn
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Oliver Hand and Deceased Family Members.
Sunday 12:00 noon Thomas, Josephine and Paddy Grant.
Saturday 7.30 p.m. Eileen and Martin Molloy.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Pat Eaton.


Copies of Totus Tuus magazine are available in all Churches. Please take a copy.

Newsboard – 29/05/2021


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €203.50  Kilcurry €328.60

Brid-a-Chrin  €183.46  Faughart  €323.00  Non Envelope Collection €1,030.00.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Emma Noelle Mc Ardle Schreiber who was baptised recently.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday, if anyone would like visit please contact the Parochial House.

S.V.D.P Collection next weekend at all Churches.

SCOIL BEAG: Scoil Beag is looking to recruit a caretaker under the Community Employment Scheme. The role will include cleaning and general maintenance of the building. The position is for evening work. If interested please contact Catherine or Shauna on 042 9329862


Brid-A-Crin Sunday May 29th at 7:30pm,

Urnai Tuesday May 31st at 7:30pm

Kane Wednesday June 01st at 7:30pm,

Castletown (Old) Thursday June 02nd at 7:30pm,

Kilcurry Sunday June 05th at 7:30pm,

Castletown (New) Sunday June 12th at 7:30pm,

Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm

Please bring your Holy Water to bless your grave.

TROCAIRE BOXES: Please return as soon as possible to the Parochial House or at Mass. Thank you.

HOLY HOUR: Holy hour for peace in Ukraine every Monday at St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown 6:00 to 7:00pm.

Faughart Social Group: Monday evening we will be having Brian Dooley Story telling.  Membership fee now due – all new members welcome.


Loving God, We pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them, We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices,

We pray for the world, that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine, and for all the world. Amen



PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE: Departing from Dundalk on Wednesday 22 June for 7 nights – cost €765 Spiritual Advisor Fr. Paul Montague, Reaghtown Parish. Phone James on 087-2202173 for more details.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Alan McGeough (MM), Hugh McDonald (MM), Bernard, Bessie & Briege McArdle, Robert & Margaret Moore; Margaret (Peggy) Kerr.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Michael Duffy (MM) John and Susan Quinn and DFM; Margaret Kearney 5th Anni; Malachy Begley (Anni); Leo and Bridie Gartlan (Anni)
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Mona Rogers (MM) Vera McGuire, Frank & Florie Harvey,


Friday  7.30 p.m. Jim Mc Veigh; Thomas, Teresa and Noreen Mc Donald (Anni)
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m. Stephen, Geraldine and Samantha Lynch (Anni)

Deceased members and relatives of the Kilkenny Families.

Saturday  6.00 p.m. Wall/DeBahl Family; Eithne, Aine, Edward and Kathleen, Nancy, Pat and Maura, Jack, Stephen and Theresa, John, Eddie, Natasha and Teresa.
Sunday 12 noon Jim & Phyliss Mackin, Betty Haque, Molly & Freddie Hearty
Monday  7.00 p.m. Peader Callan (Anni)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Patrick Crilly; Teresa Connolly 2nd Anni.
Sunday 12:00 noon Iris O’ Sullivan (Anni)
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Eileen and Martin Molloy.


Copies of Totus Tuus are available in all Churches. Please take a copy.

Newsboard – 22/05/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €256.17  Kilcurry €473.40

Brid-a-Chrin  €149.78   Faughart  €160.50   Non Envelope Collection €652.00

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Alfie James McDonnell, Foley & Evie Rose McDonnell Foley who were baptised recently.

CONGRATULATIONS to our Children who made their First Holy Communion from Kilcurry National School and Faughart CNS. Thanks to everyone who prepared our young children.


SCOIL BEAG: Scoil Beag is looking to recruit a caretaker under the Community Employment Scheme. The role will include cleaning and general maintenance of the building. The position is for evening work. If interested please contact Catherine or Shauna on 042 9329862.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Councillor John Reilly will be joining us at 7:30pm on Monday evening.



Brid-A-Crin Sunday May 29th at 7:30pm,

Urnai Tuesday May 31st at 7:30pm

Kane Wednesday June 01st at 7:30pm,

Castletown (Old) Thursday June 02nd at 7:30pm,

Kilcurry Sunday June 05th at 7:30pm,

Castletown (New) Sunday June 12th at 7:30pm,

Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm

Please bring your Holy Water to bless your grave.



Loving God, We pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them, We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices,

We pray for the world, that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine, and for all the world. Amen

TROCAIRE BOXES: Please return as soon as possible to the parochial House or at Mass. Thank you.

HOLY HOUR: Holy hour for peace in Ukraine every Monday at St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown 6:00 to 7:00pm.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Colin Meegan (MM).  Thomas & Elizabeth O’Hare & DFM, Leo Grey (Ann), Bridie Stewart (Ann), Mary Smith.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. George & Maggie Murphy (Ann), Tommy & Ellie Duffy (Ann)
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Bernard, Bessie & Briege McArdle, Robert & Margaret Moore, Alan McGeough (MM), Hugh McDonald (MM), Leo & Bridie Gartlan (Ann).
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Tommy Maura & Peter Dullaghan (Anni),
Friday  7.30 p.m. Michael & Bridie Farrelly, & Michael Junior and Fiona & Alan Farrelly, Mary & Gerard Daly (Anni)
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Vera McGuire, Frank & Florie Harvey,

Mona Rogers (MM)

Saturday  6.00 p.m. Peadar Quinn
Sunday 12 noon Seamus McGrane 3rd Anniversary,

Millicent Cunningham (MM)

Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m. Baby Mark Reilly
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12:00 noon Jim & Phyliss Mackin, Betty Haque, Molly & Freddie Hearty
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Clement Finnegan, Edward & Elizabeth Oaks, Carmel McGeough, Annie, John & Sean Campbell & DFM, Jim McFadden & DFM of Duffy Family.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm  


Newsboard – 05/05/2022

   NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Kilcurry: €328.00.  BAC: €251.04 Castletown: €237.00.  Faughart Shrine: 192.50.  Non Envelope: €597.00


Congratulations to the children who received the sacrament of confirmation in Kilcurry last weekend from Kilcurry school and Faughart CNS.  Thanks to everyone who prepared our young children for their Confirmation.


Prayer for the People of Ukraine:

Loving God,

We pray for the people of Ukraine,

For all those suffering or afraid,

That you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world: that in this moment of crisis,

We may reach out in solidarity, to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways, so that peace and justice,

Become a reality for the people of Ukraine and for all the world.




Brid-A-Crin Sunday May 29th at 7:30pm

Urnai Tuesday May 31st at 7:30pm

Kane Wednesday June 01st at 7:30pm,

Castletown (Old) Thursday June 02nd at 7:30pm

Kilcurry Sunday June 05th at 7:30pm

Castletown (New) Sunday June 12th at 7:30pm

Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm


HOLY HOUR: Holy hour for Peace in Ukraine every Monday at St. Joseph’s Church, 6.00 -7.00pm.


Faughart Social Group: Monday 16th May- Willie Cronin will be there with flower arrangements.


TROCAIRE BOXES: Please return as soon as possible to the Parochial House or at Mass. Thank you.




Masses during the week

Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Angela McNamee (MM), Desmond Hughes (Anni), Robert McKay (Anni), Frank, Fergal & Frances Haughey, Patrick & Brid Mackin. & DFM. Patrick & Bridie Shiels & DFM.  Deceased family members of the Mc Gee and Mc Cartney Families. Jenny Muckian.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Colin Meegan (MM).  Thomas & Elizabeth O’ Hare & Deceased family members, Leo Grey (Anni), Bridie Stewart (Anni), Mary Smith (Anni).


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Bobby McConnell.  Peter Dullaghan (Birthday rem.)
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Tommy, Maura and peter Dullaghan.


Saturday  6.00 p.m. David Noone.  Brendan Harrison
Sunday 12 noon Frances Cullen nee Fitzgerald (MM).
Monday  7.00 p.m. Sean McDermott.  James, Mary, Enda and Marie McDermott.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Special Intention
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Peadar Quinn.
Sunday 12:00 noon Seamus McGrane.


 Saturday 7.30pm Kathleen and Matthew Kane.  Hugh, Mary and Brian Murphy.  Seamus and Patsy Doherty.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Edward & Elizabeth Oakes, Carmel McGeough, Annie, John & Sean Campbell & Deceased family members. Jim McFadden & Duffy Families & Deceased family members


Newsboard – 01/05/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €298.00 Kilcurry €655.00

Brid-a-Chrin  €208.50   Faughart  €317.50  Non Envelope Collection €666.00 Faughart Candleabra €190.00.


WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Hugh Mc Donald, Ann Monica Rogers, Alan Mc Geough and Sean Watters who died recently. May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Maisie Bernadette Butler, Fiadh Alice Nuala Dullaghan and Danann Conor Terence Mc Dongh  who were baptised last weekend.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday, if anyone would like a visit please contact the Parochial House.

S.V.D.P. Collection this weekend at all Churches.

MARY’S SUPREME APOSLATE – Mass for comfort and healing for everyone but especially for those who have lost loved ones by suicide and for those who are suicidal in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown at 6pm on Friday 6th May.


Brid-A-Crin Sunday May 29th at 7:30pm

Urnai Tuesday May 31st at 7:30pm

Kane Wednesday June 01st at 7:30pm,

Castletown (Old) Thursday June 02nd at 7:30pm

Kilcurry Sunday June 05th at 7:30pm

Castletown (New) Sunday June 12th at 7:30pm

Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm

HOLY HOUR: Holy hour for Peace in Ukraine every Monday at St. Joseph’s Church, 6.00 -7.00pm.

TROCAIRE BOXES: Please return as soon as possible to the Parochial House or at Mass. Thank you.


On behalf of the committee, thank you to all who joined us for the Urnai Challenge.  Your generosity raised the sum of €3,155.00.  Thank you to all who gave their time to help on the day, to all who donated refreshments, balloons, gazebo and the drone footage.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS GROUP:Want to thank everybody who helped with the clean- up in the last week. Check Kilcurry Tidy-towns Facebook page for evidence of the amount gathered.  We appeal to people to keep the area tidy especially outside of your own property.

UNITY YOGA: 6- week course starts Saturday 23rd April. 10am – 11am. €60 – 6 weeks or €12 – drop in.  Contact 087 621 7359 or Unity Yoga on Facebook or Instagram.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING: Jump’ n’ Jig classes 5.30pm to 6.30pm on Thursdays in Community Centre.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Joan Kinney; Bernard Mc Ardle; Seamus Reilly (Anni) Eddie Flynn (Anni) Michael Murphy (Red Cow) Bridget, Agnes Whelan, John and Margaret Murray; Ian Mc Kenna, Peter and Veronica Mc Kenna.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. No Mass
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Desmond and Kathleen O’ Hare, Roskeagh; William and Bridget Flanagan (Anni) Carmel Mc Geough (Anni) Betty Bergin (Anni) Peter Murray and D.F.M.


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Patsy Rogers (Anni)
Friday  7.30 p.m. Hughie and Bridget Grant (Anni)
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.  


Saturday  6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12 noon Gerry Maguire (MM) Patrick and Rose Sherry (Anni) Lilly and Paddy Kirk; Steven and Winifred Conroy and Deceased Members of the Conroy Family.
Monday  7.00 p.m. No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Aiden O’ Donohoe (6th Anni)
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Farrell, Thomas Scanlon and Philomena  Scanlon.
Sunday 12:00 noon Stephen Begley; John Mc Areavey.


 Saturday 7.30pm Jim Gribben.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Francie and Ciaran Bergin.


Newsboard – 24/04/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €716.10  Kilcurry €892.80

Brid-a-Chrin  €437.94   Faughart  €457.90   Non Envelope Collection €745.00 Good Friday Collection €169.00.

THANKS: To all our Parishioners for the Easter collection for the Priest of the Parish – €2,380.00.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Frances Cullen, Angela McNamee, Colin Meegan, Michael Duffy and Millicent Cunningham who died recently. May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Lara Carmel Mc Knight and Lachlan Francis Bergin who were baptised last weekend.

CONGRATULATIONS to Stephaine Morgan and John Rafferty who were married during the week.


Brid-A-Crin Sunday May 29th at 7:30pm

Urnai Tuesday May 31st at 7:30pm

Kane Wednesday June 01st at 7:30pm,

Castletown (Old) Thursday June 02nd at 7:30pm

Kilcurry Sunday June 05th at 7:30pm

Castletown (New) Sunday June 12th at 7:30pm

Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm

HOLY HOUR: Holy hour for Peace in Ukraine every Monday at St. Joseph’s Church, 6.00 -7.00pm.

TROCAIRE BOXES: Please return as soon as possible to the Parochial House or at Mass. Thank you.

FAUGHART LOURDES PILGIMAGE: September 26th– October 1st – Fare €750.00, All welcome.  Meeting for working in Parochial House Tuesday 26th April at 8pm.


Prayer for the People of Ukraine

Loving God, We pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid,

That you will be close to them and protect them, We pray for world leaders

For compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices,

We pray for the world, that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity

to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine, and for all the world. Amen




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Larry and Susan Montgomery and DFM Kathleen Dunne & Burns Family, Jimmy & Bridget Rafferty and DFM, Bridget McKay (Ann)
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Joan Kinney; Bernard Mc Ardle; Seamus Reilly (Anniversary) Eddie Flynn (Annniversary) Ian Mc Kenna, Peter and Veronica Mc Kenna.


Sunday 10.00 a.m. James Green (1st Ann), Eilish Green (MM),

Jim Craven

Friday  7.30 p.m.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Benny & Peggy McConnon (BR), Briege Meegan Grant
Sunday 12 noon Ann Mc Ardle (Anni) Jimmy McKenna (Anni), Peter Dollard, Sean & Mary Holland, John & Mary Savage (Anni), George Savage (BR), Seamus Connolly (2nd Anni) Annette Keelan.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Angela Callan (Anni)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10:00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m.
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 noon Gerry Maguire (MM) Patrick and Rose Sherry (Anni) Lilly and Paddy Kirk; Steven and Winifred Conroy and Deceased Members of the Conroy Family.


 Saturday 7.30pm
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Jim Gribben (Anni)


Newsboard – 17/04/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €483.20  Kilcurry €391.00

Brid-a-Chrin  €327.87   Faughart  €196.30   Non Envelope Collection €565.00  Kilcurry Candleabra  €395.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Frances Cullen, Angela McNamee, Patrick Nash (Manchester) formally Kilcurry and Colin Meegan who died recently. May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Indie Casey who was baptised last weekend.

CONGRATULATIONS to Gavin Burns & Carla Clarke who were married last weekend.

SECOND COLLECTION: Second collection in all churches this weekend for the Priests of the Parish. Wishing all our parishioners a very Happy and Joyous Easter.


Brid-A-Crin Sunday May 29th at 7:30pm

Urnaí Tuesday May 31st at 7:30pm

Kane Wednesday June 01st at 7:30pm,

Castletown (Old) Thursday June 02nd at 7:30pm

Kilcurry Sunday June 05th at 7:30pm

Castletown (New) Sunday June 12th at 7:30pm

Faughart Sunday June 19th at 7:30pm

WALK FOR LIFE DUBLIN TO DUNGANNON: Armagh Tigers Charitable Trust is appealing for people to join a charity walk, in aid of World Vision Korogocho Slum School Kenya Project, and Diabetes Education & Awareness in Ireland. The 100 mile walk which takes place on Saturday April 23rd, will be divided into 10 legs each consisting of 10 miles, opening up the event up to everyone to help support the two very worthwhile causes. To sign up visit for more information.

HOLY HOUR: No Holy hour at St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown on Bank Holiday Monday.

KILCURRY TIDY TOWNS GROUP: Spring clean Saturday 23rd April. Community Centre opened from 9am if you need litter pickers, Hi viz, gloves or bags. Any queries please contact 087 3675828. Thank you to all who are continually picking up litter in their area/road. We really appreciate what you are all doing.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE: We the committee would like to thank everyone who helped and took part in the Walk with Charlie Urnai Challenge. Total amount raised €2,985.00 & £140. Great time had by all.

Please note there will be no mass on Bank holiday Monday (evening mass) in St. Joseph’s Church.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Cyril & Peter Finnegan, Feede (Ann), Anne McKay (20th Ann. Formerly Manchester), Sean Lynch (1st Ann), Harry & Sinead Reilly
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Larry and Susan Montgomery and DFM Kathleen Dunne & Burns Family, Jimmy & Bridget Rafferty and DFM, Bridget McKay (Ann)


Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid Gernon Kilbride (BR), Nuala, Colm & Matthew Farrelly, Ben Flynn
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. James Green (1st Ann), Eilish Green (MM),

Jim Craven



Saturday  6.00 p.m. Ann Murray, William & Mary Watters
Sunday 12 noon Jim & Deborah Waring, Pauric Kelly (Ann), Francis (Fra) Rafferty
Monday  7.00 p.m. No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Rosario Andrews
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Maura McCourt
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Benny & Peggy McConnon (BR), Briege Meegan Grant
Sunday 12:00 noon Jimmy McKenna (Ann), Peter Dollard, Sean & Mary Holland, John & Mary Savage (Ann), George Savage (BR), Seamus Connolly (2nd Ann)


Easter Sunday 6.00am Dawn Mass at 6:00am at Faughart Graveyard
Next Saturday 7:30 pm  


Newsboard – 10/04/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown  €275.75  Kilcurry  €447.40 Brid-a-Chrin  €204.11   Faughart  €295.17   Non-Envelope Collection €580.00.    Faughart Shrine  €195. 65  £15 stg

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF:  Gerry Maguire who died during the week.  May he rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY:  Moira Alice Fitzpatrick-Smith;  Stephen Brendan Watters;  Hannah and Ashling Kelly McGahon and Halleluyah Williams who were baptised recently.

HOLY HOUR: every Monday from 6 – 7.00 p.m for Peace in Ukraine. All welcome.

LENTEN PRAYER GROUP: You are invited to join the Lenten Prayer Group every Thursday during Lent, from 2 – 3 p.m in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown, starting on 3rd March. The meetings will focus on the themes of the Sunday readings. Everyone welcome.

GOOD FRIDAY collection for the Holy Places.  Easter Sunday for the Priests of the Parish.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE:  We, the Committee, would like to thank everyone who helped and took part in the Walk With Charlie Urnai Challenge.  Total amount raised will be published next week as donations are still bein received.  A fantastic day was had by all.

FAUGHART SOCIAL CLUB are back next week, Monday, 11th April, 7.00 p.m. with bingo and chat and supper.  Discussions on future events on the night.

KILCURRY TOWNS GROUP  –  Spring Clean on Saturday, 23rd April.  Community Centre open from 9.00 a.m. if you need litter pickers, gloves, hi viz or bags.  Any queries contact 086 3675828.  Thank you to all who are continuously picking up litter in their area/road  We really appreciate what you are all doing.


St. Joseph’s Fatima:

Monday: 7.30 p.m Penitential (Confessions) Service.

Good Friday 6.00 p.m Celebration of the Lord’s passion, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion.

Holy Saturday 6.00 p.m Blessing of the New Fire, Paschal Candle, Baptismal Water and the First Mass of Easter.

Easter Sunday: Mass at 12 noon.

St. Brigid’s Kilcurry:

Holy Thursday 7.00 p.m Mass, Washing of the feet, procession to the Altar of Repose.

Holy Saturday 7.00 p.m Blessing of the new fire, Paschal Candle, Baptismal Water and the First Mass of Easter.

Easter Sunday Mass at 11.00 a.m.

Holy Rosary B.A.C:

Holy Thursday: 6.00 p.m  Mass, Washing of the feet, procession to the Altar of Repose.

Holy Saturday 7.30 p.m  Blessing of the new fire, Paschal Candle, Baptismal Water and the First Mass of Easter.

Easter Sunday Mass at 10am.


Good Friday 3.00 p.m Stations of The Cross. Dawn Mass at 6.00 a.m.  Easter Sunday – Faughart Grave Yard (Summit of hill of Faughart)

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Sunday 5 p.m in Faughart during Lent


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Hughie McGivern (Month’s Mind);  Sheila Watters (2nd Anniversary);  Molly Watters;  Rose and Seamus Watters;  Margaret and Joe McNamee and Deceased Family Members; Dennis (Dinny) Casey
Holy Thursday  7.00 p.m.  
Holy Saturday 7.00 p.m. Blessing of the New Fire, Paschal Candle, Baptismal Water and First Mass of Easter
Easter Sunday 11.00 a.m. Cyril and Peter Finnegan (Feede) (Anniversary);  Anne McKay (20th Anniversary) (formerly Manchester)
Sunday 10.00 a.m. John and Kathleen Thornton and Deceased Family Members
Holy Thursday 6.00 p.m. Brendan O’Callaghan (Anniversary); Kevin Campbell;  John and Mary Doherty
Holy Saturday  7.30 p.m. Blessing of the new fire, Paschal Candle, Baptismal Water and the First Mass of Easter
Easter Sunday  10.00 a.m. Brigid Gernon (Kilbride) (Birthday Remembrance);  Nuala and Colm Farrelly and Matthew Farrelly
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Michael and Ann Morton (Anniversary)
Sunday 12 noon Maura McCourt (Month’s Mind)
Monday  7.30 p.m. Penitential Service (Confessions Service) Tim and Mary and Eugene and Tom Litchfield
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Holy Thursday 6.00 p.m.  
Good Friday 6.00 p.m..  
Holy Saturday 6.00 p.m. Anne Murray;  William and Mary Watters
Easter Sunday 12:00 noon  Jim and Deborah Waring;  Pauric Kelly (Anniversary)
Saturday 7.30 p.m  
Good Friday 3.00 p.m.  
Easter Sunday   Dawn mass at 6.00 am at Faughart graveyard.



Newsboard – 03/04/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown €199.00 Kilcurry €1308.33

Brid-a-Chrin €121.35   Faughart €200.60   Non-Envelope Collection €425.00. Ukriane Collection: 3,285.00.

Many Thanks to all who donated to the special collection for Ukraine.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Marion Kieran (nee) Mc Guinness who died recently.  May she rest in peace.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Sunday 5pm in Faughart during Lent

HOLY HOUR: every Monday from 6 – 7pm for Peace in Ukraine. All welcome.

LENTEN PRAYER GROUP: You are invited to join the Lenten Prayer Group every Thursday during Lent, from 2 – 3pm in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown, starting on 3rd March. The meetings will focus on the themes of the Sunday readings. Everyone welcome.

S.V.D.P COLLECTION: At all Churches this weekend.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING: Jump’n’Jig classes 5:30 to 6:30pm on Thursdays in Community Centre.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE: On Sunday 3rd April 2022. Registration & Parking at DLK Fuels A91 VH75 Registration from 11am to 12:30pm. Registration Fee – Adult €10 or Family €20. Everybody Welcome.

TIDY TOWNS GROUP: Meeting on Monday 4th April in the Community Centre at 8pm.

YOGA CLASSES:  Yoga Class runs for 6 weeks in Kilcurry Community Centre starting 5th March @ 10am, cost is €60. Booking is essential, only 12 spaces available.


St. Joseph’s Fatima:

Monday: 7.30pm Penitential (Confessions) Service.

Good Friday 6.00pm Celebration of the Lord’s passion, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion.

Holy Saturday 6.00pm Blessing of the New Fire, Paschal Candle, Baptismal Waster and the First Mass of Easter.

Easter Sunday: Mass at 12 noon.

St. Brigid’s Kilcurry:

Holy Thursday 7.00pm Mass, Washing of the feet, procession to the Alter Repose.

Holy Saturday 7.00pm Blessing of the new fire, Paschal Candle, Baptismal Water and the First Mass of Easter.

Easter Sunday Mass at 11am.

Holy Rosary B.A.C:

Holy Thursday: 6.00pm Mass, Washing of the feet, procession to the Alter of Repose.

Holy Saturday 7.30pm Blessing of the new fire, Paschal Candle, Baptismal Water and the First Mass of Easter.

Easter Sunday Mass at 10am.


Good Friday 3.00pm Stations of The Cross.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Harry Reilly (MM) Josephine Murphy; Pat Heeney 1st Anni; Padraig Mc Gee (18th Anni) Thomas and Rose Finnegan.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Micheal Nash (Anni) Patrick Mc Donnell (MM)
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Hughie Mc Givern (MM) Sheila Watters (2nd Anni) Molly Watters, Rose and Seamus Watters;

Margaret and Joe Mc Namee and D.F.M; Denis (Dinny) Casey.



Sunday 10.00 a.m. Noel Rice; Aine O’ Callaghan.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Ownie Kirk.  Anna McDonald.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. John and Kathleen Thorton and D.F.M


Saturday  6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12 noon Eilish Mc Nally (1st Anni)
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Malone and Mc Connell Families.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Patrick Duffy and D.F.M
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Michael and Ann Morton (Anni)
Sunday 12:00 noon Maura Mc Court (MM)


Saturday  7.30 p.m. Peter and May Byrne and D.F.M; Helen Hughes and D.F.M. Paul and Lillian Mulkerns and D.F.M.; Francis Gribben.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm  



Newsboard – 27/03/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: – Castletown €324.65 Kilcurry €321.00

Brid-a-Chrin €281.50   Faughart €250.55   Non-Envelope Collection €526.00.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Cayleigh-May Fidelma Flynn- Moran, Jaxon Eamon Flynn, Kate Annie Grills and Nathan Joseph Mullen who was baptised last weekend.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Sunday 5pm in Faughart during Lent

MASSES: Please ensure that your masses are booked for this year as there were no masses on this time last year.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday, if anyone would like a visit from the Priest, please contact the Parochial House.

HOLY HOUR: every Monday from 6 – 7pm for Peace in Ukraine. All welcome.

MARY’S SUPREME APOSTOLATE- Mass of Healing and comfort for everyone who have lost loved ones by suicide and for those who are suicidal in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown at 6.00pm on Friday 1st April.

SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR UKRAINE: The Irish Bishops have asked for a Special Collection to be taken up at all masses on 26/27 March to support Humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, especially the families and children who have had to flee their homeland in advance of the Russian invasion. The proceeds of this Special Collection will be directed to Caritas Internationalis, which is the helping hand of the Church, on the ground in Ukraine, and the surrounding region. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.

LENTEN PRAYER GROUP: You are invited to join the Lenten Prayer Group every Thursday during Lent, from 2 – 3pm in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown, starting on 3rd March. The meetings will focus on the themes of the Sunday readings. Everyone welcome.

S.V.D.P COLLECTION: At all Churches on the 2nd and 3rd April.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING: Jump’n’Jig classes 5:30 to 6:30pm on Thursdays in Community Centre.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE: On Sunday 3rd April 2022. Registration & Parking at DLK Fuels A91 VH75 Registration from 11am to 12:30pm. Registration Fee – Adult €10 or Family €20. Everybody welcome to support these charitable organisations IRISH MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION & PIETA.

TIDY TOWNS GROUP: Meeting on Monday 28th March in Community Centre at 8pm.

YOGA CLASSES:  Yoga Class runs for 6 weeks in Kilcurry Community Centre starting 5th March @ 10am, cost is €60. Booking is essential, only 12 spaces available.

That you will be close to them and protect them, we pray for world leaders

For compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices,


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Sally, Ruby & Charlie Byrne;

John & Anna McNamee.

Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Harry Reilly (MM) Josephine Murphy; Pat Heeney 1st Anni; Padraig Mc Gee (18th Anni) Thomas and Rose Finnegan.


Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Noel Rice; Aine O’ Callaghan.


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Christine Bond, Michael & Alice Farrell, Fr. Aidan Kennedy & DFM, Maura, Patrick & Brian Rafferty & Fidelma Conway, Jim & Bridget Culliff & DFM of the Bell family. Michael Mc Gee.
Sunday 12 noon Noeleen Moore (Anni), Jack & Maura Ferguson
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.  
Sunday 12:00 noon Maura Mc Court (MM) Eilish Mc Nally (1st Anni)


Saturday   7.30 p.m. Donal & Margaret Rogan
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Peter and May Byrne and D.F.M; Helen Hughes.and D.F.M.



Dear lord, please watch over and support all Mothers on Earth and in Heaven and help them to know how much they are loved and appreciated on Mothers Day and every day.

Newsboard – 20/03/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €165.00  Kilcurry €342.00

Brid-a-Chrin  €336.90   Faughart  €269.00   Non Envelope Collection €522.00  Faughart Donation  €240.00


Sr. Anita (Nancy) Morley SSL. May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Cillian James McArdle who was baptised last weekend.

CONGRATULATIONS to Ryan Markey and Chloe Rice who were married in Brid a Crinn recently.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Sunday 5pm in Faughart during Lent

MASSES: Please ensure that your masses are booked for this year as there were no masses on this time last year.

 THANK YOU TO OUR PARISHIONERS who attended the meeting on Monday evening.

HOLY HOUR: every Monday in Fatima from 6 – 7pm for Peace in Ukraine. All welcome.

SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR UKRAINE: The Irish Bishops have asked for a Special Collection to be taken up at all masses on 26/27 March to support Humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, especially the families and children who have had to flee their homeland in advance of the Russian invasion. The proceeds of this Special Collection will be directed to Caritas Internationalis, which is the helping hand of the Church, on the ground in Ukraine, and the surrounding region. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.

LENTEN PRAYER GROUP: You are invited to join the Lenten Prayer Group every Thursday during Lent, from 2 – 3pm in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown, starting on 3rd March. The meetings will focus on the themes of the Sunday readings. Everyone welcome.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING: Jump’n’Jig classes 5:30 to 6:30pm on Thursdays in Community Centre.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE: On Sunday 3rd April 2022. Registration & Parking at DLK Fuels A91 VH75 Registration from 11am to 12:30pm. Registration Fee – Adult €10 or Family €20. Everybody welcome to support these charitable organisations IRISH MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION & PIETA

Prayer for the People of Ukraine

Loving God, We pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid,

That you will be close to them and protect them, We pray for world leaders

For compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices,

We pray for the world, that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity

to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine, and for all the world. Amen



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Margaret Craven, Danny Marmion (1st Ann.) Hugh & Kate Nash & DFM, Elizabeth Hamilton (1st Ann.), Elizabeth Rogers (2nd Ann.). James and Mary McKeown and DFM.  Catherine and James Rafferty and DFM.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Sally, Ruby & Charlie Byrne,

John & Anna McNamee



Sunday 10.00 a.m.   Michael Gernon
Friday  7.30 p.m. Elizabeth (Betty) McLoughlin (Ann.)
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.  


Saturday  6.00 p.m. Raymond Tuite, Una McEvoy (Ann.), Ignatius McGee (10th Ann.), Harry & Dora Matthews
Sunday 12 noon Monica Boland (Ann.) Gerry Rowland (Ann.) Dr. Michael O’Reilly
Monday  7.00 p.m. Barry Kirby, Francis Costello (1st Ann.), his Mum and Dad Frank & Rosaleen Costello, and his niece Charlotte McKeever
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Christine Bond, Michael & Alice Farrell, Fr. Aidan Kennedy & DFM, Maura, Patrick & Brian Rafferty & Fidelma Conway, Jim & Bridget Culliff & DFM of the Bell family
Sunday 12:00 noon Noeleen Moore (Ann.), Jack & Maura Ferguson


Saturday   7.30 p.m.  
Next Saturday 7:30 pm  Donal & Margaret Rogan


Newsboard – 13/03/2022


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Phone: 0429334410

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €395.85   Brid-a-Chrin: €445.08  Faughart: €225.20

Castletown: €303.01 Non-Envelope: €360.00

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Emma Eileen Copas, Logan Anthony Gerard Flynn, Tommy John Treanor.

WE PARY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Patrick Mc Donnell, Harry Reilly and Maura Mc Court. May they rest in Peace.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  Every Sunday at 5 pm in Faughart during Lent.

ST. PATRICKS DAY MASSES: Castletown 10 am and Kilcurry 11 am.

TROCAIRE BOXES:  are available in all churches. Please take one home.

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Thank you for your continued support.  To those who pay by Direct Debit will you please give your envelope number or name as it not always easy connect.

MASSES: Please ensure that your masses are booked for this year as there were no masses on this time last year.

LENTEN PRAYER GROUP – You are invited to join the Lenten Prayer Group every Thursday during lent from 2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. in St Joseph’s Church, Castletown starting on 3rd March.  The meetings will focus on the themes of the Sunday readings.  Everyone welcome.

CALLING ALL PARISHIONERS: We encourage all Parishioners to come to the meeting this Monday evening- 14th March in Kilcurry Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. to discuss what the future needs of the Church are, from a lay person’s perspective.  Pope Francis’s is appealing to Catholics to make their opinions known at Parish level so that future decisions by the Church Hierarchy will reflect the views and needs of both lay people and clergy all of whom are the Church.  Please make a special effort to attend. There is a Questionnaire available in all Churches this weekend.  Please take one home and return it on the night.

YOGA CLASSES: Kilcurry Community Centre, starting Saturday 5th March at 10 a.m.  Cost is €60.00.  Booking is essential only twelve spaces available.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE: On Sunday 3rd April, 2022, registration and parking at DLK Fuels A91 VH75. Registration fee Adult €10 or family €20. Registration from 11am-12.30pm. Everyone welcomes to support the charitable organisations.  Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association and Pieta.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING – Jump’n’jig classes 5.30p.m. to 6.30 p.m on Thursdays in Kilcurry Community Centre.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Michael Marmion 1st Anni; Breige, Sylvester and Eamon Carroll and Deceased Family of the McArdle family.  Lord Ballyedmond.
Thurs-St. Patrick’s Day 11.00 a.m. Lizzy Coburn, Dungooley and D.F.M; Josephine Murphy; Peter McDermott and D.F.M; Kay, Seamus and Thomas Murphy (Anni)
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00a.m Margaret Craven; Danny Marmion 1st Anni; Hugh and Kate Nash and D.F.M; Elizabeth Hamilton  1st Anni; Elizabeth Rogers 2nd Anni
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid Regan, Betty Sands (Anniversary). Willie Treacy.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Kevin and Teresa Mc Keown: Special Intention.
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m. Michael Gernon.
Saturday  6.00pm Megan O’Connor (Anniversary) Veronica Sheils (Anniversary); Frank and Maura Martin: Michael and Alice Farrell and Fr. Aidan Kennedy and D.F.M.
Sunday 12 noon Kathleen Kelly (Anniversary); John and Doris McArdle (nee Cunningham) and Gerry Cunningham: Arthur Mc Ardle Anni;
Monday  7.00 p.m. Ian Browne; Sandra Gorham 1st Anni
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thurs-St. Patricks Day 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Raymond Tuite; Una Mc Evoy Anni: Ignatius Mc Gee 10th Anni; Harry and Dora Matthews.
Next Sunday 12 noon Monica Boland Anni; Gerry Rowland Anni; Dr. Micheal O’ Reilly.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Dennis McCreesh (Culloville). May Savage.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.  


Newsboard – 06/03/2022


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Phone: 0429334410

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €476.00   Brid-a-Chrin: €235.36   Faughart: €220.00

Castletown: €488.70 . Non-Envelope: €442.00

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Seamus Patrick Fearon, Rian Pierce McStravick, Carly Mae Caldwell and Aria Elaine Toner Bradley who were baptised recently.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  Every Sunday at 5 pm in Faughart during Lent.

TROCAIRE BOXES:  are available in all churches. Please take one home.

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:Thank you for your continued support.  To those who pay by Direct Debit will you please give your envelope number or name as it not always easy connect.

MASSES: Please ensure that your masses are booked for this year as there were no masses on this time last year.

CALLING ALL PARISHIONERS: There will be a meeting for Parishioners on Monday 14th March in Kilcurry Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. to have a discussion about what the future needs of the Church are, from a lay person’s perspective.  Pope Francis’s is appealing to Catholics to make their opinions known at Parish level so that future decisions by the Church Hierarchy will reflect the views and needs of both lay people and clergy all of whom are the Church.  Please make a special effort to attend. There is a Questionnaire available in all Churches this weekend.  Please take one home and return it on the night.

  1. VINCENT DE PAUL COLLECTION: This weekend 5th and 6th March in all Churches. Thank you for your support.

YOGA CLASSES: Kilcurry Community Centre, starting Saturday 5th March at 10 a.m.  Cost is €60.00.  Booking is essential only twelve spaces available.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE: On Sunday 3rd April, 2022, registration and parking at DLK Fuels A91 VH75. Registration fee Adult €10 or family €20. Registration from 11am-12.30pm. Everyone welcome to support the charitable organisations.  Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association and Pieta.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING  –  Jump’n’jig classes 5.30p.m. to 6.30 p.m on Thursdays in Kilcurry Community Centre.

COLLECTION FOR UKRAINE  –  The Dinny Casey Staff from Scoil Beag are organising a collection of help for the people of Ukraine.  We are asking for a donation of what you can spare for the collection. We are collecting clothing, dried food, nappies, baby formula, colouring books, sanitary products, toys for kids, first aid supplies, blankets, batteries etc.  Please take donations to the Dinny Casey Room in Kilcurry Community Centre from Monday, 7th March until Friday, 11th March.  All donations greatly appreciated.

LENTEN PRAYER GROUP  – You are invited to join the Lenten Prayer Group every Thursday during lent from 2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. in St Joseph’s Church, Castletown starting on 3rd March.  The meetings will focus on the themes of the Sunday readings.  Everyone welcome.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Peter McKeown (Anniversary); Kathleen and George Coburn
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.
Next Sunday 11.00a.m Michael Marmion (1st Anniversary);  Breige, Sylvester and Eamonn Carroll and Deceased Family of the McArdle family.  Lord Ballyedmond.
Sunday 10.00 a.m.  Patrick and Teresa Lennon and Deceased Family Members
Friday  7.30 p.m. Special Intention.  Patrick and Ita O’Callaghan and D.F.M.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid Regan, Betty Sands (Anniversary). Willie Treacy.
Saturday  6.00pm Jaden Casey and Jack Murden. Patsy Rogers (Birthday Remembrance)
Sunday 12 noon Tom and Joan Kinch, Siobhan Clarke (nee Kinch), Maureen Rajasingham (nee Kinch), Marian Sheridan
Monday  7.00 p.m. Daniel Martin; Alan McShane;  Kathleen Rooney (Anniversary)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m. Michael and Ellen Laverty
Saturday 6.00 p.m.  Megan O’Connor (Anniversary) Veronica Sheils (Anniversary); Frank and Maura Martin
 Sunday 12 noon Kathleen Duffy (Anniversary); John and Doris McArdle (nee Cunningham) and Gerry Cunningham
Saturday   7.30 p.m.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Dennis McCreesh (Culloville), May Savage


Newsboard – 27/02/2022


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Phone: 042 9334410

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €392.60 Brid-a-Chrin: €229.19 Faughart: €112.00

Castletown: €167.00 Non-Envelope: €550.00.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Harry James Larkin, Max McCabe and Ivy Leoni McDermott McKeown who were baptised recently.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday, if you would like a visit from the Priest please contact the Parochial House.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  Every Sunday at 5 pm in Faughart during Lent.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: This Tuesday 1st March at 7.30pm in the Parochial House.

TROCAIRE BOXES:  are available in all churches. Please take one home.

MASSES AND DISTRIBUATION OF ASHES ON ASH WEDNESDAY:  Fatima at 10 am and Kilcurry at 11 am.


Thank you for your continued support.  To those who pay by Direct Debit will you please give your envelope number or name as it not always easy connect.

MASSES: Please ensure that your masses are booked for this year as there were no masses on this time last year.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

MARY’S SUPREME APOSTOLATE: Mass of healing and comfort for everyone but especially for those who have lost loved ones by suicide and for those who are suicidal in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown at 6.00pm on Friday 4th March.

CALLING ALL PARISHIONERS: There will be a meeting for Parishioners on Monday 14th March in Kilcurry Community Centre at 7.30pm to have a discussion about what the future needs of, the Church are, from a lay person’s perspective.  Pope Francis’s is appealing to Catholics to make their opinions known at Parish level so that future decisions by the Church Hierarchy will reflect the views and needs of both lay people and clergy all of whom are the Church.  Please make a special effort to attend.

  1. VINCENT DE PAUL COLLECTION: Next weekend 5th and 6th March in all Churches. Thank you for your support.

BOOKLETS-FAUGHART OF BRIGID: are for sale -€5.00 after-mass in Kilcurry.

YOGA CLASSES: Kilcurry Community Centre, starting Saturday 5th March at 10am.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE: On Sunday 3rd April, registration and parking at DLK Fuels A91 VH75. Registration fee Adult €10 or family €20. Registration from 11am-12.30pm. Everyone welcome to support Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association and Pieta.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Eamon Bennett (Anni) Paddy & Niall Muckian; James Murphy: Katheen Lynch.
Wednesday 11.00a.m. ASH WEDNESDAY
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Nancy McNamee (MM)
Next Sunday 11.00a.m Peter Mc Keown (Anni) Kathleen and George Coburn.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Charles and Ethel Moore (Anni) and Deceased Family Members; Peter Donnelly.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Anne Quigley (1st Anni)
Sunday 10.00 a.m.
Saturday  6.00pm Pa and May Keeley and Deceased Family Members; Thomas O’ Connor.
Sunday 12 noon Special Intention
Monday  7.00 p.m.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. ASH WEDNESDAY
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m.
Saturday 6.00 p.m. Jaden Casey and Jack Murden.
 Sunday 12 noon Tom and Joan Kinch; Siobhan Clarke Nee Kinch; Maureen Rajasingam Nee Kinch; Marrian Sherridan
Saturday   7.30 p.m.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.



Newsboard – 20/02/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-   Castletown  €241.01Kilcurry   €345.99  Brid-a-Chrin   €215.43 Faughart   €181.40    Non Envelope Collection  €460.00 .

Donation  €20.00


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY  Robyn Marie Menary, Rylee Marie Cooper, Shea Patrick Rafferty  who were baptised last weekend.

TROCAIRE BOXES:  are available in all churches. Please take one home.

 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday 22nd Feb @ 7.30pm in the Parochial house.

PARISH ENVELOPES: will be distributed next week.

HOLY HOUR: every Wednesday from 3pm to 4pm at Faughart shrine.

DONATION APPEAL:  We hope you will consider continuing to support Faughart Parish at this time of crisis. We are cutting costs where appropriate but it would be of immense help if you would consider supporting the Parish by direct debit. Bank Account name: Faughart Parochial Account. IBAN IE39 BOFI 9033 6516 2023 01.

UNIVERSAL SYNOD OF THE CHURCH: To help take part in the process the Synodal Group in the Archdiocese of Armagh has organised a virtual consultation that will broadcast twice a day 3pm and 8.30pm, Monday to Friday, from the 7th Feb to the 25th Feb on the St. Patricks Cathedral Webcam, on YouTube at or on the website.

BOOKLET-FAUGHART OF BRIGID: are for sale €5.00 after mass in Kilcurry.

YOGA CLASSES:  Yoga Class runs for 6 weeks in Kilcurry Community Centre starting 5th March @ 10am, cost is €60. Booking is essential, only 12 spaces available.

WALK WITH CHARLIE URNAI CHALLENGE: On Sunday 3rd April 2022. Registration & Parking at DLK Fuels A91 VH75 Registration from 11am to 12:30pm. Registration Fee – Adult €10 or Family €20. Everybody welcome to support these charitable organisations IRISH MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION & PIETA







Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Cissie Treanor, 2nd Anniv. Tom Craig, Mary Finnegan, Bridie Craig, Maura Casey
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Sinead Reilly
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Eamon Bennett





Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday  7.30 p.m.  Nicholas & Rose McElroy, Owen, Maggie & Teresa McElroy.


Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Charles & Ethel Moore and DFM





Saturday  6.00 p.m. Denise Casey & Jenna Casey, Monina Matthews, Patrick McDonagh and David Collins. Sadie & Des Malone, Patrick & Mary Kate Shannon and DFM.
Sunday 12 noon Kathleen & Francis Rafferty, Mena & Bill Petty.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Tim Eugene Litchfield & Joan Agnew.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Philomena Scanlon (BR), Pat & May Kerley and DFM, Thomas O’Connor.


Sunday 12:00 noon  



Saturday   7.30 p.m. Pat Murphy and DFM.


Next Saturday 7:30 pm  


Newsboard – 06/02/2022


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish Phone: 0429334410

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €449.00 Brid-a-Chrin: €322.22 Faughart: €165.00

Castletown: €470.46 Non-Envelope: €475.00

THANKS: To everyone who helped out at Faughart Shrine on St. Brigid’s Day.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Nancy Mc Namee who died during the week.  May she rest in peace.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3.00p.m to 4.00 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

SVDP COLLECTION: At all churches this weekend. Please give what you can.

Donation Appeal:  We hope you will consider continuing to support Faughart Parish at this time of crisis.  We are cutting costs where appropriate but it would be of immense help if you would consider supporting the parish by direct debit.  Bank Account name:  Faughart Parochial Account.  IBAN: IE39 BOFI 90933 6516 2023 01.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  The parish needs new volunteers to join the group which help with the typing of the news board weekly, on a rota basis.  Anyone interested please contact the parochial house.

REACH OUT TO PEOPLE WHO ARE GRIEVING: On Behalf to the HSE: December/January can be a difficult time for people who have experienced loss, and there launched the campaign on social media only, we now intend to intensify messaging and increase awareness by the development of a radio ad in partnership with the IHF and press advertising. We will be focusing on communicating our core messaging and directing people to website and the availability of the National Bereavement Support line.


Wish to thank Faughart Parish Parishioners for their generosity at the Christmas collection. Castletown €375.00, Kilcurry €395.00.

BOOKLETS-FAUGHART OF BRIGID: are for sale -€5.00 after-mass in Kilcurry.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE: Departing from Dundalk 22nd June-29th June Price €715. Spiritual Director Fr. Paul Montague. Contact: James-0872202173 or Tommy-0863597739. Transport to the Airport is extra.






Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Eileen Mc Gee (1st Anni) Special Intention; James and Brigit Mc Donald and Deceased Family Members.  Aiden McBride.  John and May McArdle.
Saturday 10.30a.m
Next Sunday 11.00a.m Joseph and Brigid Coburn; Joe Mc Namee.
Sunday 10.00 a.m.
Friday  7.30 p.m.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. John Maguire: Larry, Roseanne and Gerry Muckian.
Saturday  6.00pm Anne Mee (2nd Anni).  Deceased members of Harrison Family.  Olive Morton and Una Younger.
Sunday 12 noon Pat and Rose Brennan.  Michael Bent.  Bridie McGivern.  Anne Finnegan.
Monday  7.00 p.m.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m.
Saturday 6.00 p.m. Lydia White: Margaret and Justin Muraghan (Anni)
 Sunday 12 noon James Baxter; Aileen Hearty; Laurence and Kathleen Cunningham (Anni) Kathleen Kelly (BR)
Saturday   7.30 p.m.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. John, Vera, Dermot and Alan Mc Ardle; Aidan Touhy (Anni) and Deceased Family Members of the Mc Ardle and Cathtart Family.



Newsboard – 30/01/2022


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish Phone: 0429334410

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €509.00 Brid-a-Chrin: €257.68 Faughart: €377.50 Castletown: €405.27 Non-Envelope: €420.00


Due to the Restrictions being lifted we are able to have the Candle Light Procession on St. Brigid’s Day, Tuesday evening starting at 8pm – Faughart Cemetery.  Please wrap up well and bring your candle.


Sunday 30th January 7.30pm – Fr. Dasan

Monday 31st January 7.30pm – Fr. Emlyn Mc Ginn

St. Brigid’s Day Tuesday 1st February – Kilcurry at 11am Fr. Brian Mac RAOIS.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday, if you would like a visit please contact one of the Priest’s after mass or phone the Parochial House.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Lucas Kinney who was baptised last weekend.

MARY’S SUPREME APOSTOLATE: Mass of Healing and Comfort for everyone but especially for those who have lost loved ones by suicide and for those who are suicidal in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown at 6.00pm on Friday 4th February.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3.00p.m to 4.00 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

SVDP COLLECTION: At all churches 5th and 6th February. Please give what you can.

Donation Appeal:  We hope you will consider continuing to support Faughart Parish at this time of crisis.  We are cutting costs where appropriate but it would be of immense help if you would consider supporting the parish by direct debit.  Bank Account name:  Faughart Parochial Account.  IBAN: IE39 BOFI 90933 6516 2023 01.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  The parish needs new volunteers to join the group which help with the typing of the news board weekly, on a rota basis.  Anyone interested please contact the parochial house.

REACH OUT TO PEOPLE WHO ARE GRIEVING: On Behalf to the HSE: December/January can be a difficult time for people who have experienced loss, and there launched the campaign on social media only, we now intend to intensify messaging and increase awareness by the development of a radio ad in partnership with the IHF and press advertising. We will be focusing on communicating our core messaging and directing people to website and the availability of the National Bereavement Support line.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Hugh Mullen (MM) Tom Begley, Kathleen Payne; Moira Murphy; Owen Joe Woods (Anni) John Goss and Turlough Goss; Joseph Stewart (1st anni)
Tues St Brigid’s Day 11.00a.m Elizabeth Reilly
Saturday 10.30a.m  
Sunday 11.00a.m Eileen Mc Gee (1st Anni) Special Intention; James and Brigit Mc Donald and Deceased Family Members.  Aiden Mcbride.  John and May McArdle.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Paddy and Eileen Lennon and Deceased Family Members; Peter Mc Shane; Patrick Mc Ardle, John and Paddy Callan.
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Saturday  6.00pm Frank, Margaret and Gerard Louth. Anne and Michael Morton.
Sunday 12 noon Oliver Hodgers (Anni).  Kathleen Gorman.  Robert Menary.
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Saturday 6.00 p.m. Anne Mee (2nd Anni).  Deceased members of Harrison Family.  Olive Morton and Una Younger.
 Sunday 12 noon Pat and Rose Brennan.  Michael Bent.  Bridie McGivern.  Anne Finnegan.
Saturday   7.30 p.m.  
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.  



Newsboard – 16/01/2022



Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish



WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €407.36   Brid-a-Chrin: €119.66. Faughart: €75.00  Castletown: €410.53   Non-Envelope: €407.00  Mill Road Residents Donation for Flowers  €115.00 Kilcurry Candelabra  €457.00  Remembrance Tree: €390.00


HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. at Faughart Shrine


Donation Appeal:  We hope you will consider continuing to support Faughart Parish at this time of crisis.  We are cutting costs where appropriate but it would be of immense help if you would consider supporting the parish by direct debit.  Bank Account name:  Faughart Parochial Account.  IBAN: IE39 BOFI 90933 6516 2023 01


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  The parish needs new volunteers to join the group which help with the typing of the news board weekly, on a rota basis.  Anyone interested please contact the parochial house.


Healing Prayer

Heavenly Father I call upon you right now in a special way.  It is through your power I was created.  Every breath I take.  Every morning I wake.  Every moment of every hour I live under Your power.  For if You created me from nothing certainly You can re-create me.  Fill me with the healing power of Your Sprit.  Cast out anything that should not be in me.  Mend what is broken.  Route out any unproductive cells.  Open any blocked arteries or veins.  Rebuild any damaged areas.  Cast out any inflammation and cleanse any infection.  Let the warmth of Your healing power flow through me so that my body will function the way You created it to function.  And Father, restore me to full health in mind and body so that I may serve You the rest of my life.  I ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.









Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Maisy McKeown.  Bob Buckley.  Larry Treanor and D.F.M.  Nora Murphy.  Peter McShane.
Saturday 10.30 a.m. Elizabeth and Patrick Lennon
Sunday 11.00a.m James and Stephen Marmion.  James and Margaret Conlon and deceased family members.  Madge and Alex Gallagher.Hugh McNamee and deceased family members.  Delia Mullen and Katty Kennedy.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Fr Malachy Loughran; Margaret Duffy
Friday  7.30 p.m. Kathleen and Brian McKeown
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Teddy Lambe (1st Anni).  Madge Thorton.  Larry Treanor and deceased family members.
Saturday  6.00pm Jack and Brigid McCabe.  Thomas and Mary Sharkey and D.F.M.  Hans Voigh.  Patrick and Brigid McKenna and D.F.M.
Sunday 12 noon Joe McGeown
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Saturday 6.00 p.m.  
 Sunday 12 noon Michael Keelan (MM).
Saturday   7.30 p.m.  
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Liam Quinn




Newsboard – 02/01/2022


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €927.50 Brid-a-Chrin: €528.00 Faughart: €124.50 Castletown: €305.35 Non-Envelope:€190.00

CONGRATULATIONS: To Peter O’ Reilly and Jacqueline Ferrigan who were married during the week.


WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Hugh Mullen, may he rest in peace.


MARY’S SUPREME APOSTOLATE- Healing Mass of comfort and consolation for everyone but especially for those who are suicidal and those effected by suicide on Friday 7th January 2022 at 6pm in St. Joseph’s, Castletown.


PRIESTS CHRISTMAS COLLECTION: Thank you for the Christmas collection of €3,000.


NO MASS:  There will be no novena mass at 7.00 pm in Fatima on the 3rd of January.


HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.




CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY: First Sunday of the month at 3pm. St. Nicholas Church, Dundalk. Featuring Holy Hour, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Veneration of the Relics of Saint Faustina. This will next take place on Sunday 2nd January 2022. Come and receive God’s blessing.


MASS NUMBERS: Due to small numbers of parishioners attending mass on Friday evening in Brid -A- Chrin at 7:30pm and Saturday morning in Kilcurry at 10:30 am mass, we feel if the numbers don’t increase, we may consider cancelling the masses. We will review this in the new year.


HOLY HOUR: Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The parish needs new volunteers to join the group which help with the typing of the news-board weekly, on a rota basis. Anyone interested please contact the parochial house


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Fabian Mc Entee; Ben and May Marmion; Briege Whyte; Peter and Maureen Goss.
Saturday 10.30a.m George and Cissie Mc Namee.
Sunday 11.00a.m Margaret Mc Keown 2nd Anni; Fiona Hamill; Kathleen Dennison; Maisey Mc Keown
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid, Liam and son Gerard Rice; Rita Martin; Eamon Mc Crave.
Friday 7.30pm  
Sunday 10.00 a.m Florence Harvey and Deceased Family Members; Margaret Mc Keown (Anni)
Saturday  6.00pm Margaret Kelly Anniversary; Larry and Joan Meegan; James and Agnes Ward and Grandchildren; Tom Mc Faul.
Sunday 12 noon Bridge Mc Geeney (Nee Martin) 1st Anni
Monday  7.00 p.m. No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Sheila O’ Rourke
Friday 10.00 a.m  
Saturday 6.00 p.m Nancy Harrison; Derek Younger; Cathy Vaz.
 Sunday 12 noon Freda Browne (MM) Brigid and John Dillon; Tom, Annie and Tom (JR) Martin, Rita, John, Laura and Brian Mostyn.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Jack and Margaret Fegan and Deceased Family Members.


Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Reynolds Family and Deceased Family Members.

Wishing all our Parishioners a happy New Year.

Newsboard – 19/12/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €313.70 Brid-a-Chrin:  €244.00 Faughart €87.00 Castletown: €399.22 Non-Envelope: €535.00

PENITENTIAL SERVICE: Monday (20th Dec) evening after 7.00pm mass in St. Joseph’s. “Prepare the way for the Lord” everyone in the Parish welcome.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:   Niall Brendan Donal Bromley, Mara Rose Hanley and Meadhbh Mary Carthy.

SIMON COMMUNITY COLLECTION – This weekend at all churches

POINSETTIA: Please leave your poinsettia on the Altar of your church in remembrance of your loved one at Christmas time.

ADVENT PRAYER GROUP: The Advent Prayer Group will meet every Thursday 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. in St Joseph’s Castletown to pray together and discuss the Sunday readings.  Everybody welcome.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

CHRISTMAS SICK CALLS: Friday 24th December.

CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCE TREE – We will have the Christmas Remembrance tree in Kilcurry Church at Christmas time.  Please take a candle from the box and place it in the basket provided.  The candles will be placed on the tree for you and lit on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day masses in remembrance of your loved ones.  You can leave a small donation if you wish in the candelabra.

December at all Churches.

COLLECTION AT ALL MASSED AT CHRISTMAS TIME: Over the years at our Vigil masses and Christmas Day masses in all our Churches, the collection at the ‘Offertory’ is for the Priest of the Parish.  We express our sincere thanks for your support and kindness.

  1. VINCENT DE PAUL: The members of St. Brigid’s conference of SVDP would like to thank the parishioner of the Parish for their kind generosity in our recent special collection.







ADVENT FAMILY PRAYER – God of Love, your son, Jesus, is our greatest gift to us.  He is our sign of love.  As we light our Advent candle may it remind us of the love you have for us.  Help us to walk in love during the weeks of Advent, as

we wait and prepare for his coming.  We pray in the name of Jesus, our Saviour.  Amen



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Madge and Alex Gallagher; James and Mark Reilly; Rose and Noel Nash; Robert Mc Kay and Deceased Family Members of the Dowdall Family.
Friday Christmas Eve 8.00pm Deceased of the Parish
 Christmas Day 11.00 a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday 11.00a.m Patricia O’ Neill(Dungooley Cross)1st Anniversary.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. McMahon Family; May Treacy and the O’Toole family
 Christmas Eve  6:30 p.m. Deceased of the Parish
 Christmas Day  10.00a.m. People of the Parish
Sunday 10.00 a.m Patrick Gogarty
Saturday  6.00pm Mary McAreavy; Tom Fisher; Nora Monahan.
Sunday 12 noon David Toner; Paddy and May Casey; Maureen Rajasingam;


Deceased Members of the McNally Families; Julie and Kevin Corrway;  Patrick McGivern

Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Margaret Bishop (Anni)
Friday Christmas Eve 6.00 p.m. Carmel Martin; Cameron Martin Treanor (MM), Barry junior Griffin
Christmas Day 12 noon People of the Parish
 Sunday 12 noon Paddy Mc Manus (MM)
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Mc Crink Family (Carrickbroad) John, Susan and Eoin Quinn: Carmel Muckain and Deceased Family Members.  Brian, Hugh and Mary Murphy and D.F.M
 Christmas Eve   7.30 p.m. Deceased of the Parish


Newsboard – 12/12/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish


WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €410.00   Brid-a-Chrin:  €281.48   Faughart €109.00  Castletown: €324.00   Non-Envelope: €300.00



ADVENT PRAYER GROUP: The Advent Prayer Group will meet every Thursday 2 p.m – 3 p.m in St Joseph’s Castletown to pray together and discuss the Sunday readings.  Everybody welcome.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

ADVENT FAMILY PRAYER  –  God of Love, your son, Jesus, is our greatest gift to us.  He is our sign of love.  As we light our Advent candle may it remind us of the love you have for us.  Help us to walk in love during the weeks of Advent, as we wait and prepare for his coming.  We pray in the name of Jesus, our Saviour.  Amen.

CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCE TREE  –  We will have the Christmas Remembrance tree in Kilcurry Church at Christmas time.  Please take a candle from the box and place it in the basket provided.  The candles will be placed on the tree for you and lit on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day masses in remembrance of your loved ones.  You can leave a small donation if you wish in the candelabra.

FIGHTING BLINDNESS COLLECTION this weekend, 11th and and 12th December at all Churches.

ROCHE EMMETS AFTERNOON TEA  –  Takes place this Sunday, 12th December, 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. in the Roche Club Rooms.  Barista coffee, mulled wine, cakes and sandwiches available.  Take away boxes also available.  Special guest Santa Claus will be there too.  Lots of raffle prizes on the day.  Full COVID precautions will be in place.

ROCHE EMMETS   –  Following recent successful Club AGM the following Executive Committee were elected:   Chairman:  Alan O’Connor;  Secretary:  Gerry  Stewart; Assistant Secretary:  Deirdre McDonnell;   Treasurer:  Brian McArdle; Assistant Treasurer:  Patrick Quigley;  PRO: Aine Rice;  Registrar:  Andrew Carroll;  Irish Language Officer:  Evin Quigley;  Players Rep:  Liam Dawe

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

BADMINTON NIGHT: Badminton on Friday nights 6 p.m -9 p.m.  You do not need to know how to play. 3 courts available.

SIMON COMMUNITY COLLECTION  –  Next weekend at all churches.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Kevin McNamee (2nd Anniversary);  Joan Reilly (Month’s Mind);  Sinead Reilly (Month’s Mind);  Frank and Briege Boyle
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Francie Kirk and Deceased Family Members;  Sean and Margaret Craven;  Jim and Richard Goss and Deceased Family Members;  Peter and Elizabeth Fegan;  Jesha Lou Villaver (5th Anniversary)
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Madge and Alex Gallagher
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid, Patrick and Annaleen Quigley and the Deceased Family Members of the Quigley Family
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. McMahon Family;  May Treacy and the O’Toole family
Saturday  6.00pm Michael and Kathleen O’Connor;  Marie Sherry (Month’s Mind);  Johnny Kerley and Deceased Family Members;  Benny and Peggy McConnon (Anniversary);  Cameron Martin-Treanor (Month’s Mind)
Sunday 12 noon John and Stella Boyle and Janie Gaskin;  Cyril and Phyllis Hoey and Deceased Family Members;   Maura, Paul; Olive; Briege; Elaine, Majella and Family Members of the Duff family;  Joe and Mary Meegan
Monday  7.00 p.m. Sis; Tim, Eugene and Tom Litchfield
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Friday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Margaret McAreavy;  Tom Fisher
Next Sunday 12 noon David Toner;  Paddy and Mary Casey;  Maureen Rajasingam;  Deceased Members of the McNally Families; Julie and Kevin Corrway;  Patrick McGivern
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Michael, Mary and Tommy Murphy and all deceased family members;  Charlotte and Margaret Heeney;  Peter and Anna Begley
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. McCrink Family, Carrickbroad;  John, Susan and Eoin Quinn;  Carmel Muckian and Deceased Family Members



Newsboard – 04/12/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €465.00 Brid-a-Chrin: €203.77 Faughart €143.00 Castletown: €75.40 Non-Envelope: €130.00 Fatima Candleabra-€53.64 Faughart Candleabra-€212.25 and £11.13.


WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Jennifer Doyle Castletown who died during the week.  May she Rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Eabha-Rose Eileen Mc Court, Shay Patrick Norman-Kirk and Dani Geraldine Marmion who were baptised last weekend.

LIGHTING THE CANDLES FOR ADVENT: Next Sunday (Bambinelli Sunday) families are invited to bring their baby Jesus from the crib to Mass with them to be blessed.  The figurine can be bought home and wrapped in a gift box and placed under the Christmas tree.  On Christmas morning this is the first gift the family opens together.  They then place the baby into the crib in their home.

ADVENT PRAYER GROUP: The Advent Prayer Group will meet every Thursday 2pm-3pm in St Joseph’s Castletown to pray together and discuss the Sunday readings. Everybody welcome.

FIGHTING BLINDNESS COLLECTION: Next weekend at all churches.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

SVDP: Are having their Christmas Appeal this weekend 4th and 5th December.  A member of SVDP with be coming to speak at Masses and appeal to parishioners for help. A second collection will be taking up, please support to help people in need in our area. Thank you.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Evening tea is cancelled on Tuesday 7th


CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

BADMINTON NIGHT: Badminton on Friday nights 6pm-9pm.  You do not need to know how to play. 3 courts available.











Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Paddy, Rose and Brendan Duffy (Sportmanshall) Mary Cummins; Paddy and Una Cunningham; Olive Craig:  Patrick O’ Hanlon; Joe Mc Bride; Larry O’ Hanlon and deceased family members of the O’ Hanlon and Marmion families; Larry Craig.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Johnnie Gartlan
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Joan Reilly (MM) Sinead Reilly (MM) Frank and Briege Boyle.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Patrick and Mary Treanor.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Noel Rice and deceased family members. Leo and Sadie Comiskey and deceased family members.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m.  
Saturday  6.00pm Cameron Martin-Treanor (MM) John Mulligan.
Sunday 12 noon Frank Mc Donagh (MM) Peggy Dollard (Anniversary) Martina Agnew (Anniversary) Gerry Lambe (Anniversary) Gerry Rowland and deceased family members and deceased family members of the Mc Keown Family
Monday  7.00 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Friday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Marie Sherry (MM) Michael and Kathleen O’ Connor (Anni) Tommy Kerley and deceased family members; Benny and Peggy Mc Connon (Anniversary)
Next Sunday 12 noon John and Stella Boyle and Janie Gaskin; Cyril Phillis Hoey and deceased family members; Maura, Paul daughter Olive, Bridge, Elaine, Majella and family members of the Duff Family.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Michael, Mary and Tommy Murphy and all deceased family members. Charlotte and Margaret Heeney.



Newsboard – 28/11/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €344.60 Brid-a-Chrin: €206.62 Faughart €143.00 Castletown: €241.42 Non-Envelope: €305.00 Trocaire Collection €1115.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Patrick (Paddy) Mc Manus, Castletown Road, who died last weekend.  May he Rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Mirren Elaina Brady who was baptised in the parish recently.

LIGHTING THE CANDLES FOR ADVENT: We will be asking a different family to come forward and light the candle during Advent.  Grandparents, Parents and Children are all welcome to participate. One of them will light the candle while another gives the introduction to the theme of the week.

On the third Sunday (Bambinelli Sunday) families are invited to bring their baby Jesus from the crib to Mass with them to be blessed.  The figurine can be bought home and wrapped in a gift box and placed under the Christmas tree.  On Christmas morning this is the first gift the family opens together.  They then place the baby into the crib in their home.

ADVENT PRAYER GROUP: The Advent Prayer Group will meet every Thursday 2pm-3pm in St Joseph’s Castletown to pray together and discuss the Sunday readings. Everybody welcome.

MARY SUPREME APOSTOLATE: Mass of healing and comfort for everybody but especially for those who are suicidal and for those affected by suicide on Friday, 3rd December in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown at 6.00pm.

COMBONI MISSION APPEAL: This weekend Fr. Sean Dempsey will be visiting the Parish and there will be a second collection.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

SVDP: Are having their Christmas Appeal next weekend 4th and 5th December.  A member of SVDP with be coming to speak at Masses and appeal to parishioners for help. A second collection will be taking up, please support to help people in need in our area. Thank you.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP: Evening tea is cancelled on Tuesday 7th


RAFFLE RESEULTS: 1ST Week €200 Freda Carville €100 Aobhainn Mackin

€60 Eithne Mc Ardle, Faughart €40 Emily Conlon.

2nd Week €200 Josephine O’Shaughnessy c/o David Keenan €100 Sean Watters, Lurgankeel €60 Anne Mandeville, Balregan €40 Kyle Mc Geown c/o Sean Conlon.

3rd Week €200 Majella Mc Cann, Sliverbridge €100 Alice Mc Kenna, Toberona. €60 Kate Connor, Castletowncooley €40 Amy Rowland c/o Brianán Rowland.

Hamper-Alice Mc Kenna, Newry. Christmas Cake-Mary Hoey, Mill Road. Hamper-Elaine Mc Keown. Voucher-Audrey Watkins. Hamper-Roisin Watters.

The Priests wish to thank everyone who donated and the Fundraising Committee/ Finance Committee for all their help and support.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Seamus Burns (Anniversary) Brigid and Pat Flynn; John, Susan, Sean, Jim and Margaret Kearney; Eugene and Teresa Coogan and deceased family members of the Garland Family; Jim Gartlan; Patricia O’ Dempsey, Michael, Kevin and Barry O’ Dempsey.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Kathleen and Michael Marmion and deceased family members.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Paddy, Rose and Brendan Duffy (Sportmanshall) Paddy and Una Cunningham; Patrick O’ Hanlon; Joe Mc Bride; Larry O’ Hanlon and deceased family members of the O’ Hanlon and Marmion families;
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Michael Gernon
Friday  7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Patrick and Margaret Traynor and deceased family members
Saturday  6.00pm Joe Fisher, Denise Falkner, Andrew and Mark Falkner; Owenie Mc Guinness.
Sunday 12 noon Stella Larkin (MM) Anne Murphy (1st Anniversary) Johnny Hughes; Gerry Gallagher (Anniversary)
Monday  7.00 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Friday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Cameron Martin-Treanor (MM)
Next Sunday 12 noon Frank Mc Donagh (MM) Peggy Dollard (Anniversary)

Martina Agnew (Anniversary)

Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet



Newsboard – 21/11/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €287.30 Brid-a-Chrin: €188.59 Faughart €110.50 Castletown: €219.70 Non-Envelope: €357.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Sinead Reilly who died last weekend.  May she rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Hailey Majella Brodigan Mc Gahon and Rome Mc Guinness who were baptised in the parish recently.

ADVENT PRAYER GROUP: The advent prayer group will meet every Thursday 2pm-3pm beginning Thursday 24th November in St Joseph’s Castletown to pray together and discuss the Sunday readings. Everybody welcome.

COMBONI MISSION APPEAL: Next weekend Fr. Sean Dempsey will be visiting the Parish and there will be a second collection.

PARISH PASTROL COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday the 23rd November at 7.30pm in the Parochial House.

SECOND COLLECTION: This weekend Trócaire is holding a special Church Collection, in response to the humanitarian crisis in East Africa.
HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

FUNDRAISING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: Draw will take place on Thursday 25th November.  Cards can be left at the Parochial House Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday between 10am-2pm and on Wednesday evening 24th Nov from 7.30pm-8pm.  All card sold or unsold to be returned please.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA:  Classes on Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. in the Community Centre.

BADMINTON NIGHT: Badminton on Friday nights 6pm-9pm.  You do not need to know how to play. 3 courts available.

‘MARCA NA FEIRME:  is looking for new members in the area, we are a rural youth organisation for anyone aged 17 – 35 who wants to meet new people and maybe try something different, if you think you might be interested please contact Jennifer on 0871853485 or come along to our information night in Kilcurry Community centre on Tuesday 23rd November at 8pm, all welcome.


Sr. Olga from Belarus will be visiting our Parish this Sunday with arts and crafts on sale to raise money for the Shelter in Minsk.  We welcome her back to the Parish.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Norrie Mc Coy (MM) Sean Craven; Tommy and Catherine Murphy; Patsy Harrison; Mona Grey; Peter and Molly Kearney; Denis Lennon Scotchgreen (Anniversary).
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Seamus Burns (Anniversary) Brigid and Pat Flynn; John, Susan, Sean, Jim and Margaret Kearney;  Jim Gartlan; Eugene and Teresa Coogan and deceased family members of the Garland Family.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Rita Quinn (1st Anniversary)
Friday  7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Michael Gernon
Saturday  6.00pm Thomas and Margaret Hoban and their daughters Helen and Catherine.
Sunday 12 noon John Mc Cabe
Monday  7.00 p.m. Peadar Callan (Birthday Remberance)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased booklet
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased booklet
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Frank and Mammie Sharkey
Friday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Joe Fisher; Denise Falkner,Andrew and Mark Falkner; Owenie Mc Guinness.
Next Sunday 12 noon Stella Larkin (MM) Anne Murphy (1st Anniversary) Johnny Hughes;
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet



Newsboard – 14/11/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €480.62 Brid-a-Chrin: €269.11 Faughart €167.50 Castletown: €276.10 Non-Envelope: €645.00.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Patrick Murphy, Marie Sherry and Joan Reilly.  May they rest in peace.

CONGRATULATIONS: To Harry O’Connell and Patricia Murphy who were married recently in Kilcurry.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Fiadh Maria Mc Kenna, Ellie-Mae Mc Evoy and Grace Annie Holland who were baptised in the parish recently.

THANKS: Thanks to our Parish Pastoral Council, The Choir and Grainne our Sacristan for their help at the Remembrance Mass last Sunday evening.

PARISH PASTROL COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday the 23rd November at 7.30pm in the Parochial House.

SECOND COLLECTION: Next weekend Trócaire is holding a special Church Collection, in response to the humanitarian crisis in East Africa.
HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

FUNDRAISING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: Wednesday 17th November at 7.30pm at the Parochial house.  Can all cards be returned to the Parochial House, Monday-Friday between 10am and 2pm.  Draw will take place Thursday 25th November at 7.30pm at the Parochial house

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA:  Classes on Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. in the Community Centre.

BADMINTON NIGHT: Badminton on Friday nights 6pm-9pm.  You do not need to know how to play. 3 courts available.

‘MARCA NA FEIRME:  is looking for new members in the area, we are a rural youth organisation for anyone aged 17 – 35 who wants to meet new people and maybe try something different, if you think you might be interested please contact Jennifer on 0871853485 or come along to our information night in Kilcurry Community centre on Tuesday 23rd November at 8pm, all welcome.


Sr. Olga from Belarus will be visiting our Parish next Sunday with arts and crafts on sale to raise money for the Shelter in Minsk.  We welcome her back to the Parish.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Molly Murphy (Anniversary) Matt and Mary Coburn. James and Mary Connolly (Anniversary) John and Kathleen Thornton, Joseph and Mary Ann Thornton. Joe and Michael Behan.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Norrie Mc Coy (MM) Sean Craven; Tommy and Catherine Murphy; Patsy Harrison; Mona Grey; Peter and Molly Kearney.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Al Mc Donnell.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Rita Quinn (1st Anniversary)
Saturday  6.00pm Stephen Conroy; Nancy Fisher; Francis, Jennifer and David Clark (Anniversary) Peter, Bernie and Gerard Clark (Anniversary) Patrick Quinn and a Special Intension.
Sunday 12 noon Cyril Shannon; Rose Baxter; Larry O’ Rourke; Breige and Seamus Mc Guinness; Lilly and Bill Philips; Greta and John O’ Donnell. Larry Mc Entee (Anniversary)
Monday  7.00 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Friday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Thomas and Margaret Hoban and their daughters Helen and Catherine.
Next Sunday 12 noon John Mc Cabe
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet



Newsboard – 07/11/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €480.62 Brid-a-Chrin: €434.42 Faughart €190.71 Castletown: €306.60 Non-Envelope: €330.00 Mission Collection €1,440.00

Faughart Candleabra: €265.00 Castletown Candleabra €80.32.


REMEMBRANCE MASS:  Sunday 7th November at 7.00pm in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry

THANK YOU: For your contributions towards the Mission Sunday Collection.


Mc Donagh, Cameron Martin-Treanor and Patrick Murphy.  May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Sean Anthony Fitzpatrick, Alana Seosaimhin Joyce, Caoimhe Margaret Mc Court, Ilona Caitriona Joyce and Leo Alexander Joyce who were baptised last weekend.

MASS NUMBERS: Due to small numbers of parishioners attending mass on Friday evening in Brid- A-Chrin at 7.30pm and Saturday morning in Kilcurry at 10.30am mass we feel if the numbers don’t increase we may consider cancelling the masses. We will review this in the new year.

S.V.P COLLECTION:  This weekend in all churches.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Thank you for your continued support.  To those who pay by Direct Debit can you please give your envelope number or name/initial’s as it is not always easy to connect.

PARISH FUND RAISING DRAW: Draw cards are now on circulation.  Parishioners are urged to support draw to defray costs of work done at Kilcurry Church Belfry, Parochial House and Brid-A-Crin Cemetery.

Lines cost €6 and card cost €60. If you would like to call the parochial house for a card please do so.  Draw will take place week commencing 22nd November.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA:  Classes on Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. in the Community Centre.

BADMINTON NIGHT: Badminton on Friday nights 6pm-9pm.  You do not need to know how to play. 3 courts available.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Peter Mc Ardle; Siobhan Mc Keever (1st Anniversary) Matthew Finnegan; Evin and Kathleen Quigley.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Eamon Bennett (JNR)
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Molly Murphy (Anniversary) Matt and Mary Coburn. James and Mary Connolly (Anniversary) John and Kathleen Thornton, Joseph and Mary Ann Thornton. Joe and Michael Behan.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. John Mc Ardle (MM)
Friday  7.30 p.m. Paddy Kirk and Deceased family members;
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Al Mc Donnell.
Saturday  6.00pm Rita Kelly (Anniversary)
Sunday 12 noon Tommy Mc Cormack (MM)

Kelvin and Ann Murray; Gerry and Eileen Brennan. Anthony Carthy.

Monday  7.00 p.m. Deceased Booklet
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Benny and May O’Callaghan and Deceased family members.
Friday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Stephen Conroy; Nancy Fisher; Francis, Jennifer and David Clark (Anniversary) Peter, Bernie and Gerard Clark (Anniversary)
Next Sunday 12 noon Cyril Shannon; Rose Baxter; Larry O’ Rourke; Breige and Seamus Mc Guinness; Lilly and Bill Philips; Greta and John O’ Donnell.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. John Rafferty and Deceased family members; Mary Gribben.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Booklet




Newsboard – 31/10/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €316.00 Brid-a-Chrin: €404.77 Faughart €186.40 Castletown: €221.39 Non-Envelope: €380.00



ALL STAINTS DAY: Mass at 11 am Monday in Kilcurry.

REMEMBRANCE MASS: Sunday 7th November at 7.00pm in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.  Light refreshments afterwards in the Resource Centre.

HOLY SOULS:  Envelopes are available in all churches this weekend as we remember our deceased family members for the month of November.  Complete your lists together with your donation and return to the Parochial House or the Church.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Michael John Mulligan, Elsie Rose Jackson, Leyla Rose Nur Kazmaci and James Brendan Quigley who were baptised in the last weekend.

MARY’S SUPREME APOSTOLATE – Healing Mass for everybody but especially for those who are suicidal and those affected by suicide on Friday 5th November in St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown at 6.00pm.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Faughart Shrine.

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Thank you for your continued support.  To those who pay by Direct Debit can you please give your envelope number or name/initial’s as it is not always easy to connect.

PARISH FUND RAISING DRAW: Draw cards are now on circulation.  Parishioners are urged to support draw to defray costs of work done at Kilcurry Church Belfry, Parochial House and Brid-A-Crin Cemetery.

Lines cost €6 and card cost €60.

S.V.P COLLECTION:  This weekend in all churches.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA:  Classes on Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. in the Community Centre.

BADMINTON NIGHT: Badminton on Friday nights 6pm-9pm.  You do not need to know how to play. 3 courts available.

CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY: First Sunday of the month at 3pm in St. Nicholas Church, Dundalk. Holy Hour, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and veneration of the Relics of Saint Faustina.  This will take place Sunday 7th November.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Bernard, Bessie and Briege Mc Ardle (Anniversay) Teresa Maddy (2nd Anniversary) Adelaide and Patrick Tumilty.
Monday 11.00am
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Peter Mc Ardle; Siobhan Mc Keever (1st Anniversary) Matthew Finnegan; Evin and Kathleen Quigley; Joe Behan and Michael Behan.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Maura, Tommy and Peter Dullaghan (Anniversary Mass)
Friday  7.30 p.m. Deceased booklet
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. John Mc Ardle (MM)
Saturday  6.00pm Anne Mathews
Sunday 12 noon John, Eileen and their son Raymond (Anniversary)
Monday  7.00 p.m. Christina and Jack Myles
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Deceased Booklet
Friday 10.00 a.m. Pat Mulholland
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Rita Kelly (Anniversary)
Next Sunday 12 noon Tommy Mc Cormack (MM)

Kelvin and Ann Murray; Gerry and Eileen Brennan.

Saturday   7.30 p.m.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. John Rafferty and Deceased family members; Mary Gribben.





Newsboard – 24/10/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €487.00 Brid-a-Chrin: €351.00 Faughart €230.00 Castletown: €269.70 Non Envelope: €395.00.



MASS NUMBERS: Due to small numbers of parishioners attending mass on Friday evening in Brid- A-Chrin at 7.30pm and Saturday morning in Kilcurry at 10.30am mass we feel if the numbers don’t increase we may consider cancelling the masses. We will review this in the new year.

REMEMBRANCE MASS: Sunday 7th November at 7.00pm in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.  Light refreshments afterwards in the Resource Centre.

HOLY SOULS:  Envelopes are available in all churches this weekend as we remember our deceased family members for the month of November.  Complete your lists together with your donation and return to the Parochial House or the Church.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m – 4 p.m at Faughart Shrine.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE of Norah (Norrie) Mc Coy who died during the week. May she rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Cian Conor Hallissey Crimmins and Brody James Burns who were baptised last weekend.

PARISH PASTROL MEETING: Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in the Parochial House.

PARISH FUND RAISING – Cards are available from the Parochial House and in circulation, €6 per line – €60 per card.  Prize money:  €200, €100 €60(per week).  Extra prizes on last draw.  Draw will take place on week commencing 22nd November.

S.V.P COLLECTION:  Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th of November at all Churches.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA:  Classes on Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. in the Community Centre.

BADMINTON NIGHT: Badminton on Friday nights 6pm-9pm.  You do not need to know how to play. 3 courts available.









Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Mairead Rose Kelly; Vincent and Brigid Holsgrove and Deceased Family Members; Michael, Julia and Mary Cunningham.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Bernard, Bessie and Briege Mc Ardle (Anniversay) Teresa Maddy (2nd Anniversary), Adelaide and Patrick Tumulty
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Cecilia Halpenny (Anniversary); Olive Kavanagh (Anniversary)
Friday  7.30 p.m.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m.
Saturday  6.00pm Frank McNamee (50th Anniversary); Kevin Boland (Anniversary) J J McArdle (Anniversary); John Mulligan
Sunday 12 noon Betty McNally (5th Anniversary); Jimmy McGivern
Monday  7.00 p.m. NO-MASS
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m. Special Intention for Rita
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Anne Mathews
Next Sunday 12 noon John, Eileen and their son Raymond (Anniversary)
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Pat and Eileen Roe and Deceased Family Members; Mary and Patrick McGee and Deceased Family Members; Tommy, Rose and Michael Boyle and deceased family members.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.





Newsboard – 17/10/2021


Fr. Vinod Kurian     Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website:  Facebook Page:  Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  Kilcurry: €428.20   Brid-a-Chrin: €172.00  Faughart €156.75  Castletown: €250.40   Non Envelope €460.00  Donation  €150.00.


MASS NUMBERS: Due to small numbers of parishioners attending mass on Friday evening in Brid- A-Chrin at 7.30pm and Saturday morning in Kilcurry at 10.30am mass we feel if the numbers don’t increase we may consider cancelling the masses. We will review this in the new year.

REMEMBRANCE MASS: Sunday 7th November at 7.00pm in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.  Light refreshments afterwards in the Resource Centre.

HOLY SOULS:  Envelopes are available in all churches this weekend as we remember our deceased family members for the month of November.  Complete your lists together with your donation and return to the Parochial House or the Church.

MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION  –  24th October at all Churches.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 p.m – 4 p.m at Faughart Shrine.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE of John McArdle, Rathduff, Brid-a-Chrin who died last week. May he rest in peace.

WELCOME INTOOUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Arabella Harper, Michael Kevin Lennon and Senan Murphy Faulkner who were baptised last weekend.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION:   Annual Gate Collection in aid of Louth Cerebral Palsy is taking part this year on 16th and 17th October at all Churches in the Parish.

PARISH FUND RAISING  –   Cards will be available from Wednesday, 20th October.  €6 per line – €60 per card.  Prize money:  €200, €100 €60(per week).  Extra prizes on last draw.  Draw will take placed on week commencing 22nd November.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA:  Classes on Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. in the Community Centre

FINANCE AND FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE MEETING:  Wednesday, 20th October at 7.30 p.m. in the Parochial House where cards will be distributed.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP:  Next meeting will take place in Monday 1st November at 7pm. High tea on the night at 7.00 p.m.  Anyone who would like to attend please contact Anne Mc Guinness at 042 93 71632.  This night is open to non-members.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


 Michelle Flynn;  Matt Flynn;  Willie Quigley (3rd Anniversary);  Michael Tuite; Oliver Traynor
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Gerard and Hannah Heeney;  Frank Lennon, Scotch Green) (Anniversary)
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Mairead Rose Kelly;  Vincent and Brigid Holsgrove and Deceased Family Members
Sunday 10.00 a.m. John and Brigid McKay; Patrick and Winifred Craven; Patricia McShane (Anniversary);  Annie Faughey
Friday  7.30 p.m. Tom Lennon; James and Tom McCann;  Margaret and Jimmy Flynn
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Cecilia Halpenny (Anniversary);  Olive Kavanagh (Anniversary)
Saturday  6.00pm Kathleen Hollywood; Clora McCourt;  Gerry McGuinness;  Maura Martin
Sunday 12 noon Geraldine McGuinness
Monday  7.00 p.m. Gerard, Martha and Edward Campbell and Deceased Family Members
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Barry (Jnr) Griffin
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Frank McNamee (50th Anniversary); Kevin Boland (Anniversary) J J McArdle (Anniversary);  John Mulligan
Next Sunday 12 noon Betty McNally (5th Anniversary); Jimmy McGivern
Saturday   7.30 p.m. James and Cissie Flynn and Deceased Family Members
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Pat and Eileen Roe and Deceased Family Members;  Mary and Patrick McGee and Deceased Family Members





Newsboard – 10/10/2021


NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235         

WEEKLY ENVELOPES:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:  –  Kilcurry: €772.80  Brid-a-Chrin: €269.30  Faughart €168.00  Castletown: €473.71   Non Envelope €401.00  Kilcurry Cemetery Donation Box:  €216.00.

MASS NUMBERS: Due to small numbers of parishioners attending mass on Friday evening in Brid- A-Chrin at 7.30pm and Saturday morning in Kilcurry at 10.30am mass we feel if the numbers don’t increase we may consider cancelling the masses. We will review this in the new year.

REMEMBRANCE MASS: Sunday 7th November at 7.00pm in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.  Light refreshments afterwards in Kilcurry Resource Centre

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Lorcan-Jerard (John) McCabe;  Meabh Mary O’Connell who were baptised last weekend.

CONGRATULATION: Alex Martin and Shane Hoey who were married during the week.

HOLY SOULS:  Envelopes are available in all churches this weekend as we remember our deceased family members for the month of November.  Complete your lists together with your donation and return to the Parochial House or the Church.

HOLY HOUR:  Every Wednesday from 3 pm-4 pm at Faughart Shrine.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE of John McArdle (formerly of Faughart House who died recently in New York and Tommy McCormack who died during the week.  May they rest in peace.

CHURCH GATE COLLECTION:   Annual Gate Collection in aid of Louth Cerebral Palsy is taking part this year on 16th and 17th October at all Churches in the Parish.

PARISH FUND RAISING  –  The Parish intends to organise a Christmas Fund Raising Draw.  This is the first fund raising from pre-Covid.  Draw Cards will be available from week commencing 18th October.  Draw to take place in November.  More details in next week’s Newsboard.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING:  Jumping Jig class at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. on Thursday in the Community Centre.

UNITY YOGA:  Classes on Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. in the Community Centre.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP:  Next meeting will take place in Monday 1st November at 7pm. High tea on the night at 7pm.  Anyone who would like to attend please contact Anne Mc Guinness at 93 71632.  This night is opened to non-members.

ROCHE EMMETS DRIVE IN BINGO:   Every Sunday at 3.30pm.  PLEASE NOTE EARLIER STARTING TIME. Gates open at 2.30pm. €2,100 in cash prizes.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


James Kearney;   Cissie and Owen Murphy;  Agnes Gartlan  Fr Bernard Hughes (lst Anniversary)
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Michelle Flynn;  Matt Flynn;  Willie Quigley (3rd Anniversary);  Michael Tuite
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Fr. Bernard Hughes 1st Anniversary
Friday  7.30 p.m. Packie, Maggie and Tess McNamee (Anniversary);  Dan O’Connell, Month’s Mind
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. John and Brigid McKay; Patrick and Winifred Craven; Patricia McShane;  Annie Faughey
Saturday  6.00pm Mark Faulkner (Anniversary);  Sean Duffy
Sunday 12 noon Johnny, Margaret and Jim McArdle;  Terry and Amy Kelly;  Jim Quigley
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Barney Malone (Anniversary)
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Kathleen Hollywood, Clora McCourt; Gerry McGuinness; Maura Martin
Next Sunday 12 noon Geraldine McGuinness
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Gerry Savage, Una Begley.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. James and Cissie Flynn and Deceased Family Members

Newsboard – 03/10/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €382.50 BAC: €174.45 Faughart €202.00 Castletown: €303.16   Non Envelope €415.00

Faughart Candleabra €410.00.  Donation towards Fr. Mc Donald’s Grave €600.00


Mass Numbers: Due to small numbers of parishioners attending mass on Friday evening in Bridge-A-Crinn- at 7.30pm and Saturday morning in Kilcurry at 10.30am mass we feel if the numbers don’t increase we may consider cancelling the masses. We will review this in the new year.


Fundraising Meeting: Wednesday 6th October at 7.30pm in Kilcurry resource centre.  Can all volunteers new and old attend? We need your support thank you.


Holy Souls: Envelopes are available in all churches this weekend as we remember our deceased family members for the month of November. Complete your lists together with your donation and return to the Parochial house or the church.


Remembrance Mass: Sunday 7th November at 7.00pm in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.  Light refreshments afterwards in Kilcurry Resource Centre


Congratulation to the Children from Scoil Eoin Baiste who received their first holy communion and the sacrament of confirmation. Thanks’ to the teachers, parents, choir, sacristans and Fr. Vinod on preparing the children.


Welcome into Our Christian Community Jack Patrick John Napier who was baptised last weekend.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

S.V.D.P Collections on the 2nd and 3rd of October at all churches.

Faughart Social Group: Next meeting will take place in Monday 1st November at 7pm. Dinner on the night at 7pm.  Anyone who would like to attend please contact Anne Mc Guinness at 93 71632.  This night is opened to non-members.


Roche Emmets Drive in Bingo: Every Sunday at 3.30pm. PLEASE NOTE EARLIER STARTING TIME. Gates open at 2.30pm. €2100 in cash prizes.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Kevin Tumulty
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Kevin and Brigid Reilly.  Kevin Kirk.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. James Kearney. Cissie and Owen Murphy.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Nancy and Danny O’ Hanlon
Friday  7.30 p.m. Joseph and Sally Greene (Anni)
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Fr. Bernard Hughes 1st Anni
Saturday  6.00pm Sean Duffy. Christy, Philomena and Paul Murtagh.
Sunday 12 noon Esther Duffy (MM) Rose and Pat Brennan. Jim, Ena and their son Seamus Gordon.

Nancy, Shiela, Eamon and Robert Gordon and DFM. Joe and Ann Keenan and DFM.

Monday  7.00 p.m. Special Intention
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Kelvin and Anne Murray
Friday 10.00 a.m. Mary Mc Court.

Rita Special Intention.

Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Mark Faulkner (Anni)
Next Sunday 12 noon Johnny, Margaret and Jim Mc Ardle.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Thomas and Eileen Mullally

and DFM

Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Gerry Savage


Newsboard – 26/09/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €393.05 BAC: €211.09 Faughart €157.00 Castletown: €407.15   Non Envelope €310.00

First Friday Calls: Next Friday if anyone would like a call please phone the Parochial house

We pray for the happy repose of Dan O’ Connell who died last weekend.  May he rest in peace.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting: Thursday 30th September at 7.30pm in the parish house.

Welcome into Our Christian Community Ella Elizabeth Conachy Charzewska, Emilia Pauline Hayes Barry, Alife Edward Nesbitt and Grace Emily Mc Bride who were baptised last weekend.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Healing Mass:  Friday1st October in St. Joseph’s Castletown at 6pm.

Fundraising Meeting:  We will be having a meeting on Wednesday 29th September in the resource centre at 7.30pm. We invite all our fundraising volunteers and welcome new volunteers for some ideas on fundraising projects in the coming months.  It has been a hard year on the parish financially due to the pandemic and we need all your support.

S.V.D.P Collections on the 2nd and 3rd of October at all churches.

Faughart Social Group: Meet up Monday28th September in Kilcurry Community Centre at 7.30pm

Roche Emmets Drive in Bingo: Every Sunday at 3.30pm. PLEASE NOTE EARLIER STARTING TIME.Gates open at 2.30pm, over €2,100 in cash prizes every week.  Jackpot €750

Caretaker Kilcurry Community Resource Centre Inniskeen West Louth Development have a vacancy for a Caretaker in Kilcurry Community Resource Centre. Duties will include cleaning of all public areas eg: Hall, meeting rooms, toilets, hallways and kitchen. General maintenance of the building and outdoor spaces, setting up for functions and meetings when required This is a Community Employment programme and eligibility applies. if you think you might be eligible and are interested in this position please contact Cathriona O Rourke 0872055119 / 0429378521 or any Committee member.                                                                                                                                                        CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING Jumping Jig classes starting on the 23rd September at 5.30pm in Kilcurry Community Centre.                                                                           Community Employment Scheme  Environmental Worker Vacancy for Urnai Graveyard, Kilcurry, Dundalk.  This is a Community Employment programme and eligibility applies. if you think you might be eligible and are interested in this position please contact Councillor John Reilly on 087 815 3765.”                                                                                                      MASSES DURING THE WEEK

Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Bridie Keating (Ann) Peter and Elizabeth Fegan. Mary and Matt Coburn.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. No Mass
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Kevin Tumulty
Sunday 10.00 a.m.
Friday  7.30 p.m.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Nancy and Danny O’ Hanlon
Saturday  6.00pm Peadar M Eneaney (Jnr) Christine Hughes and DFM.
Sunday 12 noon Special Intention
Monday  7.00 p.m. Anna And Ben Ralph (Anni)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m.
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Sean Duffy. Christy, Philomena and Paul Murtagh.
Next Sunday 12 noon Ester Duffy (MM) Rose and Pat Brennan. Jim, Ena, Seamus, Robert, Eamon and Nancy Gordon. Joe and Ann Keenan and DFM.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Micheal Woods
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Thomas and Eileen Mullally and DFM


Newsboard – 19/09/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €328.20 BAC: €196.59 Faughart €107.00 Castletown: €234.93   Non Envelope €350.00

Pastoral Council Meeting: Parochial House Thursday 30th September at 7.30pm

Welcome into Our Christian Community John Eugene Quigley and Kye John Martin who were baptised last weekend.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Congratulation to our children from Kilcurry School and Faughart Community National School on receiving their First Holy Communion.  We thank the teachers, parents, children, choir, decorators, cleaners and Grainne our sacristan for making it a beautiful ceremony.

Fundraising Meeting:  We will be having a meeting on Wednesday 29th September in the resource centre at 7.30pm. We invite all our fundraising volunteers and welcome new volunteers for some ideas on fundraising projects in the coming months.  It has been a hard year on the parish financially due to the pandemic and we need all your support.

Order of Malta Collection: outside all churches on Saturday 18th September and Sunday 19th September.

Faughart social Group: Meet up Monday 20th September in Kilcurry Community Centre at 7.30pm

Roche Emmets Drive in Bingo: Every Sunday at 3.30pm. Gates open at 2.30pm, over €2,100 in cash prizes every week.  Jackpot €750

Caretaker Kilcurry Community Resource Centre Inniskeen West Louth Development have a vacancy for a Caretaker in Kilcurry Community Resource Centre. Duties will include cleaning of all public areas eg: Hall, meeting rooms, toilets, hallways and kitchen. General maintenance of the building and outdoor spaces, setting up for functions and meetings when required This is a Community Employment programme and eligibility applies. if you think you might be eligible and are interested in this position please contact Cathriona O Rourke 0872055119 / 0429378521 or any Committee member.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING Jumping Jig classes starting on the 23rd September at 5.30pm in Kilcurry Community Centre.

Community Employment Scheme  Environmental Worker Vacancy for Urnai Graveyard, Kilcurry, Dundalk.  This is a Community Employment programme and eligibility applies. if you think you might be eligible and are interested in this position please contact Councillor John Reilly on 087 815 3765.”


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Margaret (Peggy) Kirk and Benny Kirk (Ann) Joe Reilly.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. No Mass
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Bridie Keating (Ann) Peter and Elizabeth Fegan.
Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday  7.30 p.m. Frank and Alice Rice. Tom, Mary and Gearad Dowdall, Yvonne Conway (Ann)
Next Sunday  10.00a.m.  
Saturday  6.00pm Mary Grant and DFM of the Mc Ardle family. Brigid and Jim Califf.
Sunday 12 noon Patricia Talt and DFM, Thomas and Margaret Mc Ardle. Vera and Josephine Woods. Peggy Gernon
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Mary Grant and DFM of the Mc Ardle Family.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Margaret Kelly (BR)
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Peadar M Eneaney (Jnr) Christine Hughes and DFM.
Next Sunday 12 noon  
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Josephine and Edward Clarke and DFM
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.  

Scoil Phádraig Noafa: Are running a recycling day Thursday 23rd September. Clean curtains, duvets cover’s (not duvets or pillow), towel, linen, hand-bags and shoes. Bags can be left into Kilcurry School in Thursday morning from 8.15am -10am.

Newsboard – 12/09/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €431.10 BAC: €260.58 Faughart €150.05 Castletown: €251.80  Candleabra: €80.00  Non Envelope €375.00

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Welcome into Our Christian Community Madison Rubie Foy Duffy, Naoise Ava-Leigh Sheekey, Denis Duffy and Siofija Gabriella Bacuka, Harry Paul Martin who were baptised last weekend.

Order of Malta Collection: outside all churches on Saturday 18th September and Sunday 19th September.

Roche Emmets Drive in Bingo: Every Sunday at 4.30pm. Gates open at 3.30pm, over €2,100 in cash prizes every week.

Regional Skills and Training Centre: Enrolling for online evening courses in Customer services, hospitality, digital media, bookkeeping, payroll, reception and computing now opened please call 042 9355794 or log on to

Caretaker Kilcurry Community Resource Centre Inniskeen West Louth Development have a vacancy for a Caretaker in Kilcurry Community Resource Centre. Duties will include cleaning of all public areas eg: Hall, meeting rooms, toilets, hallways and kitchen. General maintenance of the building and outdoor spaces, setting up for functions and meetings when required This is a Community Employment programme and eligibility applies. if you think you might be eligible and are interested in this position please contact Cathriona O Rourke 0872055119 / 0429378521 or any Committee member.

CONNOLLY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCING Jumping Jig classes starting soon.  Classes start on 23rd September at 5.30pm in Kilcurry Community Centre. Please note all Government guidelines will be adhered to.”

Community Employment Scheme  Environmental Worker Vacancy for Urnai Graveyard, Kilcurry, Dundalk.  This is a Community Employment programme and eligibility applies. if you think you might be eligible and are interested in this position please contact Councillor John Reilly on 087 815 3765.”

                                      MASSES DURING THE WEEK

Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Patty Marmion (Ann) Laurence and Margaret Grant and DFM. Matthew and Catherine Mc Bride. Michael and Eileen Cassidy. Fr. Malacy Loughran.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. No Mass
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Margaret (Peggy) Kirk and Benny Kirk (Ann) Joe Reilly.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. James, Ester, Patrick and Kathleen O’ Hanlon. Edward and Briege Mc Ardle.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Peter and Anna Mc Donnell. Kathleen Mc Keown and DFM.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m.  
Saturday  6.00pm Brendan Harrison (BR) Nancy Harrison and DFM of the Harrison and Carroll families.
Sunday 12 noon Patrick and Bridget Jennings and DFM
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Molly and James Meegan
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Dessie and Rose Smyth
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Mary Grant and DFM of the Mc Ardle family. Brigid and Jim Califf.
Next Sunday 12 noon Patricia Talt and DFM, Thomas and Margaret Mc Ardle. Vera and Josephine Woods. Peggy Gernon
Saturday   7.30 p.m.  
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Josephine and Edward Clarke and DFM