Newsboard – 29/08/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €355.85 BAC: €424.15 Castletown: €231.20 Faughart Shrine: €118.00  Non Envelope €220.00.

St. Vincent De Paul Collection: At all churches next weekend – 4th and 5th September.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Congratulation:  Laura Mc Cartney and Nathan Cooney who were married last weekend.

Welcome into Our Christian Community Logan Thomas Kavanagh, Mark Philip Aiden Monaghan, Ellie Jayne Bellamy who were baptised recently in the parish.

Please note: A new grave must go along-side of the last burial, otherwise continuity breaks down.  Your full co-operation would be very much appreciated in this matter.

Roche Emmets Drive in Bingo: Every Sunday starting 5th September 2021 at 4.30pm. Gates open at 3.30pm, over €2,100 in cash prizes every week.

Caretaker Kilcurry Community Resource Centre

Inniskeen West Louth Development have a vacancy for a Caretaker in Kilcurry Community Resource Centre. Duties will include cleaning of all public areas eg: Hall, meeting rooms, toilets, hallways and kitchen. General maintenance of the building and outdoor spaces, setting up for functions and meetings when required This is a Community Employment programme and eligibility applies. if you think you might be eligible and are interested in this position please contact Cathriona O Rourke 0872055119 / 0429378521 or any Committee member.


Community Employment Scheme 

Environmental Worker Vacancy for Urnai Graveyard, Kilcurry, Dundalk.  This is a Community Employment programme and eligibility applies. if you think you might be eligible and are interested in this position please contact Councillor John Reilly on 087 815 3765.”



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Kathleen Keegan and Eilish Keegan. Richard and Jim Goss. Christina Begley (Ann) and D.F.M. Michael Hamilton. Michael,Elizabeth and Peter Cunningham.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Ethel and Loughlin Haughey and D.F.M. Frank Farrell.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Tommy Gartlan. Ciaran Rice, Eamon Carroll and Michael Flynn.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid Gernon Kilbride. 1St Ann

Frank Finnegan. (Ann)

Friday  7.30 p.m. Mary Reilly. Thomas, Theresa and Noreen Mc Donald. Kathleen Mc Keown and DFM. Jackie Callan and Baby Maisie Callan.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Lambe and Mc Court Families. Mary Reilly.
Saturday  6.00pm Molly Magee. Willie,Teresa Long and D.F.M.
Sunday 12 noon Rosie Belton.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Mary Bishop. (Anni)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Margaret and Edward O’ Hare, Rosekeagh.
Next Sunday 12 noon Ann Mc Geown. Barny and Anna May Mc Eneaney.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Eddie and Josephine Clarke and D.F.M.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Eoin Quinn.


Newsboard – 22/08/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €786.00 BAC: 286.00 Castletown: €302.35. Faughart Shrine: €158.00  Non Envelope €340.00. Sick and Retired Priest: €750.00

Please note there will be no mass in Kilcurry on Saturday 28th August at 10.30 am.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Congratulations to Margaret O’ Hare and Barry Soraghan who were married on Friday in St. Brigid’s Church.

Welcome into Our Christian Community Nina Hollie Heffernan, Fiadh Nora Noonan, Ruairidh Markey, Nicolas David Stalley, Will Bernard Boyle who were baptised recently in the parish.

There will be two rehearsals of the Confirmation ceremony on Thursday the 26th of August at 6 pm and 7pm for the 6th class children in Faughart and Kilcurry schools.  It is very important that the children to be confirmed this year attend the rehearsal along with their sponsors so that they will be familiar with the ceremony on Confirmation day.

Please note: A new grave must go along-side of the last burial, otherwise continuity breaks down.  Your full co-operation would be very much appreciated in this matter.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Michael and Brigid Lennon.  Gerard Toner.  Brigid and Alice Reilly.  Hugh O’Hare.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. No Mass
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Kathleen Keegan and Eilish Keegan. Richard and Jim Goss.
Sunday 10.00 a.m.
Friday  7.30 p.m.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Brigid Gernon Kilbride 1St Ann

Frank Finnegan (Ann)

Saturday  6.00pm Molly McGee.  Brigid, Edward and Noel Hoey.  Eileen and Paddy Leavy.  Patricia and Paddy Ellis.  Gavin Grills.
Sunday 12 noon Josephine Woods.  Ruth Jennings and D.F. M of Fitzsimons family.  Patrick and Mary Catherine McGee.
Monday  7.00 p.m.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m. Maurice Carville
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Molly Magee. Willie,Teresa Long and D.F.M
Next Sunday 12 noon Rosie Belton
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Paddy and Maggie Tiernan.  Sally Byrne.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Eddie and Josephine Clarke and D.F.M.


Newsboard – 15/08/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €404.46  BAC: €326.62.Castletown: €306.05 Faughart Shrine: €138.05  Non Envelope €290.00.  Candelabra: Kilcurry, €415 and £26.76, Faughart € 315, Castletown €50.  Priest dues €2815

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.


Welcome into Our Christian Community Fiadh Nora Noonan, Ruairidh Markey and Nina Hollie Heffernan who were baptised last weekend in the parish.


There will be two rehearsals of the Confirmation ceremony on Thursday the 26th of August at 6 pm and 7pm for the 6th class children in Faughart and Kilcurry schools.  It is very important that the children to be confirmed this year attend the rehearsal along with their sponsors so that they will be familiar with the ceremony on Confirmation day.


Please note: A new grave must go along-side of the last burial, otherwise continuity breaks down.  Your full co-operation would be very much appreciated in this matter.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Peggy and Gerry Mc Geough, Robert Mc Kay. Rosaleen Loughran. Margaret Lennon (Scotchgreen).
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Michael and Brigid Lennon.  Gerard Toner.  Brigid and Alice Reilly.  Hugh O’Hare.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Mary Mc Ardle nee McGuiness Gerard and Mary Daly (Anni)
Friday  7.30 p.m. Aine O’Callaghan.  Winifred and Tom Mcardle.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m.  
Saturday  6.00pm Elizabeth Murden. Francis White. Peter  and Molly Callan. Nelly Hodgers.
Sunday 12 noon Rosario Andrews (MM) James Byrne, Gene Campbell and DFM. Mary Kate O’ Callaghan. Kelvin, Raymond and Anne Murray. Elizabeth Murden, Sean Murden. Jacqueline Flynn. Eileen Brennan.
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Valerie Owens (1 Anni).
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased members of the Malone and Mc Connell Families.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Molly McGee.  Brigid, Edward and Noel Hoey.  Eileen and Paddy Leavy.  Patricia and Paddy Ellis.  Gavin Grills.
Next Sunday 12 noon Josephine Woods.  Ruth Jennings and D.F. M of Fitzsimons family.  Patrick and Mary Catherine McGee.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Majella McKeever.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Paddy and Maggie Tiernan.  Sally Byrne.


Newsboard – 08/08/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €464.70  BAC: €623.95 Castletown: €321.81 Faughart Shrine: €326.62  Non Envelope €455.00

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Congratulations to Laura Begley and Daniel Berry, Laura Flynn and Peter Baldwin.   Wanda Molineros and Tom Quigley who were married recently in the parish.

Welcome into Our Christian Community Oisin Ciaran Connolly, Alexis Treesa Nikhil, Ava May Lawlor Wehrly, Dan Eric Hegarty, Cillian David Duffy, Kaeleigh Kerley Monaghan who were baptised recently in the parish.

Please note: A new grave must go along-side of the last burial, otherwise continuity breaks down.  Your full co-operation would be very much appreciated in this matter.

Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Kathleen and Desmond O’ Hare. John and Rose-Ann Rafferty. Rose Martin. Margaret Mc Namee. Ciaran Mc Keever.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. 1 James, Brigid and Elizabeth Woods.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Peggy and Gerry Mc Geough, Robert Mc Kay. Rosaleen Loughran.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Niall Craven (1st Anni).  Tom Litchfield and Eileen Hamill. Peter, Kate, Pete, Cora and Olive Kavanagh and DFM.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Mary Flood 2nd Anni.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Mary Mc Ardle nee (Mc Guiness) Gerard and Mary Daly (Anni)
Saturday  6.00pm Brigid, Edward and Noel Hoey.  Patrica and Paddy Ellis. Paddy and Eileen Leavy. Peadar (JNR) Mc Eneaney (BR)
Sunday 12 noon The Grant and Mellon Families.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Siss and Tom Litchfield (Ann) Alan and Michael Mc Shane.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Ann Crilly
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Deceased members of the Malone and Mc Connell Families.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Elizabeth Morden. Francis White. Peter  and Molly Callan. Nelly Hodgers.
Next Sunday 12 noon Rosario Andrews (MM) James Byrne, Gene Campbell and DFM. Mary Kate O’ Callaghan. Kelvin, Raymond and Anne Murray. Elizabeth Morden, Sean Morden. Jacqueline Flynn. Eileen Brennan
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Henry Dooley and DFM

Josie Mc Conville.

Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.  


Newsboard – 01/08/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €333.70  BAC: €321.65 Castletown: €438.50 Faughart Shrine: €125.00  Non Envelope €320.00

Please note: There will be no mass in St. Joseph’s Castletown on Bank holiday Monday evening at 7pm.

Envelope collection: We will not be collecting the parish envelopes after mass in Kilcurry from next weekend.  

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Holy Communion will be brought to the sick and housebound next Friday.

St Vincent de Paul:  Church gate collection this weekend at all churches.

MMOMLMPM: Mass for healing and comfort for everyone especially for those who have lost a loved one by suicide and for those who are suicidal at St.Joseph’s Castletown on Friday the 6th August at 6pm.

Please note: A new grave must go along-side of the last burial, otherwise continuity breaks down.  Your full co-operation would be very much appreciated in this matter.

Congratulations to Sean Smith and Kayliegh Mc Entee who were married last weekend in St. Brigid’s church, Kilcurry.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Niall Delaney (MM) Finton Conlon (Anni) Cornelius Casey  Dara Craven Peter, Aileen, Mary Mc Ardle and DFM Bernard and Winifred Duffy and sons Patrick and Bernard and DFM
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Kathleen and Desmond O’ Hare. John and Rose-Ann Rafferty. Rose Martin. Margaret Mc Namee. Ciaran Mc Keever.
Sunday 10.00 a.m.
Friday  7.30 p.m.
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Niall Craven (1st Anniv),Thomas, Theresa and Noreen Mc Donald. John Shields. Gerard Connolly. Bridgid Hanratty.
Saturday  6.00pm Brian Sherry and DFM. Farrell, Philomena and Thomas Scanlon. Tom and Mary Casey
Sunday 12 noon Eileen and Micheal Duffy. Tom and Mary Casey.
Monday  7.00 p.m. No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m.
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Brigid, Edward and Noel Hoey.  Patrica and Paddy Ellis. Paddy and Eileen Leavy. Peadar (JNR) Mc Eneaney (BR)
Next Sunday 12 noon The Grant and Mellon Family’s
Saturday   7.30 p.m. John and James Quinn and DFM
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Henry Dooley and DFM

Josie Mc Conville.


Newsboard – 25/07/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €305.00  BAC: €227.47 Castletown: €294.52 Faughart Shrine: €254.00  Non Envelope €250.00 Peter’s Pence collection €895.00.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

St. Vincent de Paul collection on Saturday 31st July and Sunday 1st August.


Lough Derg

The Lough Derg Pilgrim Path on the lough shore is now open daily.  The full route is a 12km loop, with a shorter 8km option, and several information boards highlight features of particular interest.  Leaflets are available at the Visitors Centre.

A guided walk experience will be offered on Sunday 25th and Saturday 31st July, with Mass outdoors, weather permitting.  Further dates for these guided walks will follow for late August and early September.

For bookings and further information email or telephone 0(0353) 71 9861518.       Lough Derg Pilgrim Path, Pettigo, Co Donegal.  F94 N289
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje

Dublin direct to Mostar – Medjugorje (return via Split)

25th August – 1st September 2021 – £599

7 nights half board

Accompanied by Fr John Mc Keever, PP, Keady & Derrynoose

For more information on joining the group please contact:

Martin or Lucia Cunningham 02827531847 or 07926132847







Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Damien Rogers (Anni) Marie Coburn. John and Joan Reilly.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Niall Delaney (MM) Finton Conlon (Anni) Cornelius Casey  Dara Carven Peter, Aileen, Mary Mc Ardle and DFM Bernard and Winifred Duffy and sons Patrick and Bernard and DFM
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Judith and Thomas Treanor and DFM (Drumbilla) Paddy and Briege Mc Allister.  Vera Kirk.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Teresa and Fergus Grant and DFM, Maurice Grant, Briege Grant and Angela Murphy. Ann Gogorty
Next Sunday  10.00a.m.  
Saturday  6.00pm Peadar Mc Eneaney (Srn)

Brendan Carthy

Sunday 12 noon Micheal, Brigid and their son Patrick Mulligan. Dessie Lindsay and John Lindsay (Snr) Pat and Rose Brennan. Ann and Tom White.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Barry Griffin (Jrn) Majella (Martin) Brodigan 1st Anni
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Benny and May O’Callaghan and DFM
Friday 10.00 a.m. Blessed Solanus Casey
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Brian Sherry and DFM
Next Sunday 12 noon Eileen and Micheal Duffy
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Paddy and Maggie Tiernan, Miceal, Mary and Geariod O’ Donnell.  Thomas Muldoon.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. John and James Quinn and DFM


Newsboard – 18/07/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €458.00  BAC: €326.05 Castletown: €231.90 Faughart Shrine: €141.00  Non Envelope €265.00.

We Pray for the happy repose of Rosario Andrews nee Brennan. May she rest in peace.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

LMFM Mass: Will be recorded on Saturday 24th July in St. Joseph’s, Castletown at 6pm.

Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry

Our Lady’s Pilgrim Days
Invitation to one of Our Lady’s Pilgrim Days (Medjugorje Style) on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and the last Saturday of each month from 11am-6pm at the Oasis of Peace Centre, Mellifont Abbey, Collon, Co Louth. (Cost Free) Strictly by booking at Apostles of Love Ireland  086 8611531 or 089 6152568 email See also







Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Annie Rogers
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Damien Rogers (Anni) Marie Coburn. John and Joan Reilly.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Gerry Thompson and deceased family members of the Thompson and O’ Donnell Families.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Paddy Mc Keown and deceased family member.  Patrick Gogarty and deceased family members
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Judith and Thomas Treanor and deceased family members (Drumbilla) .Vera Kirk.
Saturday  6.00pm Nancy Harrison (BR)
Sunday 12 noon Anna Dollard (Anni)
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Peadar Mc Eneaney (Snr)
Friday 10.00 a.m. Anthony & Margaret Dillon
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Peadar Mc Eneaney (Srn)

Brendan Carthy

Next Sunday 12 noon Micheal, Brigid and their son Patrick Mulligan. Dessie Lindsay and John Lindsay (Snr)
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Pat Nash and deceased family members.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Paddy and Maggie Tiernan, Miceal, Mary and Geariod O’ Donnell.  Thomas Muldoon.


Newsboard – 04/07/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €437.30 BAC: €302.47 Castletown: €237.61 Faughart Shrine: €272.00  Non Envelope €215.00 Peters Pence €725.00

Please note all baptisms have been cancelled till further notice due to new government guidelines.

Welcome into our Christian community:  Ella Grace Martin who was baptised last weekend.

We Pray for the happy repose of Niall Delaney who died during the week. May he rest in peace.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

MMOMLMPM: Mass for healing and comfort for everyone but especially for those who have lost a loved one by suicide and for those who are suicidal at St. Joseph’s Church, Castletown on Friday 9th July at 6pm.

Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am.







Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Hugh Curtis. Edward and Margaret O’ Hare (Roskeagh) Hugh O’ Hare. Alice and Brigid Reilly. John Mc Kevitt. Owen Joe Wood(BR) Mary Mc Bride. Ivy and Vincent Heaney and DFM. Gertie Mc Geough (Barleyfield)
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Donal Mc Nally. Maureen Winters.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Eileen and Michael Fearon and D.F.M John Craig. Veronica Dalton. Patrick and Lissie Coburn.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Nora Gernon. Niall Craven (BR)
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Tom and Cissie Treanor. Jack, Minnie and Alice Mc Ardle.
Saturday  6.00pm  
Sunday 12 noon Willie and Nancy Parkin. James and Rosie Mellon.
Monday  7.00 p.m. John Byrne (Fatima Court)
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Philomena Scanlon 5th Anni
Next Sunday 12 noon Micheal, Rose, Micheal Jrn, and Richard Crosse.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Mary, Patrick Ferguson and their son Anthony.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.  


Newsboard – 27/06/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €369.00 BAC: €324.58 Castletown: €256.52 Faughart Shrine: €148.00  Non Envelope €315.00 Donation €50.00 BAC Candelabra €70.00

Welcome into our Christian community:  Raeah Campbell and James Matthew Mc Donagh who were baptised last weekend.

Blessing of the Graves ceremonies will not take place this year.  The priest will be blessing them privately.

Next Friday: First Friday calls.  If you would like to receive Holy Communion please phone the Parochial House.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Lough Derg 2021:Registration is now open to “Do Lough Derg from wherever you are”  from 3rd to 5th July.     The Prior, Fr La Flynn, will do the Three Day Pilgrimage on the Island during these days. To offer a live link by webcam in support of those who will choose to do the pilgrimage wherever they are, some of the Lough Derg staff will do the pilgrimage in St. Mary’s Church in Pettigo.  To register or for further information please email,telephone 0(0353)719861518.

Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Special Intension.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. DFM of the Coburn , Kirk, Mc Cout and Litchfield families. Seamus Reilly, Joan Kinley. Bernie Mc Cormack, Marie Coburn, Michael Kirk and Michael Mc Cormack.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Hugh Curtis. Edward and Margaret O’ Hare (Roskeagh) Hugh O’ Hare. Alice and Brigid Reilly. John Mc Kevitt. Owen Joe Wood. Mary Mc Bride. Ivy and Vincent Heaney and DFM. Gertie Mc Geough (Barleyfield)
Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday  7.30 p.m. Michael and Elizabeth O’ Callaghan
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Nora Gernon. Niall Craven (BR)
Saturday  6.00pm  
Sunday 12 noon Gerry Costigan. Dessie Lindsay
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.  
Next Sunday 12 noon Willie and Nancy Parkin. James and Rosie Mellon.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Fr. Jim Pollock
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Mary, Patrick Ferguson and their son Anthony.


Newsboard – 20/06/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €303.40 BAC: €227.62 Castletown: €240.10 Faughart Shrine: €236.00  Non Envelope €295.00 Faughart Shrine €375.00.

Welcome into our Christian community:  Joey Sherry, Alex Gerard Coburn and Max Mc Mahon who were baptised last weekend.

Blessing of the Graves ceremonies will not take place this year.  The priest will be blessing them privately.

Holy Hour: Every Wednesday from 3pm-4pm at Faughart Shrine.

Lough Derg 2021:Registration is now open to “Do Lough Derg from wherever you are”  from 3rd to 5th July.     The Prior, Fr La Flynn, will do the Three Day Pilgrimage on the Island during these days. To offer a live link by webcam in support of those who will choose to do the pilgrimage wherever they are, some of the Lough Derg staff will do the pilgrimage in St. Mary’s Church in Pettigo.  To register or for further information please email 071 986 1518.

Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am.





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Brian Conlon, John and Julia Mc Shane. Denis and Molly Doyle. Hughie and Seamus Reilly. John Rafferty, daughter Teresa and DFM. Veronica Sheils (BR) Gerry Rowland (BR)
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m.  
Sunday  10 a.m. Cecilia Halpenny.      Packie Thornton.
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00a.m.  
Saturday  6.00pm Patricia Mc Guire 1st Anni, Stephen Monahan (Anni)
Sunday 12 noon Georgie Savage. Betty Mc Nally (BR) Paddy, Thomas, Josephine Grant. Stephen and Winifred Conroy and DFM.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Peter, Katie Donnelly and daughters Ann and Briege late of Tateetra.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Kathleen Gaffy
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.  
Next Sunday 12 noon Gerry Costigan
Saturday   7.30 p.m.  
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Fr. Jim Pollock


Newsboard – 13/06/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €374.00 BAC: €401.07 Castletown: €341.00 Faughart Shrine: €146.00  Non Envelope €305.00

New cemetery Map/signage in B.A.C.: A new map/signage of graves is to be erected in Brid-A-Crinn cemetery mid-year 2021.  A copy of the map/signage will be on show in the church of St. Joseph’s, Castletown/Fatima from Monday the 31st of May until Sunday the 6th of June to allow people from Castletown/Fatima to make adjustments I.E check names, address (one word only), date of death, age and plot number.  Forms will be available in the church to allow amendments.  Please inform neighbours , friends and relatives of new map/signage.

Welcome into our Christian community:  Ivan Oliver Mc Closkey and Darragh Brian Purcell who were baptised last weekend.

Congratulations to Claire Mc Cann and Gareth Lennon who were married last weekend.

Blessing of the Graves ceremonies will not take place this year.  The priest will be blessing them privately.

Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am.







Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Betty Bergin(MM) Francie Kirk. Bride Boyle. Tom Rice. Mary Reilly. Lily Gartlan. Jack and Bessie O’ Leary-Billingham
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Brian Conlon, john and Julia Mc Shane. Denis and Molly Doyle. Hughie and Seamus Reilly. John Rafferty, daughter Teresa and DFM. Veronica Sheils (BR)
Sunday  10 a.m. Frank and Florrie Harvey. Jack Traynor and DFM. Stephen, Geraldine and Samantha Lynch.
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00a.m. Cecilia Halpenny.      Packie Thornton.
Saturday  6.00pm Annie Corbert and deceased family members. Jimmy Mc Govern.
Sunday 12 noon Joe Mc Grane and deceased family members.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Oliver Hand and Deceased family members.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Patricia Mc Guire 1st Anni, Stephen Monahan (Anni)
Next Sunday 12 noon Georgie Savage. Betty Mc Nally (BR)
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Pat Eaton
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.  


Newsboard – 06/06/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €498.00 BAC:€444.02 Castletown: €346.00 Faughart Shrine: €164.00  Non Envelope €404.00

New cemetery Map/signage in B.A.C.: A new map/signage of graves is to be erected in Brid-A-Crinn cemetery mid-year 2021.  A copy of the map/signage will be on show in the church of St. Joseph’s, Castletown/Fatima from Monday the 31st of May until Sunday the 6th of June to allow people from Castletown/Fatima to make adjustments I.E check names, address (one word only), date of death, age and plot number.  Forms will be available in the church to allow amendments.  Please inform neighbours, friends and relatives of new map/signage.

Welcome into our Christian community: Luxeybelle Sylvia Marisa, Aoibhe Bridget Dalton and Cuán Andrew Brophy who were baptised last weekend.

St. Vincent de Paul: Collection this weekend at all Churches.

Blessing of the Graves ceremonies will not take place this year.  The priest will be blessing them privately.

Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am.







Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Thomas Reilly. John and Susan Quinn. Margaret Kearney. Iris Sullivan. Fergal, Francis and Frank Haughey. Robert and Margaret Moore Anni.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Tommy and Nellie Duffy
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Betty Bergin. Francie Kirk. Bride Boyle. Tom Rice. Mary Reilly. Lily Gartlan. Jack and Bessie O’ Leary-Billingham
Sunday  10 a.m. Alan Farrelly and Fiona Patterson. Michael and Bridie Farrelly and Michael (Jnr) Joseph Green (BR) Theresa Myers. Kathleen Pedlar.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Elizabeth Roddy MM
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Frank and Florrie Harvey. Jack Traynor and DFM. Stephen, Geraldine and Samantha Lynch.
Saturday  6.00pm Teresa Cunningham 1st Anni.
Sunday 12 noon Iris O’ Sullivan, Johnny Mc Cabe 1st Anni. Eugene Grant.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Angela and Peadar Callan
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Patrick Crilly
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m. Crilly, Murray and Mc Carthy families.
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Jimmy Mc Govern
Next Sunday 12 noon Annie Corbert and DFM
Saturday   7.30 p.m Eileen and Martin Molloy.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Pat Eaton


Newsboard – 30/05/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235      

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €781.80 BAC:€656.80 Castletown: €401.31  Faughart Shrine: €167.00  Non Envelope €345.00

New cemetery Map/signage in B.A.C.: A new map/signage of graves is to be erected in Brid-A-Crinn cemetery mid-year 2021.  A copy of the map/signage will be on show in the church of St. Joseph’s, Castletown/Fatima from Monday the 31st  of May  until Sunday the 6th of  June to allow people from Castletown/Fatima to make adjustments I.E check names, address (one word only), date of death, age and plot number.  Forms will be available in the church to allow amendments.  Please inform neighbours, friends and relatives of new map/signage.

Welcome into our Christian community: Maria-Leigh O’ Hare and Freya Mari Murphy Rafferty who were baptised last weekend.

MMOMLPM Mass for healing and comfort for everyone but especially for those who have lost a loved one by suicide and for those who are suicidal at Joseph’s church, Fatima Friday the 4th of June at 6 pm.

Holy Communion will be brought to the sick and housebound next Friday.

Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am.

 St Vincent de Paul: will be collecting outside all churches weekend of the 5th and 6th June.

KNOCK 2021:On Sunday May 30th the Diocese will celebrate the Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock.  Sadly for the second year running it will not be possible for us all to travel.  However it will be broadcast from the Shrine at 3pm with Bishop Michael Chief-celebrant and Preacher.

Wednesday 26th May The Annunciation- St Joseph’s, Caledon Fr.Cathal         Deveney
Thursday   27th May The Visitation- St Joseph’s, Mell  Fr John McAlinden Friday       28th May  The Nativity -St Joseph’s, Tynan Fr Sean Moore
Saturday   29th May  The Presentation -St Joseph’s, Dundalk Fr Noel Kehoe
Sunday     30th May   The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple St Joseph’s   Castletown  Fr Oliver Standfield.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Bernard, Bessie and Breige Mc Ardle. Patsy, Philomena and Kevin Rafferty and DFM. Malachy Begley. Patricia and Mary O’ Brien.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Patrick and Elisabeth Lennon
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Thomas Reilly. John and Susan Quinn. Margaret Kearney. Iris Sullivan. Fergal, Francis and Frank Haughey. Robert and Margaret Moore Anni.
Sunday  10 a.m. Vera Mc Guire (anni) Jimmy Greene (MM)
Friday  7.30 p.m. Jim Mc veigh and Deceased family members.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Alan Farrelly and Fiona Patterson. Michael and Bridie Farrelly and Michael (Jnr) Joseph Green (BR) Theresa Myers. Kathleen Pedlar.
Saturday  6.00pm  
Sunday 12 noon Jim and Phyllis Mackin. Betty Haque. Freddie and Molly Hearty.
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Teresa Cunningham 1st Anni.
Next Sunday 12 noon Iris O’ Sullivan.
Saturday   7.30 p.m Jack and Margaret Fegan.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Eileen and Martin Molloy.


Newsboard – 23/05/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish website

Facebook page: Faughart Parish.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our

Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €551.60 BAC:€492.73 Castletown: €519.10  Faughart Shrine: €322.30  Non Envelope €385.00

Priest Dues: €2,140.00

Lists are available for the ministers of the word and the Eucharist ministers in St. Joseph’s, Castletown.

Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am. Families can sit together.

Marian Pilgrimages: have released their pilgrimage schedule for 2021 & 2022 to Lourdes, Medjugorje, Fatima, Italy & Holy Land.  For more information or to register your interest please visit or ring Marian Pilgrimages on (01) 878 8159”
St Vincent de Paul: will be collecting outside all churches weekend of the 5th and 6th June.

KNOCK 2021:On Sunday May 30th the Diocese will celebrate the Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock.  Sadly for the second year running it will not be possible for us all to travel.  However it will be broadcast from the Shrine at 3pm with Bishop Michael Chief-celebrant and Preacher.

Wednesday 26th May The Annunciation- St Joseph’s, Caledon Fr.Cathal         Deveney
Thursday   27th May The Visitation- St Joseph’s, Mell  Fr John McAlinden Friday       28th May  The Nativity -St Joseph’s, Tynan Fr Sean Moore
Saturday   29th May  The Presentation -St Joseph’s, Dundalk Fr Noel Kehoe
Sunday     30th May   The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple St Joseph’s   Castletown  Fr Oliver Standfield.






Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Bridie Stewart, Mary Smith. Thomas and Elizabeth O’ Hare. Christy and Margaret Farrell. Bernard, Bessie and Briege Mc Ardle, Maggie Casey, Margaret (Peggy) Kerr.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Bernard, Bessie and Breige Mc Ardle. Patsy, Philomena and Kevin Rafferty and DFM. Malachy Begley. Patricia and Mary O’ Brien..
Sunday  10 a.m. Gregory Duffy
Friday  7.30 p.m. Tommy Flood
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Vera Mc Guire (anni) Jimmy Greene (MM) DFM of the Kilkeeny, Garahy and Burke Families
Saturday  6.00pm May and Gerry Sherry.Mary Mulholland.
Sunday 12 noon Catherine and Thomas Moore, Toberona.  Seamus Mc Grane. Betty Mc Ardle.


Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Baby Mark Reilly
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.  
Next Sunday 12 noon Lily and Patrick Kirk, George Savage (Anni) Jim and Phyllis Mackin. Betty Haque. Freddie and Molly Hearty.
Saturday   7.30 p.m Edward and Elizabeth Oaks. Carmel Mc Geough. Annie, John, Sean Campell and DFM. Jim Mc Fadden and DFM of the Mc Fadden and Duffy families
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Jack and Margaret Fegan


Newsboard – 16/05/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Kilcurry: €449.90 BAC:€103.70 Castletown: €340.50  Faughart Shrine: €90.00  Trocaire €179.00.

Trocaire Collection: The total collection for Trocaire was €4,116.92.  Many thanks to all our parishioners for your generosity.

We Pray for the happy repose of Betty Bergin who died during the week.  May she rest in peace.

Welcome into our christian community: Noah Gary Robinson, Lee James Mackin, Mya Elizabeth O’ Hagan who were baptised last weekend.

Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am. Families can sit together.

New cemetery Map/signage in B.A.C.: A new map/signage of graves is to be erected in Brid-A-Crinn cemetery mid-year 2021.  A copy of the map/signage will be on show in the church of the Most Holy Rosary from the 1st of May to allow people to make adjustments I.E check names, address (one word only), date of death, age and plot number.  Forms will be available in the church to allow amendments.  Please inform neighbours, friends and relatives of new map/signage.

Kilcurry Tidy Towns

Due to COVID 19 there is no organised litter clean up this year.


Marian Pilgrimages have released their pilgrimage schedule for 2021 & 2022 to Lourdes, Medjugorje, Fatima, Italy & Holy Land.  For more information or to register your interest please visit or ring Marian Pilgrimages on (01) 878 8159”





Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Deceased family members of the Mc Gee and Mc Cartney Families. Robert Mc Kay. Desmond Hughes. Jenny Muckian, Leo Gray.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Bridie Stewart, Mary Smith. Thomas and Elizabeth O’ Hare. Christy and Margaret Farrell. Bernard, Bessie and Briege Mc Ardle, Maggie Casey, Margaret (Peggy) Kerr.
Sunday  10 a.m. Tommy, Maura and Peter Dulligan.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Mary Daly
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Gregory Duffy
Saturday  6.00pm Brendan Harrison    David Noone
Sunday 12 noon John Mc Areavey


Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Ward and Dullaghan Families and DFM Rogan Mc Loughlin andDFM
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Ward and Dullaghan Families and DFM Rogan Mc Loughlin and DFM
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. May and Gerry Sherry
Next Sunday 12 noon Catherine and Thomas Moore, Toberona.  Seamus Mc Grane.
Saturday   7.30 p.m Kathleen and Matthew Kane. Hugh, Mary and Brian Murphy, Seamus and Patsy Doherty and Deceased family members.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Edward and Elizabeth Oaks. Carmel Mc Geough. Annie, John, Sean Campell and DFM. Jim Mc Fadden and DFM of the Mc Fadden and Duffy families


Newsboard – 09/05/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Kilcurry: €318.20.  BAC: €976.53 Castletown: €210.40.  Faughart Shrine: 237.00.  Faughart Candelabra: €344.90 25.00 stg.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Alaya Marie Mulligan, Kensie Lorraine Kelly Mulligan and Nathan Eoin Crawley Goss who were baptised last weekend.


Congratulations to Tara Mc Coy and Thomas Mackin who were married this weekend in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.


Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing

The masses will resume Monday 10th May. Please contact the parochial house to book and confirm your masses for this year. Mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am. Families can sit together.

New cemetery Map/signage in B.A.C.: A new map/signage of graves is to be erected in Brid-A-Crinn cemetery mid-year 2021.  A copy of the map/signage will be on show in the church of the Most Holy Rosary from the 1st of May to allow people to make adjustments I.E check names, address (one word only), date of death, age and plot number.  Forms will be available in the church to allow amendments.  Please inform neighbours, friends and relatives of new map/signage.

Kilcurry Tidy Towns

Due to COVID 19 there is no organised litter clean up this year.







Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Desmond O’ Hare 1st Anni and Kathleen O’ Hare (Roskeagh) Carmel Mc Geough. Frank, Frances and Fergal Haughey. Patrcik and Bridie Sheils and deceased family members.  Patrick and Brigid Mackin and deceased family members. Peadar Quinn. Kathleen Thornton (BR) Maura Brett.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Deceased family members of the Mc Gee and Mc Cartney Families. Robert Mc Kay. Desmond Hughes. Jenny Muckian, Leo Gray.
Friday  7.30 p.m. James Agnew and Pat Garvey, Mary and Bernard Callaghan.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Jimmy Green (MM) Tommy, Maura and Peter Dulligan.
Monday  7.00 p.m.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Larry O’ Rourke
Thursday 10.00 a.m.
Friday 10.00 a.m.
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Brendan Harrison    David Noone
Next Sunday 12 noon John Mc Areavey


Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Kathleen and Matthew Kane. Hugh, Mary and Brian Murphy, Seamus and Patsy Doherty and Deceased family members.

Newsboard – 02/05/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

Our Priests:  Fr Vinod Kurian and Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Brid –A- Crinn 240.00 Castletown €141.35 Kilcurry €531.00 Faughart Shrine €108.00 Trocaire Collection: €333.56


Congratulations to Paula Mc Coy and Noel Mc Bride who were married last weekend in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.


The masses will resume in the parish from the 10th of May.

New cemetery Map/signage in B.A.C.: A new map/signage of graves is to be erected in Brid-A-Crinn cemetery mid-year 2021.  A copy of the map/signage will be on show in the church of the Most Holy Rosary from the 1st of May to allow people to make adjustments I.E check names, address (one word only), date of death, age and plot number.  Forms will be available in the church to allow amendments.  Please inform neighbours, friends and relatives of new map/signage.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Kilcurry Tidy Towns

Due to COVID 19 there is no organised litter clean up this year.

We would ask people to lift the litter in the vicinity of their own property.  Please take care when on the roads (HI VIZ etc).






All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing





Patrick Heaney (MM), John and Molly Fitzgerald and deceased family members, Patrick and Nano Goss, Ian McKenna, Peter and Veronica McKenna, Jim Gribben, Agnes Whelan, Aiden Donohoe, Seamus Connolly 1st Anni, Paddy and Rose Sherry and deceased family members, Paddy and Lily Kirk and deceased family members.  Brigid Flanagan.  Mary and Benny Dowdall. Brigid and John Keenan and deceased family members.  Brigid and Hugh Grant and deceased family members.  Kathleen and Joseph McEntee.  Clement Finnegan.



Desmond O’Hare (1st Anni) and Kathleen O’Hare.  Carmel McGeough.  Frank, Frances and Fergal Hughey.  Francie and Ciaran Bergin.  Patrick and Bridie Sheils and deceased family members.  Patrick and Brigid Mackin and deceased family members.  Peadar Quinn.  Edward and Elizabeth Oaks.  Maura Brett.  Peggy Donnelly (BR).



Newsboard – 25/04/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Brid –A- Crinn 201.90 Castletown €246.10 Kilcurry €432.05 Faughart Shrine €150.00 Kilcurry candelabra €364.00 25 Sterling 25.00

Trocaire Collection: €167.00

We pray for the happy repose of Sean Lynch formerly of Toberona who died recently.  May he rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Ethan Frankie Harper who was baptised last weekend.

New cemetery Map/signage in B.A.C.: A new map/signage of graves is to be erected in Brid-A-Crinn cemetery mid-year 2021.  A copy of the map/signage will be on show in the church of the Most Holy Rosary from the 1st of May to allow people to make adjustments I.E check names, address (one word only), date of death, age and plot number.  Forms will be available in the church to allow amendments.  Please inform neighbours, friends and relatives of new map/signage.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Kilcurry Tidy Towns

Due to COVID 19 there is no organised litter clean up this year.

We would ask people to lift the litter in the vicinity of their own property.  Please take care when on the roads (HI VIZ etc).



All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing



Francis Costello (MM).  Briege Meegan Grant.  Annette Keelan.  Thomas and Farrell Scanlon.  Mary and Gerard McArdle.  Michael Murphy.  Kitty Duffy.  Eddie Flynn.  Seamus Reilly.  Hugh, Rose and Kevin McNamee.  Baby Oisin McArdle.  Patsy Rogers.  Jim Craven.  Michael Murphy.  Rose and Patrick Sherry.  Lilly and Patrick Kirk.  Jim McKenna.  John Mulligan.




Patrick Heaney (MM), John and Molly Fitzgerald and deceased family members, Patrick and Nano Goss, Ian McKenna, Peter and Veronica McKenna, Jim Gribben, Agnes Whelan, Aiden Donohoe, Seamus Connolly 1st Anni, Paddy and Rose Sherry and deceased family members, Paddy and Lily kirk and deceased family members.  Brigid Flanagan.  Mary and Benny Dowdall. Brigid and John Keenan and deceased family members.  Brigid and Hugh Grant and deceased family members.  Kathleen and Joseph McEntee.  Clement Finnegan.


Newsboard – 17/04/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Brid –A- Crinn €178.10 Castletown €301.32 Kilcurry €692.90 Faughart Shrine €217.37 Non envelope €20

Trocaire Collection: €1729.00

We pray for the happy repose of Francis Costello and Jimmy Green who died recently.  May they rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Hollie Mc Cabe, Ben Patrick Callaghan and Tori Mackin who were baptised last weekend.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.

Kilcurry Tidy Towns

Due to COVID 19 there is no organised litter clean up this year.

We would ask people to lift the litter in the vicinity of their own property.  Please take care when on the roads (HI VIZ etc). 

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing



Michael Nash, Danny Marmion (MM), Sandra Gorham (MM) Cyril Finnegan (1st Anni), Sally McEneaney (1st Anni), John and Mary Savage, Georgie Savage (BR) Brigid Kilbride Gernon (BR) Ben Flynn, John and Kathleen Thornton, Peter and May Byrne and deceased family members, Ellen Hughes and deceased family members, Brigid McKay, Ann Murray, Pauric Kelly, Ann McArdle.  William and Mary Watters.



Briege Meegan grant.  Annette Keelan.  Thomas and Farrell Scanlon.  Mary and Gerard McArdle.  Michael Murphy.  Kitty Duffy.  Eddie Flynn.  Seamus Reilly.  Hugh and Rose McNamee.  Baby Oisin McArdle.  Patsy rogers.  Jim Craven.  Michael Murphy.  Rose and Patrick Sherry.  Lilly and Patrick Kirk.  Jim McKenna.



Trocaire Boxes: Please return as soon as you can. Thank you for your generosity.

Newsboard – 11/04/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Brid –A- Crinn €323.72 Castletown €426.00 Kilcurry €687.20 Faughart Shrine €188.00 Candelabra Non envelope €8.00

Trocaire Collection: €1918.00

We pray for the happy repose of Francis Costello formerly Fatima Court who died recently.  May he rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Tilly Elizabeth Anderson, Callum-Tom Murphy and Martha Jean Sloan who were baptised last weekend.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Kilcurry Tidy Towns

Due to COVID 19 there is no organised litter clean up this year.

We would ask people to lift the litter in the vicinity of their own property.  Please take care when on the roads (HI VIZ etc).

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing



Denis Casey.  Sheila Watters (1st Anni).  Michael Marmion (mm).  Olive Martin.  Peter Finnegan.  Peter Murray and the deceased family members.  Kathleen Dunne.  Nuala, Mick and Michael McCann. Noel Rice, Owenie Kirk.




Michael Nash, Danny Marmion (MM), Cyril Finnegan (1st Anni), Sally McEneaney (1st Anni), John and Mary Savage, Georgie Savage (BR) Brigid Kilbride Gernon (BR) Ben Flynn, John and Kathleen Thornton, Peter and May Byrne and deceased family members, Ellen Hughes and deceased family members, Brigid McKay, Ann Murray, Pauric Kelly, Ann McArdle.  William and Mary Watters.



Trocaire Boxes: Please return as soon as you can. Thank you for your generosity.

Newsboard – 04/04/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Brid –A- Crinn €209.00 Castletown €297.29 Kilcurry €573.00 Faughart Shrine €176.75 and 7.33 Sterling.  Non Envelope €40.00 Donation €250.00.

We pray for the happy repose of Patrick Heeney who died during the week. May he rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Patrick Gerard Mc Clorey Boyle, Tessa Marion Bergin, Oisin Gearoid Gernon Kelly who were baptised last weekend.

We wish all our parishioners every blessing of Easter.

TROCAIRE BOXES:  Please return.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches.  Please, support your parish.


Kilcurry Tidy Towns

Due to COVID 19 there is no organised litter clean up this year.

We would ask people to lift the litter in the vicinity of their own property.  Please take care when on the roads (HI VIZ etc).

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing


THIS WEEKEND MASSES: Jim and Debra Waring.  Padraig McGee.  Paul and Lillian Mulkerns and the deceased family members.  Francis Gribben.  Johanna and Sam McGuiness. Mathew, Ellen and John Keenan.  Brigid, Jimmy Rafferty and the deceased family members.  Eileen, James and Jim McEvoy.  Thomas and Rose Finnegan.  Brendan O’Callaghan.  Kevin Campbell.  John and Mary Doherty.  Anna McDonnell. Susan and Larry Montgomery. Josephine Murphy.   Brendan O’Callaghan and the deceased family members.  Kevin Campbell.  John and Mary Doherty.




Denis Casey.  Sheila Watters (1st Anni).  Michael Marmion (mm).  Olive Martin.  Peter Finnegan.  Peter Murray and the deceased family members.  Kathleen Dunne.  Nuala, Mick and Michael McCann.


Easter Blessings

May Christ’s glory and the promise of this joyous time of year bring peace and happiness to you and those you hold most dear.

Newsboard – 28/03/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart Brid –A- Crinn €731.00 Castletown €369.80 Kilcurry €479.80 Faughart Shrine €79.80 Candelabra €52.00 Donation €100.00.

We pray for the happy repose of Sandra Gorham formally of Bellewbridge who died recently.  May she rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Kate Michaela Gernon, Ruby Patricia Gernon and Levi-Ben Murphy Dixon who were baptised last weekend.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches.  Please, support your parish.


Kilcurry Tidy Towns

Due to COVID 19 there is no organised litter clean up this year.

We would ask people to lift the litter in the vicinity of their own property.  Please take care when on the roads (HI VIZ etc).




All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing


Elaine Travers.  Jack and Philomena McMahon.  Denis Maddy.  Harry and Dora Mathews.  Noleen Moore.  Patrick and Lily Hughes.  Enda and Bridget Kelly.  Margaret and Joe McNamee and the deceased family members.  Margaret Rogan. Alice, Alfie and son Sean Heeney and deceased family members.  Sally Greene (Anni). Bernard and Julia Smyth and Bernard (Jnr), Peter Reel and deceased family members.








Jim and Debra Waring.  Padraig McGee.  Paul and Lillian Mulkerns and the deceased family members.  Francis Gribben.  Johanna and Sam McGuiness. Mathew, Ellen and John Keenan.  Brigid, Jimmy Rafferty and the deceased family members.  Eileen, James and Jim McEvoy.  Thomas and Rose Finnegan.  Brendan O’Callaghan.  Kevin Campbell.  John and Mary Doherty.  Anna McDonnell. Susan and Larry Montgomery.



Newsboard – 14/03/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart Brid –A- Crinn €340.00 Castletown    €474.10 Kilcurry €1098.00 Faughart Shrine €335.00  

We pray for the happy repose of Michael Marmion who died during the week and Bernadette Deery (nee Lennon) who died recently. May they rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Francis Kevin Donnelly and Charlie Seamus Barker who was baptised last weekend. 

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in all Churches.  This year they are appealing for help for the people of South Sudan who are in desperate need.  Please collect one and donate whatever you can afford to give over lent.


DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches.  Please, support your parish.


All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing

THIS WEEKEND MASSES: Owen Patrick and Joe Muckian and deceased family members.  Lord Ballyedmond.  Josephine and Gerry Reilly.  Veronica Sheils. Breige, Sylvester, Eamon Carroll and deceased family members of the Mc Ardle Family. Frank Corbett.  Aileen Hearty.  Lydia White.  Patrick and Teresa Lennon and the deceased family members.  Megan O’Connor.  Jimmy and Rita McMahon.  Paul Martin.  Michael and Eileen Duffy.  Kathleen Kelly.  Barry Kirby. Micheal and Ellen Laverty.  Ian Browne.  Rose and Malachy McCaughley. May Savage.   Betty Sands.  Kevin and Teresa McKeown.  Willie Treacy.  

  1. PATRICKS DAY:  WEDNESDAY 11am Elizabeth and Patrick Coburn and deceased family members, Elizabeth Rogers, Kay Murphy 1st Anni. Hugh and Katie Nash and deceased family members. Patrick, Theresa Lennon and Deceased family members.


Elizabeth Hamilton (mm). Margaret Craven.  Catherine and James Rafferty and the deceased family members.  Michael Gernon (Br).  Ruby, Charlie and Sally Byrne.  Hugh and Katie Nash and the deceased family members.  John and Margaret Murray.    Jim and Brigid Califf.   Alan Toner.  Una McEvoy.  Michael Reilly.  Ignatius McGee.  Marie, Michael, Eddie, Edward and Geraldine Halpin.  Brian, Maura, Patrick Rafferty and the deceased family members.  Sean and Mary Holland and the deceased family members.  Briege Heeney.  Alan and Michael McShane.  Betty McLoughlin.  Fidelma Conway. 


Newsboard – 07/03/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield



WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €160.00 Brid –A- Crinn €65.67 Castletown €266.10 Kilcurry €510.10 Non Envelope €5. Faughart Shrine Candleabra €214.20 and 8.39 Sterling

We pray for the happy repose of Annaleen Quigley who died last weekend.  May she rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community: James Mason Mallon Martin who was baptised last weekend.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in all Churches.  This year they are appealing for help for the people of South Sudan who are in desperate need.  Please collect one and donate whatever you can afford to give over lent.


DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches.  Please, support your parish.



All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing



Eileen McGee (mm). Margaret Alderson.  Kathleen Michael Marmion and the deceased family members. Peter Mc Keown.  Owen and Patrick Muckian.  Josephine and Gerry Reilly.  Patsy Rogers.  Alan McShane. Jack Murden. Frank and Maura Martin.    Gerry Cunningham.  Arthur Mc Ardle. Maureen Rajasingam.  Marrian Sherridan.  Tom and Joan Kinch.  Gerry Cunningham.  Doris McArdle.     Mollie Landy.  James McGuiness.  John, Emily, Gerry and Tom Savage and the deceased family members.  Special Intention. Paddy, Mary, Catherine Mc Gowan and Deceased family members.



Owen and Patrick Muckian. Lord Ballyedmond.  Josephine and Gerry Reilly.  Veronica Sheils.  Frank Corbett.  Aileen Hearty.  Lydia White.  Patrick and Teresa Lennon and the deceased family members.  Megan O’Connor.  Jimmy and Rita McMahon.  Paul Martin.  Michael and Eileen Duffy.  Kathleen Kelly.  Barry Kirby. Micheal and Ellen Laverty.  Ian Browne.  Rose and Malachy McCaughley.    Betty Sands.  Kevin and Teresa McKeown.  Willie Treacy.


St. Patricks Day Mass : At 11 am streamed live from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry. or Faughart Parish facebook page.


Parish Envelopes: will be distributed in the coming days and next week.



Newsboard – 28/02/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

 WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €184.90 Brid –A- Crinn €222.79 Castletown €83.35 Kilcurry €674.50 Non Envelope €4.20

We pray for the happy repose of Mark O’ Connor and Elizabeth Hamilton who died during the week and Maire Mc Cluskey who died recently. May they all rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community Amy Koroma and Molly Kayliegh Mc Wall who were baptised last weekend.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.


TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in all Churches.  This year they are appealing for help for the people of South Sudan who are in desperate need.  Please collect one and donate whatever you can afford to give over lent.



DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches.  Please, support your parish.




All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing



THIS WEEKEND MASSES:  Joe Stewart MM Josephine and Gerry Reilly.  Ann O’Driscoll.  Thomas O’Connor.  Michael, Ann and Jonathan Loughran.  Charles and Ethel Moore and the deceased family members.  Monina Mathews.  Paddy McNally.  Mollie Lendy. James Mc Guiness. Special Intention. Deceased family members of the Casey Family (Slieve). Peter Donnelly.




NEXT WEEKEND MASSES: Margaret Alderson.  Kathleen Michael Marmion and the deceased family members. Peter Mc Keown.  Owen and Patrick Muckian.  Josephine and Gerry Reilly.  Patsy Rogers.  Alan McShane. Jack Murden. Frank and Maura Martin.    Gerry Cunningham.  Arthur Mc Ardle. Maureen Rajasingam.  Marrian Sherridan.  Tom and Joan Kinch.  Gerry Cunningham.  Doris McArdle.     Mollie Landy.  James McGuiness.  John, Emily, Gerry and Tom Savage and the deceased family members.  Special Intention.


Parish Envelopes: will be distributed in the coming days and next week.



Newsboard – 21/02/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield



WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €145.00 Brid –A- Crinn €127.00 Castletown €150.30 Kilcurry €326.00 Non Envelope €9.00 Kilcurry candelabra €390.00 and 23.64 stg Castletown Candelabra €66.11

We pray for the happy repose of Judith Mc Shane who died during the week. May she rest in peace.

Welcome into our Christian Community Emily Louise Keenan and Lucia Lindsey Mc Areavey who were baptised last weekend.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.


TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in all Churches.  This year they are appealing for help for the people of South Sudan who are in desperate need.  Please collect one and donate whatever you can afford to give over lent.



DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches.  Please, support your parish.




All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing





Teddy Lambe (MM) Cissie Traynor (1st Anni) Eamon Bennett. Tom Craig. Bridie Craig. Sarah Sadie Malone. Nicholas, Rose, Owen and Maggy Mc Elroy. PJ Mc Donagh. Monica Boland. Pat Murphy. Teresa Martin.  Fr Bernard Hughes.  Oliver McCoy.





Josephine and Gerry Reilly.  Ann O’Driscoll.  Thomas O’Connor.  Michael, Ann and Jonathan Loughran.  Charles and Ethel Moore and the deceased family members.  Monina Mathews.  Paddy McNally.  Mollie Lendy. James Mc Guiness. Special Intention. Deceased family members of the Casey Family (Slieve).

Newsboard – 14/02/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €263.00  Brid –A- Crinn €1,338.88 Castletown €375.50 Kilcurry €263.00 Non Envelope €16.50


Welcome into our Christian Community Pierce Daniel Pio Quinn and John Richard Rai who were baptised last weekend. 


Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.


ASH WEDNEDAY MASS:  Wednesday 17th February 11am streamed live from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.

Faughart Parish Facebook page or www.faughart

Ashes will be available in all churches after mass for collection.


TROCAIRE BOXES: are available in all Churches.  This year they are appealing for help for the people of South Sudan who are  in desperate need.  Please collect one and donate whatever  you can afford to give over lent.


DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches .  Please, support your parish.


All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing



Joseph and Brigid Coburn. Joe Mc Namee. James Baxter. Frank Corbett. Aileen Hearty. Lydia White (Ann) Laurence and Kathleen Cunningham. Kathleen Kelly. Mary Kate Thornton.  Gerry and Josephine Reilly and the deceased family members.  Justine and Margaret Murnaghan.  Molly, Padddy and Miriam Dowdall.    



Denise, Jenna and Jayden Casey



Teddy Lambe (MM) Cissie Traynor (1st Anni) Eamon Bennett. Tom Craig. Bridie Craig. Nicholas, Rose, Owen and Maggy Mc Elroy. PJ Mc Donagh. Monica Boland. Pat Murphy. 


Newsboard – 07/02/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield



WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €145.00 Brid –A- Crinn €238.00 Castletown €186.00 Kilcurry €145.00 Faughart Shrine €273.34


Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

FEAST OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES: World day of the sick, Thursday 11th February we pray for all our sick, housebound and those in our nursing homes.


ASH WEDNEDAY MASS:  Wednesday 17th February 11am streamed live from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry.

Faughart Parish Facebook page or www.faughart

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Eileen Mc Gee who died during the week.  May she rest in peace.

MASS DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches .  Please, support your parish.





All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing




James and Brigid Mc Donnell. Micheal Mc Shane, Una Mc Evoy, Micheal Bent, Breige Mc Geeney (MM) Bridie Mc Givern, Pat and Rose Brennan. Kitty and Harry Mc Bride. Aiden Mc Bride, John and May Mc Ardle and DFM Patrick, Alice and Catherine Hynes.  Joe Duffy (MM) Anne Mee. Peter Mc Shane. John, Vera, Dermot, Alan Mc Ardle and Aidan Touhy. DFM of the Carthcart family and Mc Ardle family. Molly and Paddy Dowdall and daughter Mirian, Kate and Owen Watters.  Gerry Muckian, Larry Muckian, Roseanne Muckian, Joan Maguire and DFM.




Joseph and Brigid Coburn. Joe Mc Namee. James Baxter. Frank Corbett. Aileen Hearty. Lydia White (Ann) Laurence and Kathleen Cunningham. Kathleen Kelly. Mary Kate Thornton.  Gerry and Josephine Reilly and the deceased family members.  Justine and Margaret Murnaghan.  Molly, Padddy and Miriam Dowdall.



Newsboard – 31/01/2021

   NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €194.52 Brid –A- Crinn €508.80 Castletown € 329.00Kilcurry €532.00

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.


Due to Covid -19 there will be no procession this year or blessing with the relic.  Mass will be streamed live on Monday the 1st February at 11am from Faughart Shrine. We encourage everyone to offer up their prayers on the day and at 8pm for all the sick and suffering at this time and please god we will see you all next year.

WE PARY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Joe Stewart who died during the week.  May he rest in peace.

MASS DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches .  Please, support your parish.


All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing


THIS WEEKEND MASSES: – Streamed on Facebook, Youtube and Parish Website

Requiem Mass of Joe Stewart, Annies.

Owen Joe Woods.  Moira Murphy.  Mark and Catherine Marmion and the deceased family members.  Patrick and Brigid Reilly and the deceased family members.  Turlough and John Goss. 

Paddy Mc Ardle, John and Paddy Callan.  Paddy and Eileen Lennon and the deceased family members. Peter Mc Shane. Patrick Mc Ardle, John and Paddy Callan. Katheleen Gorman.  Oliver Hodgers.  




Micheal Mc Shane, Una Mc Evoy, Micheal Bent, Breige Mc Geeney (MM) Bridie Mc Givern, Pat and Rose Brennan. Kitty and Harry Mc Bride. Aiden Mc Bride, John and May Mc Ardle and DFM Patrick, Alice and Catherine Hynes. Micheal Bent. Joe Duffy (MM) Anne Mee. Peter Mc Shane. John, Vera, Dermot, Alan Mc Ardle and Aidan Touhy. DFM of the Carthcart family and Mc Ardle family. Holly and Paddy Dowdall and daughter Mirian, Kate and Owen Watters.  Gerry Muckian, Larry Muckian, Roseanne Muckian, Joan Maguire and DFM.



Patrick and Elizabeth Reilly and DFM.


Newsboard – 24/01/2021

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr.Oliver Stansfield

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €105.00 Brid –A- Crinn €110.65 Castletown € 149.50 Kilcurry €464.50.
Priests’ Christmas collection €3310.
Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

WE PARY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Teddy Lambe who died during the week. May he rest in peace.
MASS DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.

Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches . Please, support your parish.

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day. Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing

Elizabeth and Patrick Lennon. James and Margaret Conlon and the deceased family members. James and Stephen Marmion. Madge and Alex Gallagher. Madge Thornton. Fr malachy Loughran. Margaret Duffy. Owen and Ellen Boyle. Ann and Micheal Morton. Joe McGeown. Gerard, Frank and Margaret Louth. Paul Hollywood. Liam Quinn. Kathleen McKeown. Bernard and Mary Callaghan. Robert Menary. Ronnie and Anne Murray and the deceased family members.


Owen Joe Woods. Moira Murphy. Mark and Catherine Marmion and the deceased family members. Patrick and Brigid Reilly and the deceased family members. Turlough and John Goss. Paddy and Eileen Lennon and the deceased family members. Katheleen Gorman. Oliver Hodgers.

Newsboard – 17/01/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €252.10 Brid –A- Crinn €130.68  Castletown €82.00 Kilcurry €1345.00.

Faughart Shrine Candelabra €123.32 and £ 18.90.  Castletown Candelabra €83.80 Christmas Tree, Kilcurry €390.75 and £40.79 

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.


WE PARY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Bernie O’Connor who died recently.  May she rest in peace.

MASS DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches .  Please, support your parish.


 All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing



Bob Buckley. Larry Traynor and deceased family members. Hugh Mc Namee and deceased family members of the Mc Evoy family. Nora Murphy. Maisy McKeown, Jack and Maura Mc Cabe. Thomas and Mary Sharkey and deceased family members. Hans Voigh. Patrick and Briged Mc Kenna and deceased family members. Patrick McShane and the deceased family members. Nicolas Kirk.  Paddy and Kevin Campbell and the deceased family members.



Elizabeth and Patrick Lennon.  James and Margaret Conlon and the deceased family members.  James and Stephen Marmion.  Madge and Alex Gallagher. Madge Thornton. Fr malachy Loughran.  Margaret Duffy.  Owen and Ellen Boyle. Ann and Micheal Morton.  Joe McGeown.  Gerard, Frank and Margaret Louth.  Paul  Hollywood. Liam Quinn.











Newsboard – 10/01/2021


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr. Oliver Stansfield

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish: Faughart €280.00 Brid –A- Crinn €523.45  Castletown € 678.60 Kilcurry €509.30.  

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

WE PRARY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Breige Mc Geeney nee Martin and Joe Duffy who died during the week. May she rest in peace.


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Amy Rose Mulcahy and Zach Thomas Durnin who were baptised last weekend.


MASS DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


Parish envelopes and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches from the 10th of January.  Please, support your parish.

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing


Margaret McKeown(1st Anni). George and Cissie Mc Namee, Fiona Hamill, Peter and Maureen Goss. Florence Harvey, Nancy Harrison, Derek Younger, Cathy Vaz. Sheila O’ Rourke. Brigid and John Dillon, Tom, Annie and Tom (Jr) Martin Rita, John, Laura and Brian Mostyn.   Deceased family members of Reynolds family John Rogers. Maisy Mckeown.  Kathleen Dennison.


Bob Buckley. Larry Traynor and deceased family members. Hugh Mc Namee and deceased family members of the Mc Evoy family. Nora Murphy. Maisy Mc Keeown, Jack and Maura Mc Cabe. Thomas and Mary Sharkey and deceased family members. Hans Voigh. Patrick and Briged Mc Kenna and deceased family members.


Newsboard – 03/01/2021



Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield


Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Oisin Anthony Rogers who was baptised last weekend.


WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF Patricia O’ Neill Corbett who died during the week. May she rest in peace.


HAPPY NEW YEAR: We wish all our parishioners a Happy and Peaceful New Year.


CONGRATULATION: To Grainne Flynn and Hugh Lyons who were married during the week.


MASS DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


FOUND A bank card was found on the grounds of Brid-A-Crinn. Please contact the parochial house.


Parish envelops and donations towards the parish will be collected from 11.30 am until12.30 pm every Sunday in all our Churches from the 10th of January.  Please, support your parish.








All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing





Olive Morton 1st Anni. Fabian Mc Entee. Peter and Maureen Goss. Larry and Joan Meegan. James and Agnes Ward and grandchildren. Tom Mc Fall. Brigid, Liam and son Gerard Rice. Rita Martin. Eamon Mc Grave. Jack and Margaret Fegan and Deceased family members. Brigid Whyte.








Margaret McKeown. George and Cissie Mc Namee, Fiona Hamill, Florence Harvey, Nancy Harrison, Derek Younger, Cathy Vaz. Brigid and John Dillon, Tom, Annie and Tom (Jr) Martin Rita, John, Laura and Brian Mostyn.  Reynolds family and deceased family members.




Newsboard – 27/12/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian, Fr. Oliver Stansfield



WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-   Castletown  €329.00  Kilcurry   €532.00 Brid-a-Chrin   €508.80 Faughart   €194.52    Non Envelope Collection  €265.00 .


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Demi Mia Stokes Mc Cabe, Aaron Sam Mc Neill and Nevaeh Mills Murphy who were baptised last weekend.


HAPPY NEW YEAR: We wish all our parishioners a Happy and Peaceful New Year.


CONGRATULATIONS: To the children from Scoil on Baiste who made their confirmation last week. Thanks to the choir for the beautiful music and singing.



MASS DIARY 2021: Please phone the parochial house to book or check your masses for 2021.


FOUND A bank card was found on the grounds of Brid-A-Crinn. Please contact the parochial house.



Under Level 5 restrictions, Mass has again moved online only and will be celebrated on Sundays at 11am

This week’s Intentions are

Arthur Muckian. Kathleen & George Coburn. Ben & May Marmion & DFM. Seamus, Kathleen, Terence, Thomas Burns & Kathleen Dunne. Martin Mulligan, Una Younger and son Derek, Margaret Kelly, Michael & Alice Farrell and DFM. Clora McCourt (BR).  Anne Murphy (MM) Pauline Mc Glade. Francis O’ Callaghan (BR).


Newsboard – 20/12/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr. Oliver Stansfield

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-   Castletown  €267.34   Kilcurry   €343.00 Brid-a-Chrin   €320.50 Faughart   €231.00    Non Envelope Collection  €241.00 .

 PRIEST COLLECTION: On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, towards the clergy fund

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Cian McCourt, Kyle John Callaghan, Rosie Martin, and Lorcan Raymond Murray who were baptised last weekend.

WE PRAY FOR the happy repose of the soul of Ciaran Manchester who died during the week. May he rest in peace.


CHRISTMAS TREE REMEMBRANCE TREE: The tree is up in St. Brigid’s Church, Kilcurry. Please take a candle from the box and place it in the basket provided. The candles will be placed on the tree for you and lit on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day masses in remembrance of our loved ones. A small donation can be placed in the candelabra.



TAX RELIEF FORM: Last week to be returned before the deadline.

PONSETTIAS: In remembrance of our loved ones at Christmas time. Please leave on the Altar of your church.

CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES: Due to restrictions in place, and to avoid overcrowding, we are asking people from specific areas to attend a specific mass. A letter will be delivered to your homes and the mass times for your area can be found on the reverse of the letter. The mass times can be found on our Facebook page – Faughart parish and in all churches. We thank you for your cooperation at this time.

THANK YOU: To our choirs and musicians in the different churches, collectors, readers, sacristans, cleaners, Eucharistic Ministers, Volunteers who teach religion in Faughart Community National School, Finance Committee members, Pastoral Committee members, altar servers, money counters, newsboard team, people who deliver the parish envelopes and the Christmas letters. We thank you all for your help throughout the year. We wish you all, and all our Parishioners a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

FAUGHART LOURDES COMMITTEE: Wishing everyone a happy Christmas and New Year, looking forward to a better 2021.

FOUND A bank card was found on the grounds of Brid-a-crin. Please contact the Parochial house.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Robert McKay & DFM of the Dowdall Family. Richard Goss & Jim Goss. Lily & Joe Mullen. Tony & Paschal Mullen. Rose & Noel Nash. Mary O’Donnell. Frank & Briege Boyle.
Thursday 5pm,  7pm Christmas Eve – Deceased of the Parish
Friday 11am Christmas day – People of the Parish
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Stephen’s Day – No Mass
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Arthur Muckian. Kathleen & George Coburn. Ben & May Marmion & DFM. Seamus, Kathleen, Terence, Thomas Burns & Kathleen Dunne.
Sunday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 5pm,  7pm Christmas Eve – People of the Parish
Friday  11.00 a.m.  Christmas day – Deceased of the Parish
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.  
Saturday  6.00 p.m.  David Toner. Paddy and May Casey. Sam and Eileen Shields. Margaret Bishop. Rose and Richie Martin. DFM of the Mc Nally Family. Kevin and Julia Corrway.
Sunday 12 noon Margaret and Geoffrey Thornton. Mary Mc Areavey. Bridie and Maria Bird.  Maureen Rajasingam. Deceased members of the Mc Nally Families.
Monday  7.00 p.m. No Mass.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Denise McCreesh
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 5pm,  7pm Christmas Eve – Carmel Martin, Deceased of the Parish.
Friday 10.00 a.m. Christmas Day – Hughes, Jennings and Fitzsimons families. People of the Parish
Next Saturday 6.00 pm Martin Mulligan, Una Younger and son Derek, Margaret Kelly, Michael & Alice Farrell and DFM. Clora McCourt (BR)
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Charles and Margaret Heaney.   Susan,  John and Owen Quinn. John Mc Ardle and Aidan Twohy. Carmel Muckian. Brian Hugh and Mary Murphy.
Thursday 5pm, 7pm Christmas Eve – Deceased of the Parish
Friday 5pm,  7pm Christmas Day – People of the parish.

Newsboard – 06/12/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr. Oliver Stanfield

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: –Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Castletown €241.00 Kilcurry €258.00 Brid-a-Chrin €216.65 Faughart Shrine €225.00 and £25.00 Non Envelope €138.13


WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Jason Seán Myles and Caolán Campbell.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF: Saji Sebastian whose funeral mass will be on this Monday 7th Dec 1.30pm at St. Brigid’s Kilcurry and Anne Murphy who died during the week.

THANK YOU: We wish to thank all those who brought offertory collection envelopes and donations to the church each weekend these past weeks. Also, we thank those who were there to receive the envelopes. As we said, it is important that income continues to support the parish. Many thanks.


KILCURRY- Friday 6.00pm and Saturday 11.00am.

CASTLETOWN – Saturday 4.45pm and Sunday 12.45pm.

CHRISTMAS TREE REMEMBRANCE TREE: The tree is up in St. Brigid’s church, Please take a candle from the box and place it in basket provided.  The candles will be placed on the tree for you and lit on Christmas
Eve and Christmas day masses in remembrance of our loved ones.  A small donation can be placed in the candelabra

TAX RELIEF FORM Just a few more to be returned before the deadline.

PONSETTIAS: In remembrance of our loved ones at Christmas time.  Please leave on the altar of your church.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL This weekend outside all churches. Please give what you can.

MMOMLPC Mass of healing and comfort for everyone but especially for those who have lost loved ones by suicide and for those who are suicidal. St. Josephs, Castletown on the 11th Dec at 6pm. All welcome.

Mass on Tuesday at 10 am in St. Joseph’s church. Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Siobhan Mc Keever (MM) Paddy and Una Cunningham.  Patrick O’ Hanlon.  Joe Mc Bride. Larry O’ Hanlon and deceased family members of the O’ Hanlon and Marmion Families.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Peter and Elizabeth Fegan. Francie Kirk and deceased family members. Sean and Margaret Craven and deceased family members.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Kevin McNamee (1stAnni) Johnny Gartlan.  James and Mark Reilly.  Briege Mc Bride.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Deceased family members of the Mc Mahon Families.  Pat and Brigid Quigley.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Lucy Mc Kenna.  Deceased family members of the Myers family.  Leo and Sadie Comiskey and deceased family members.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. May Tracy and deceased family members of the Tracy and O’ Toole Families.
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Joseph, Mary, Patrick and Patricia Eaton.
Sunday 12 noon Sam Keating and deceased family members.  Martina Agnew.  May and Vinnie (Vincent) Muckian.  Paddy and May Casey
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  Patrick, Kitty and Michael Tuite.  James and Nan Wynne.
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Benny and Peggy Mc Connon. Josephine Mc Gee. Nora Monaghan. Mary Mc Areacey. Michael and Kathleen O’ Connor. Hugh, Bridget and Tom Hanratty. Paul and Maura Martin and their daughters Olive, Elaine, Majella and members of the Martin and Duffy Family.
Next Sunday 12 noon Cyril and Phyllis Hoey and deceased family members. Jeanie Gaskin and Stella and John Boyle.  Tom Fisher.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Michael, Mary and Tommy Murphy.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Deceased Family Member of the Mc Crink family Carrickbroad.






Newsboard – 29/11/2020


 Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

Parish website

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian and Fr. Oliver Stanfield

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- WEEKLY ENVELOPES:-Kilcurry: €387.00 BAC: €437.30 Castletown €165.00 Faughart: €163.10 Non Envelope €14.13.

First Friday calls: Next Friday if you would like a visit or know anyone who would, please contact the parochial house.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Alife Alan Mc Eneaney and Dean Gary Duffy–Schiavone who was baptised last weekend

Please note only 25 people can attend weddings and funerals.


Parish tax relief form:  A few more forms to be returned.


This weekend masses:  Patricia, Micheal, Kevin and Barry Dempsey.  Patrick and Rose Duffy.  Mary Cummins.  Seamus Burns.  Patrick and Mary Treanor.  Micheal McCormack.  Owenie McGuiness.  Johnny Hughes.  Raymond Kelly.  Peggy Dollard. Brigid and Pat Flynn.


Remembrance Service: Thanks to the choir for the beautiful  music and singing  and  to all those who helped at the service.  There are still some candles left to be collected.




All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing


A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use our parish web site  You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301.  To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.


Next Weekend Masses: Larry Craig  Eileen, James and Jim McEvoy.  Loughlin and Ethel Haughey.  Brigid Lawless.  Jimmy Haughey.  Joseph Dowdall. Paddy and Una Cunningham.  Patrick O’Hanlon. Joe McBride. Siobhan Mc Keever (mm). Larry O’Hanlon and the deceased members of O’Hanlon and Marmion families. John, Mina and Pat McKeown and the deceased family members.  Noel Rice.  Olive Craig. Tony Comiskey.  Aine O’Callaghan. Brigid and Pat Quigley.  Deceased family members of Mahon family. Joseph, Mary, Patrick and Patricia Eaton.  Sam Keating and the deceased family members.  Martina Agnew.  May and Vinnie (Vincent) Muckian.  Paddy and May Casey.  Micheal, Mary and Tommy Murphy.


Masses are being transferred for 2021.  If you would like to book a mass or check your masses please contact the Parochial House.



Newsboard – 22/11/2020


 Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

Parish website

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian and Fr. Oliver Stanfield

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- WEEKLY ENVELOPES:-Kilcurry: €209.00 BAC: €141.00 Castletown €150.00 Faughart: €180.00                                                                                               

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Ruby Mai who was baptised last weekend.

We Pray for the happy repose of: Rita Quinn who died during the week.

A virtual prayer service will take place in memory of all our parishioners who have died over the past year on the 22nd of November at 7 pm in St. Brigid’s Church Kilcurry.  A candle will be lit in memory of each person who died over the past year.

Please note only 25 people can attend weddings and funerals. 

Parish tax relief form   Thanks to everyone who returned the form.  

This weekend masses:  

Micheal and Mary Coburn and the deceased family members.  Mona Gray.  Jim Gartlan.  Joan and Anne McNamee.  Sean Craven.  Joe and Evelyn McArdle.  Anna and Peter Begley.  Larry and Susan Montgomery.  Francis, Fergal and Frank Haughy and the deceased family members.  Margaret McConville.  Thomas, Gerard, Gerard Junior and Rose McConville.  Eugene and Teresa Coogan.  Nora and Ingrid Ferris.   Deceased family members of Campbell, Kearney and Callaghan families.  

Micheal Gernon.  Matthew and Mary Grimes and the deceased family members.  Thomas and Margaret Hoban and their daughters Helen and Catherine.  Vera and Terry McCormack.  Dympna Wynne.  Ann and Tom White. Joe and Mary Meegan.   Charles and Margaret Heeney.  

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing. 

A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use the parish web site  You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301.  To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.

Next Weekend Masses: 

Patricia, Micheal, Kevin and Barry Dempsey.  Patrick and Rose Duffy.  Mary Cummins.  Seamus Burns.  Patrick and Mary Treanor.  Micheal McCormack.  Owenie McGuiness.  Johnny Hughes.  Raymond Kelly.  Peggy Dollard.  

November alter list of the deceased are available in all our churches. The priests will offer the mass privately for the people whose names we have in front of the altar during the month of November.  

Newsboard – 15/11/2020


 Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

Parish website

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian and Fr. Oliver Stanfield

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- WEEKLY ENVELOPES:-Kilcurry: €570.50 BAC: €372.31 Castletown €262.50 Faughart: €110.10 Candleabra €34.93.

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

Welcome into our Christian Community: Ian Gray who was baptised last weekend.

Congratulations: to Andrew McGuill and Andrea Newall who were married last weekend in the parish.

A virtual prayer service will take place in memory of all our parishioners who have died over the past year on the 22nd of November at 7 pm in St. Brigid’s Church Kilcurry.  A candle will be lit in memory of each person who died over the past year.

Please note only 25 people can attend weddings and funerals.

Parish tax relief form  We will be posting the tax relief forms this week.  If you could sign it and drop it back to our finance committee members who will be in all churches on Sundays from 11.30am – 12.30pm or to the Parochial House we would really appreciate it as we need all the financial support at this time.


This weekend masses:  Eamonn Bennett (Jnr). Molly Murphy. Peter and Molly Kearney. Tommy Reilly. John, Susan, Sean, Raymond and Margaret Kearney. Catherine and Thomas Murphy. Fanchra Rice.  Bernard Kirk. Gertrude Finnegan. Dennis Lennon (Scotchgreen) Special Intention, James and Mary Connolly.

Paddy and Vera Kirk and Deceased family members.Tommy and Mary Flood. Madge and Alex Gallagher. Eddie and Teresa Wall and deceased family members. Cyril Shannon. John Mc Cabe. Gerard Gallagher. Nancy and Joe Fisher.
Rose Baxter.

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing.


A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use the idonate button on our parish web site  You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301.  To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.

Next Weekend Masses: Micheal and Mary Coburn and the deceased family members.  Mona Gray.  Jim Gartlan.  Joan and Anne McNamee.  Sean Craven.  Joe and Evelyn McArdle.  Anna and Peter Begley.  Larry and Susan Montgomery.  Francis, Fergal and Frank Haughy and the deceased family members.  Margaret McConville.  Thomas, Gerard, Gerard Junior and Rose McConville.  Eugene and Teresa Coogan.  Nora and Ingrid Ferris.   Deceased family members of Campbell, Kearney and Callaghan families.  Micheal Gernon.  Matthew and Mary Grimes and the deceased family members.  Thomas and Margaret Hoban and their daughters Helen and Catherine.  Vera and terry McCormack.  Dympna Wynne.  Ann and Tom White.   Charles and Margaret Heeney.


Newsboard – 08/11/2020


 Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

Parish website

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian and Fr. Oliver Stanfield

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- WEEKLY ENVELOPES:-Kilcurry: €546.00 BAC: €206.00 Castletown €265.00 Faughart: €145.40 Non Envelopes €34.05 Mission Collection €875.00

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Bridget’s Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

We Pray for the happy repose of Francie Bergin who died during the week.  May he rest in peace.

Please note only 25 people can attend weddings and funerals.

Parish tax relief form  We will be posting the tax relief forms this week.  If you could sign it and drop it back to our finance committee members who will be in all churches on Sundays from 11.30am – 12.30pm or to the Parochial House we would really appreciate it as we need all the financial support at this time.


This weekend masses:  Peter McArdle.  Matt Coburn.  Benny Kirk.  Agnes Gartlan and the deceased family members.  Jimmy and Brigid Rafferty and the deceased family members.  Joe Behan and Micheal Behan. Evin and Kathleen Quigley. Christina and Jack Myles.  Peter, Bernie and Sparky Clarke.  Francis, Jennifer and David Clarke.  Anne and Kelvin Murray.  Stephen Conroy.  Larry and Joan Meegan.  Rita Kelly.  Olivia McConnon.  Briege and Seamus McGuiness.  Greta and John O’Donnell.  Lily and Bill Philips.  Anthony Carthy.  Matthew Finnegan.  Benny and May O’Callaghan and the deceased family members.  Roseanne and Pat McKeown.  Al McDonnell.  Paddy and Vera Kirk and the deceased family members.  John Rafferty and the deceased family members.  Special Intention.

November Altar list of the deceased is available in all our churches. The priest will offer the mass privately for the people whose names we have in front of the altar during the month of November.  `

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing.


A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use the payment link on our parish web site  You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301.  To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.

Next Weekend Masses: Eamonn Bennett (Jnr). Molly Murphy. Peter and Molly Kearney. Tommy Reilly. John, Susan, Sean, Raymond and Margaret Kearney. Catherine and Thomas Murphy. Bernard Kirk. Gertrude Finnegan. Dennis Lennon (Scotchgreen) Paddy and Vera Kirk and Deceased family members.Tommy and Mary Flood. Madge and Alex Gallagher. Eddie and Teresa Wall and deceased family members. Cyril Shannon.

Newsboard – 01/11/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

Parish website

OUR PRIESTS : Fr. Vinod Kurian and Fr. Oliver Stanfield

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- WEEKLY ENVELOPES:-Kilcurry: €379.00 BAC: €409.50 Castletown €209.00 Faughart: €155.00 Candleabra Castletown €60.00 Kilcurry €363.00 and 38.00stg Shrine €182.00 and 21.30stg

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigids Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

We pray for the happy repose of Siobhan Mc Keever who died during the week. May she rest in peace.

Please note only 25 people can attend weddings and funerals.

Parish tax relief form We will be posting the tax relief forms next week. If you could sign it and drop it back to our finance committee members who will be in all churches on Sundays from 11.30am – 12.30pm or to the Parochial House we would really appreciate it as we need all the financial support at this time.


This weekend masses: Adelaide and Patrick Tumilty, Denis and Teresa Maddy. Anne Matthews (1st Anni), Pat Mulholland, Maisie Mulholland, Mary and Matt Mc Evoy, Patricia Skelton, Gerry Brennan, Eileen and John O’ Sullivan.


Welcome into our Christian Community Charlie Ciaran McAuley who was baptised last weekend.

November Altar list of the deceased is available in all our churches. The priest will offer the mass privately for the people whose names we have in front of the altar during the month of November.

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day. Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing.


A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use on our parish web site You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301. To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.

Next Weekend Masses:

Peter McArdle. Matt Coburn. Benny Kirk. Agnes Gartlan and the deceased family members. Jimmy and Brigid Rafferty and the deceased family members. Joe Behan and Micheal Behan. Evin and Kathleen Quigley. Christina and Jack Myles. Peter, Bernie and Sparky Clarke. Francis, Jennifer and David Clarke. Anne and Kelvin Murray. Stephen Conroy. Larry and Joan Meegan. Rita Kelly. Olivia McConnon. Briege and Seamus McGuiness. Greta and John O’Donnell. Lily and Bill Philips. Anthony Carthy. Matthew Finnegan. Benny and May O’Callaghan and the deceased family members. Roseanne and Pat McKeown. Paddy and Vera Kirk and the deceased family members. John Rafferty and the deceased family members.




Newsboard – 25/10/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235


OUR PRIEST: Fr. Vinod Kurian.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Kilcurry: €575.50  BAC: €181.56 Castletown €247.50 Faughart: €147.00 Non-Envelope: €16.60

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Bridget’s Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up

Please note only 25 people can attend weddings and funerals.

We pray for the happy repose of:  Barry (Jrn) Griffin who died during the week. May he rest in peace.

We welcome Fr. Oliver Stanfield who has been appointed as our new curate to Faughart Parish.

This weekend masses: Gerard and Hannah Heeney.  Eileen, James and Jim McEvoy.  Brendan McNamee.  Baby Mairead Rose Kelly.  Packie, Margaret and Theresa McNamee.  Cecelia Halpenny.  Olive Fagan.  John and Brigid Mckay.  Sarah and Martin Shiels.  Jim McArdle.  Kevin Boland.  Mary Gribbin.  John Mulligan.

Welcome into our Christian Community Harvey Ray Mc Kenna, Chloe Mc Cabe and Arlo Matthew Murphy who were baptised last weekend.

Thank You: On behalf of Faughart Parish we wish to thank County Councillor John Reilly for his successful grant application of €950.00.

November Altar list of the deceased is available in all our churches.



October is Mission Month, a month where we are called to support and pray with and for our missionaries. Ireland has a long history of missionaries serving in the most deprived parts of the world and this tradition continues today with Irish missionaries working in many developing countries as well as in the developed world with projects that support and enable disadvantaged communities. During this month, parishioners are encouraged to pray for our missionaries abroad and those discerning the vocation to mission – we are also invited to support the work of the missionaries.


All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing.


A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use the pay pal on our parish web  You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301.  To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.

Next Weekend Masses:  Adelaide and Patrick Tumilty, Denis and Teresa Maddy. Anne Matthews (1st Anni), Pat Mulholland, Maisie Mulholland, Mary and Matt Mc Evoy, Patricia Skelton, Gerry Brennan, Eileen and John O’ Sullivan.




Newsboard – 18/10/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIEST: Fr. Vinod Kurian

Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up. Please note only 25 people can attend weddings or funerals.

We pray for the happy repose of:  Fr. Bernard Hughes IC CC who died last weekend.  Many thanks to everyone who made Fr.Bernard’s funeral mass so special and  to all the children and parishioners who stood along the road sides on his final journey. May he rest in peace.

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Kilcurry: €342.45  BAC: €213.97 Castletown €255.00 Faughart: €223.00 Non-Envelope: €335.00 Priest Dues: €655.00

This weekend masses: Mary and John  Mc Ardle and deceased family members, Julia, Michael and Mary Cunningham, Vincent and Brigid Holsgrove and deceased family members, Patsy Harrison, Willie Quigley , Michelle Flynn and Matthew Flynn. Patricia Mc Shane, Owen Faughey and deceased family members, Peggy Mc Quillian (Nee Gernon) Gerry Mc Guinness, Una Matthews, David O’ Connor, Frank Lennon (Scotch green)and deceased family members, Maura Martin. Terry and Amy Kelly, Betty Mc Nally, James Hughes and deceased family members.  Gerry, Martha and Eddie Campbell. Pat and Eileen Roe, Baby Mairead Rose Kelly, Jim Quigley.

Welcome into our Christian Community Joedan Daeyl O’ Hare and Dylan Gerard Rafferty who were baptised last weekend.

November Altar list of the deceased is available in all our churches.

October is Mission Month, a month where we are called to support and pray with and for our missionaries. Ireland has a long history of missionaries serving in the most deprived parts of the world and this tradition continues today with Irish missionaries working in many developing countries as well as in the developed world with projects that support and enable disadvantaged communities. During this month, parishioners are encouraged to pray for our missionaries abroad and

those discerning the vocation to mission – we are also invited to support the work of the missionaries.

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing.


A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use the pay pal on our parish website  You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301.  To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.

Next Weekend Masses:  Gerard and Hannah Heeney.  Eileen, James and Jim McEvoy.  Brendan McNamee.  Baby Mairead Rose Kelly.  Packie, Margaret and Theresa McNamee.  Cecelia Halpenny.  Olive Fagan.  John and Brigid Mckay.  Sarah and Martin Shiels.  Jim McArdle.  Kevin Boland.  Mary Gribbin.

A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use the pay pal on our parish website  You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301.  To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.

Dundalk Credit Union branch at Faughart Credit Union is now open every Friday.

Our opening hours every Friday will be 9.30am – 12.45pm and 1.30pm – 5.00pm.  We look forward to welcoming you. As with all our offices, your safety and ours is paramount, we are observing social distancing, hand sanitising and coughing and sneezing etiquette. Staying safe whilst staying apart.  Contact  Phone: 042 93 35489



Newsboard – 11/10/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian.  Fr.Bernard Hughes

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Kilcurry: €342.45  BAC: €213.97 Castletown €255.00 Faughart: €223.00 Non-Envelope: €335.00 Priest Dues: €655.00


Due to the restrictions mass will be streamed every Sunday from St. Brigid’s Church Kilcurry at 11 am, where all masses from our four churches will be included and all intentions for the weekend masses will be offered up.

Please note only 25 people can attend weddings or funerals.

We Pray for the happy repose of: Kevin Rice who died during the week.

This weekend masses:

James Sheils, Kevin Reilly, Brigid Reilly, Cissie and Owen Murphy, Micheal Tuite, Tom Lennon, Tom and Brian Myers, James and Tom Mc Cann, Margaret and Jimmy Flynn. Anne Faughey, Maura, Tommy and Peter Dullaghan, John and Teresa Myers and deceased family members, Mark Faulkner, Kathleen Hollywood, Johnny, Margaret and Jim Mc Ardle, Rosie Mellon, Pat  and Mary Magee and deceased family members, Jimmy and Cissie Flynn and deceased family members.

Congratulations to our children from Faughart Community national School and Scoil Eoin Baiste who received their Holy communion on Tuesday.

Welcome into our Christian Community Sadie Rose Boyle, James Harry Morrissey, Jack James Finigan and Ava-Rose Finigan who was baptised last weekend.

November Altar list of the deceased is available in all our churches.

October is Mission Month, a month where we are called to support and pray with and for our missionaries. Ireland has a long history of missionaries serving in the most deprived parts of the world and this tradition continues today with Irish missionaries working in many developing countries as well as in the developed world with projects that support and enable disadvantaged communities. During this month, parishioners are encouraged to pray for our missionaries abroad and


those discerning the vocation to mission – we are also invited to support the work of the missionaries.

All our churches will be open for private prayer from 10:30am – 1pm every day.  Please use hand sanitizer and adhere to social distancing.


A Member of our finance committee will be in all our churches every Sunday from 11:30am-12.30pm to collect the parish envelopes or if you wish to use the pay pal on our parish website www.faughart  You can also donate by direct debit to Faughart Parish, Account Number: 16202301 Bank sort code: 903365 IBAN: IE39BOF190336516202301.  To donate to the Clergy fund to Faughart Parish Account Number: 25354970, Bank Sort Code: 990614, IBAN IE61IPBS99061425354970. We thank you for your continued support and we appreciate all donations at this time.

Next Weekend Massses

Mary and John  Mc Ardle and deceased family members, Julia, Michael and Mary Cunningham, Vincent and Brigid Holsgrove and deceased family members, Patsy Harrison, Willie Quigley , Michelle Flynn and Matthew Flynn. Patricia Mc Shane, Owen Faughey and deceased family members, Peggy Mc Quillian (Nee Gernon) Gerry Mc Guinness, Una Matthews, David O’ Connor, Frank Lennon (Scotch green)and deceased family members, Maura Martin. Terry and Amy Kelly, Betty Mc Nally, James Hughes and deceased family members.  Gerry, Martha and Eddie Campbell. Pat and Eileen Roe, Baby Mairead Rose Kelly.


Dundalk Credit Union branch at Faughart Credit Union is now open every Friday.

Our opening hours every Friday will be:

9.30am – 12.45pm

1.30pm – 5.00pm

We look forward to welcoming you. As with all our offices, your safety and ours is paramount, we are observing social distancing, hand sanitising and coughing and sneezing etiquette. Staying safe whilst staying apart.  Contact Information  Phone: 042 93 35489 Website www.dundalkcu.



Newsboard – 20/09/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Bernard Hughes

Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  WEEKLY ENVELOPES: -Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Kilcurry: €242.75.  BAC: €181.73 Fatima: €160.04 Faughart: €411.10 Non-Envelope: €300 Priest Dues €2315.00

A  REMINDER:  please enter our Churches by the MAIN DOOR and EXIT BY THE SIDE DOORS. Sanitize your hands on entering. Please receive Holy Communion on the hand only. Stay safe, and give each other space whilst not mandatory in places of worship, we encourage our parishioners to wear face coverings, particularly in our Church buildings for your own safety.    CONGRADULATIONS: to the children who received their First Holy Communion in St. Brigid’s, Church, Kilcurry on Friday from Kilcurry NS.           FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday, please contact the Parochial house if you would like a visit.                                                                                  MMOMLC: Mass for healing and comfort for everyone but especially for those who are suicidal.  St. Joseph’s, Castletown Friday 2nd October 6pm.       WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Freya Ann Morgan and James Dylan Wynne who were baptised last weekend.                          Ministers of the Eurcharist:3/4 Oct  Eucharist Ministers Brid-a-Crinn: John Mc Keown, Kilcurry: Rosemary Reilly, Fatima Saturday Vivenne Ross, Sunday Micheal Laverty. Ministers of the word:  Brid-a-Crinn: Ellen O’ Hanlon, Kilcurry: Andrew Mc Kay, Fatima: Saturday Marian Dullaghan, Sunday: Ronan Bradley.                                                                                            Roche National walking day: on Sunday 27th September 12 noon.                   Roche Heathly club Launch: Sunday 27th September 12 noon.  Please call over the find out more about our plans under this exciting initiative. Social distances guideline will be adhered to.                                                                 Kilcurry Community Development: invite applications for the following post:  Manager – Maternity Cover – October 2020 – July 2021 Childcare and Creche Facility, Kilcurry. Full job description available on request by calling Shauna 042-9329862. Applications with CV to Scoil Beag, Balriggan, Kilcurry, Dundalk   Coffee Morning I would just like to advise you that it is with regret that I have to cancel my Hospice Coffee morning this year due to the current situation with Covid 19. It’s essential that we all follow the guidelines and stay safe! Thanks for great support I received over the years. Please god we can resume again in 2021. If anyone wishes to make a donation just leave in my door and I will happily pass on to the Hospice office. Thanks very much and please stay safe. Margaret & Vincie 13 Fatima Park.                                                                                                       Yoga Classes Saturday morning 10am in Kilcurry Resource Centre.  Contact 0876217359.


IRISH DANCING: Connolly School of Irish Dance : on Thursdays at Kilcurry Community Centre from 4pm. For info on classes and lessons please contact 087 883 1736.            




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Oliver Traynor.  Matthew and Catherine McBride.
Monday   No mass
Thursday   No mass
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Kevin Kirk
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Agnes Gartlan, Una Begley, Kevin Tumulty.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Brigid Gernon Kilbride(MM)Patrick and Brigid Begley, Philomena and Lawrence Sutherland.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Frank and Alice Rice, Tom, Mary and Gerard Dowdall, Yvonne Conway, Joe and Sally Greene.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Ann O’Hanlon, Nancy and Danny O’ Hanlon.
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Harry and Dora Matthews, Philomena, Christy, and Paul Murtagh
Sunday 12 noon Peadar Mc Eneaney (JNR)  Christine Hughes and deceased family members, Shiela Gordon.
Monday  7.00 p.m. Anna and Ben Ralph
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Mark Faulkner, Sean Duffy, Rose and Peter Kelly and deceased family members.
Next Sunday 12 noon Rose and Pat Brennan (Castletown) Jim, Ena, Seamus, Robert, Eamon and Nancy Gordon. Joe and Ann Keenan and deceased family members.
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Michael Woods
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Thomas and Eileen Mullally and deceased family members. Brendan and Micheal Leggett (BR) Gerry and May Savage and deceased family members.


Newsboard – 06/09/2020

Weekly Envelopes:  Your contribution last week towards the upkeep

of our Parish: Fatima €334.31 Brid -a-Chrin 319.35 Faughart €456

Kilcurry €332.  Non envelope collection €420

Welcome into our Christian Community: Paidi John Doran,

Daithi Gerard O’Connor and Ellie -Marie Patricia Murphy who were baptised

last weekend.

Please pray for Brigid Kilbride nee Gernon who died recently.  May she rest in


Draft Map of Kilcurry Graveyard will be in the Bell Tower entrance to Kilcurry

Church until 7th September 2020.  We would encourage people to look at the map

and if there are any alterations to be made please fill in the form in the porch

of the Church or contact one of these numbers 0863675828 or 0879792069 before

the 7th September please.

Confirmation:  Our young people from Kilcurry and Faughart schools will receive the

Sacrament of confirmation next Saturday in Kilcurry.  The seventh gift of the Holy Spirit is Wonder and Awe – The gift of wonder and awe is ability to appreciate and celebrate all that is good in oneself, others and creation.  It is the gift that helps us see the work of God in the ordinary everyday things.  It is an acknowledgement of the power of God working through our lives, the lives of others around us and through creation.

A REMINDER:  please enter our Churches by the MAIN DOOR and EXIT BY THE SIDE DOORS Sanitize your hands on entering.  Please receive Holy Communion on the hand only.  Stay safe and give each other space whilst going to Holy Communion and going out of the Church


Ministers for next week: 12/13 September Eucharistic Ministers Brid-a-Chrinn Pauline McCann, Kilcurry Tommy Campbell, Fatima Saturday Freda Carville and Olive Martin, Sunday Mary Callan

Ministers of the wordBrid-a-Chrinn Tracy McConnon, Kilcurry Joanne McNamee, Fatima Saturday Freda Carville, Sunday Paul McGuill.

Roche Walking Group are starting back on Tuesday 8th of Sept 7:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. on our fab new walking tracks all ages and abilities welcome




Sunday 11:00 am Laurence & Margaret Grant & DFM; Matthew & Catherine McBride; Michael & Eileen Cassidy; Jack McWall (2nd Ann); Christina Begley & DFM, Richard Goss; Margaret & Edward O’Hare (Roskeagh); Niall Craven
Monday   No Mass
Thursday   No Mass
Next Saturday 10:30 am No Mass
Next Sunday 11:00 am Fr. Malachy Loughran; Patsy O’Hanlon; Mary & Matt Coburn; Michael Hamilton; Elizabeth, Michael & Peter Cunningham; Patty Marmion (1st Ann)
Sunday 10:00am James & Esther O’Hanlon; Patrick & Kathleen O’Hanlon; Ned & Briege McArdle
Friday 7:30pm Charlie Boyle; Brian & Kathleen McKeown
Next Sunday 10:00am  
Saturday 6pm Anne McGeown; Brendan Harrison (BR); Majella Brodigan (MM); Kevin McKenna
Sunday 12 noon Jackie Callan (1st Ann); Baby Masie Callan; Noel Casey; Barney & Anna-may McEneaney
Monday 7pm  
Tuesday 10:00am Sean & Felicia Kellegher
Wednesday 10:00am  
Thursday 10:00am  
Friday 10:00am  
Next Saturday 6pm Fr. Aidan Kennedy (DFM); Michael & Alice Farrell (DFM); Brendan Harrison (BR); Nancy Harrison (DFM Harrison & Carroll)
Next Sunday 12 noon Sam McGuinness (DFM Cunningham Fam); Patrick & Brigid Jennings (DFM); Dan McGivern
Saturday 7:30pm Eoin Quinn (2nd Ann)
Next Saturday 7:30pm  

Newsboard – 30/08/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian, Fr.Bernard Hughes

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: –Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Castletown €167.50 Kilcurry €412.50 Brid-a-Chrin €156.20 Faughart Shrine €218   NON ENVELOPE €465 SICK & RETIRED PRIESTS €700  PETERS PENCE €560

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Conor Brendan Begley who was baptised last weekend.

PLEASE PRAY for Brigid Kilbride  nee Gernon who died during the week May she rest in peace.

MMOMLC  Mass for healing and comfort for everyone but especially for those who have lost a loved one by suicide and for those who are suicidal. St. Joseph’s, Castletown Friday 4th September at 6pm.

MINISTRIES FOR NEXT WEEKEND 5TH/6TH SEPT. MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST: Brid-a-Crinn: Sinead Toal. Kilcurry:  Sinead Reilly. Fatima: Saturday, Colleen Hardy & Vera Leavy. Sunday, Michael Laverty & Joe Mellon.

MINISTERS OF THE WORD : Brid-a-Crinn: Ann Reilly. Kilcurry: Daire Reilly. Fatima: Saturday, Sharon Brennan. Sunday, Ronan  Bradley.

CONFIRMATION: Our young people will soon receive the sacrament of Confirmation and will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The sixth gift of the Spirit is : Reverence, the gift of loving and reverencing God as Jesus did. As we come to know God Our Father better we want to reverence  him as Jesus did. The Holy Spirit is with us as we learn. For help in preparing for Confirmation go to

 A  REMINDER :  please enter our Churches by the MAIN DOOR and EXIT BY THE SIDE DOORS. Sanitize your hands on entering. Please receive Holy Communion on the hand only. Stay safe, and give each other space whilst going to Holy Communion and going out of the Church. Whilst at this time it is not mandatory in places of worship, we encourage our parishioners to wear face coverings, particularly in our Church buildings for your own safety.

NEXT FRIDAY: is the first Friday and Holy Communion will be brought to the sick and housebound.

DRAFT MAP OF KILCURRY GRAVEYARD  will be in the Bell Tower entrance to Kilcurry Church until 7th September 2020. We would encourage people to look at the map and if there are any alterations to be made, please fill in the form in the porch of the Church or contact one of these numbers 086-3675828, 087-9792069 before  the 7th September 2020 please.

YOGA CLASSES : Saturday morning at 10.30am in Kilcurry Resource Centre. Contact Unity Yoga on Facebook or 087-6217359.

IRISH DANCING :  Connolly School of Irish Dancing Thursday at Kilcurry Community centre from 4pm.  For more information Please contact 087-8831736.

COVID 19 SUPPORT LINE for older people (ROI), call 0818 222 024

Prayer to St. Joseph. ( Composed by Fr. Kevin O’Gorman SMA)

God, our heavenly Father, grant us the fortitude of Christ your son to face the Covid-19 crisis with trust, patience and compassion.

Give us the grace of the Holy Spirit to free us from fear and look forward together to the future with healing and hope.

Through the intercession of St. Joseph, the guardian of Jesus, and Mary his mother, and Mother of the church, may we be guided through this time of peril.

Preserve us in peace, protect the vulnerable, keep safe our health care workers, and all who serve society, at home and abroad.

We ask this through Christ our Lord


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Ciaran Rice, Eamonn Carroll & Michael Flynn.Tommy Gartlan, John & Turlough Goss.
Monday   No Mass
Thursday   No Mass
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Peter & Elizabeth Fagan.
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Laurence & Maragret Grant & DFM, Matthew & Catherine McBride, Michael & Eileen Cassidy,  Jack McWall (2nd Ann), Christina Begley & DFM, Richard Goss.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Sheila Mulligan & DFM of the Mulligan & McArdle Families. Frank Finnegan.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Mary Reilly, Thomas, Theresa & Noreen McDonald, Kathleen McKeown & DFM.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. James & Esther O’Hanlon, Patrick & Kathleen O’Hanlon, Ned & Briege McArdle.
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Molly McGee, Mary Bishop, Willie & Teresa Long & DFM.
Sunday 12 noon Rosie Belton.
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Philomena & Tommy Dullaghan, Annie & James Rogan.
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Anne McGeown, Brendan Harrison (Br), Majella Brodigan(MM), Kevin McKenna.
Next Sunday 12 noon Jackie Callan (1st Ann), Baby Masie Callan, Noel Casey, Barney & Anna May McEneaney
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Eddie & Josephine Clarke & DFM.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Eoin Quinn (2nd Ann).


Newsboard – 23/08/2020

 NEWSBOARD  THE PARISH OF FAUGHART   Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS Fr. Vinod   Fr. Hughes


PARISH ENVELOPES; Your contribution last week towards the running and upkeep of the parish was:- Faughart  €124.00  Kilcurry €437.00  Brid-a-crinn  €239.50  Castletown €266.00

Non Envelope  €310.00.


 Baptisms: Welcome into our  Christian Community – Emily Rose Kirk who was Baptised last weekend.

This weekend we pray for our deceased those who’s anniversaries occur at this time:

Brigid, Edward and Noel Hoey. Eileen and Paddy Leavy. Patricia and Paddy Ellis. Molly Magee. Gavin Grills. Josephine Woods. Ruth Jennings. Deceased of the Fitzimmons family. Kathleen Gaffey. Michael and Brigid Lennon.  D.F.M. of the Duffy family. Gerard Keegan. Maureen Keegan. Gerard Toner. Brigid and Alice Reilly. Hugh O’Hare. John McKevitt. Paddy and Maggie Tiernan. Sally Byrne. May Savage.

Ministries for next weekend: 29th/30th August:  Ministers of the Eucharist:  Brid-a- crinn: John McKeown. Kilcurry: Tommy Campbell.  Fatima: Saturday: Vivienne Ross and Rosemary Curtis. Sunday: Dympna Mackin and Mary Corway.  Ministers of the Word: Brid-a-crinn: Gerry Kelly. Kilcurry: Carmel Reilly. Fatima: Saturday Marian Dullaghan. Sunday: Mollie and Martina Kirk.

 Confirmation: Our young People will soon receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The fifth gift of the Spirit is;  Knowledge: The gift of knowing and loving God our Father and Jesus. The more we learn about God and about Jesus, the more we can grow in love of them. We learn more about them from people we know and from the world we live in. The Holy Spirit is with us as we learn. For help in preparing of Confirmation go too https://www.

 A reminder:  Please enter our churches by the MAIN DOOR and EXIT BY SIDE DOORS.  Sanitize your hands on entering. Please receive Holy Communion on the hand only. Stay safe, and give each other space whilst going to Holy Communion and going out of the church. Whilst at this time it is not mandatory in places of worship, we encourage our parishioners to wear face coverings, particularly, in our church buildings for your own safety and welfare.

Yoga Classes on Saturday mornings at 10.30am in Kilcurry                                                           Resource Centre. Contact Unity Yoga on Facebook or 087 6217359.

Irish Dancing: Connolly School of Irish Dancing. On Thursday at Kilcurry Community Centre from 4.00pm. For more information on classes and lessons please contact 087 8831736.

Draft Map of Kilcurry Graveyard will be in the Bell Tower entrance to  Kilcurry Church until 7th September 2020. We would encourage people to look at the map and if there is any corrections to be made, please fill in the form in the porch of the church or contact 086 367 5828 or 087 979 2069. Before 7th September 2020.




Prayer to St. Joseph. ( Composed by Fr. Kevin O’Gorman SMA)

God our heavenly Father; grant us the fortitude of Christ your Son to face the Covid – 19 crisis with trust, patience and compassion.

Give us the grace of the Holy Spirit to free us from fear and look forward together to the future with healing and hope .

Through the intercession of St. Joseph, the guardian of Jesus, and Mary his Mother, and Mother of the Church, may we be guided through this time of peril.

Preserve us in peace; protect the vulnerable; keep safe our health care workers and all who serve society, at home and abroad. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Covid-19  Support line for Older People (ROI), call Alone on 0818 222  024

Masses beginning 22nd/23rd August 2020
Sunday  11.00 a.m. Michael & Brigid Lennon. D.F.M. of the Duffy family (Carrickedmond & Lurgankeel) Gerald Keegan . Maureen Keegan. Gerard Toner. Brigid & Alice Reilly. Hugh O’Hare. John McKevitt
Saturday  10.30 a.m. Frank Farrell. Kathleen Keegan (Anniv) Elish Keegan (Anniv)
Sunday  11.00a.m. Ciaran  Rice.  Eamon Carroll.  Michael Flynn. Tommy Gartlan.  John and Turlough Goss.
Sunday   10.00 a.m.  
Friday    7.30 p.m. D.F.M.of the Lambe & McCourt Families
Next Sunday    10.00 a.m. Sheila Mulligan & D.F.M. of the Mulligan & McArdle Families. Frank Finnegan.
   6.00 p.m. Brigid, Edward & Noel Hoey. Eileen & Paddy Leavy. Patricia & Paddy Ellis. Molly McGee. Gavin Grills.
Sunday  12.00noon. J0sephine Woods (1Anniv). Ruth Jennings & D.F.M. of the Fitszimons family (Castletown Rd.)Kathleen Gaffey (B’day Rem)
Monday    7.00 p.m.. Angela Callan (B’day Rem).Angela & Peader Callan (Anniv). John & Nellie Duffy. Lisa Narine
Tuesday  10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday  10.00 a.m.  
Thursday  10.00 a.m.  
Friday  10.00 a.m. Maurice Carville  (Anniv)
Next Saturday    6.00 p.m. Molly McGee.  Mary Bishop.  Willie & Teresa Long & D.F.M.
Next Sunday  12.00 noon Rose Belton.
Saturday  7.30pm

Paddy & Maggie Tiernan & Sally Byrne.  MaySavage ((Months Mind)

Next Saturday 7.30pm Eddie & Josephine Clarke & D.F.M.



















Newsboard – 05/07/2020


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: –Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-Castletown €245.00 Kilcurry €231.00 Brid-a-Chrin €588.98 Faughart Shrine €110.00

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Grace Bellew who was baptised recently.

We wish to thank all those who brought offertory collection envelopes and donations to the church each weekend these past weeks. Also, we thank those who were there to receive the envelopes. As we said, it is important that income continues to support the parish. Many thanks.


KILCURRY-  Friday 6.00pm and Saturday 11.00am.

CASTLETOWN – Saturday 4.45pm and Sunday 12.45pm.

***** UPDATED FROM PRINT VERSION  *****CONFIRMATION:  Our young people who were due to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation last April will now receive the Sacrament in three separate ceremonies. For the young people as follows

KILCURRY   : Saturday 12th September at 2.00pm in Kilcurry Church.

FATIMA: Saturday 19th September at 1.00pm in Castletown Church.

FAUGHART: Saturday 12th September at 12.00 noon in Kilcurry Church.

Please note that numbers to attend will be restricted.

LM/FM RADIO MASS :Will be recorded on Saturday 18th July at 6.00pm in St. Joesph’s Church, Castletown and will be broadcast on Sunday 19th July at  9.00am.


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION : Again for the children who should have received First Holy Communion last May the dates are now as follows:

KILCURRY & FAUGHART CHILDREN: Saturday 17th October at 12.00 noon in Kilcurry Church.

FATIMA CHILDREN: Saturday 10th October 12.00 noon in Castletown Church.

THANK YOU: to all those who, in the past weeks have prepared our churches so that we could open for Masses. Please do your best to observe recommendations given to us: sanitizing your hands on entering main doors only, seating capacity of 50 people only and leaving on the side entrance. Explanation on how to approach forHoly Communion will be given at Masses. Please receive on the hand only.

We welcome back those who read at Mass, Ministers of the word, our Ministers of the Eucharist, our choir and musicians.

If you have any news for our News Letter please bring it to the Parochial House before or on Thursdays. Thanks.


THANK YOU  to John Gartlan for streaming our 10.30am Mass each Sunday during Lockdown on Facebook, YouTube and in Kilcurry Church. Also Gráinne our Sacristan our reader Róisín and Rosemary and Anne for providing music. Our Sunday Mass in Kilcurry at 11.00am will continue to be streamed on Facebook, YouTube and


Lists for Ministers of the Eucharist and Word for Kilcurry and Fatima are available in the Sacristy.




Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Hugh Curtis, Owen Joe Woods (B’day Rem), Mary McBride, Edward & Margaret O’Hare (Roskeagh), Fabian McEntee, Brigid & Alice Reilly, Hugh O’Hare, John McKevitt, Kathleen Hughes.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Maureen Winters, Donal McNally
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. JohnCraig (Anniv), Veronica Dalton (Anniv), Patrick & Lissie Coburn & DFM, Gertie McGeough (Barleyfield).
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Nora Gernon & Michael Gernon.
Friday  7.30 p.m.  
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m. Peter McShane (B’day Rem), Tom & Cissie Treanor, Jack, Minnie & Alice McArdle.
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Willie & Nancy Parkin.
Sunday 12 noon Michael, Rose, Micky & Richard Cross & DFM, John Byrne, Teresa Connolly (Months Mind)
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.  
Next Sunday 12 noon  
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Mary & Patrick Ferguson & Son Anthony.
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.  




Parish News – 28/06/2020

Fr. Vinod & Fr. Bernard wish you well and keep safe.
Just to mention again the blessings of the graves in the parish have taken place.
Again, we wish to say “thank you” to all those who brought their envelopes of collection to our churches last Sunday. The total amount last week : Brid – Crinn €169.70. Castletown €179.50. Faughart: €210.00 and Kilcurry €353.5
Online donations on the Parish website since April amounted to €798.21
The collection of Education of young priests came to €650.00. Many thanks.
Baptisms: Please note the new times of Baptisms in the Parish. Individual Baptisms only: Friday at 6.00pm in Kilcurry Church. Saturday at 11.00am Kilcurry Church. Saturday at 4.45 in Fatima and 12.45 on Sunday in Fatima. Brid-A-Crinn on request. The following conditions: no more than 50 people may be present including the celebrant, the child to be baptised, the parent(s) and the godparents. For the purpose of contact tracing, a record of all people present may be kept
We will not have Faughart Sunday (national pilgrimages to St. Brigid’s shrine) this year due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Weekend and daily Mass are to be resumed after the 29th June. We will have mass on Monday evening the 29th in Fatima church at 7.00pm the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, and daily at 10.00am Tuesday – Friday. Brid-A-Crinn Friday at 7.30pm and Saturday 10.30am in Kilcurry.
The first of the weekend masses is on Saturday 4th July. Restrictions regarding the Number of people will be in operation. No more than 50 people are allowed in enclosed places. Our weekend masses will be at the usual times: Saturday Vigil Mass Fatima 6.00pm. Faughart Shrine 7.30pm. Sunday: Brid-A-Crinn 10.00am. Kilcurry 11.00am. Fatima 12.00 noon. Mass can be heard from the outside speakers for those unable to be in the churches because of restrictions regarding number of people. The 11am Mass in Kilcurry will be broadcast on the Parish Facebook page and website, it is most important that people who are vulnerable or unwell, and especially those with any symptoms that might suggest Covid-19 infection, should stay at home and, if possible, participate, as now, via webcam, social media, television, or radio. The same applies to those who have been in recent contact with someone who has the virus, in accordance with public health advice.

Newsboard – 01/03/2020


                                          and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Bernard Hughes


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-   Kilcurry:      €414.63     Brid-a-Chrin     €179.14      Castletown:     €215.53       Faughart:   €130.50.    Non-Envelope Collection:   €470.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF Anne O’Driscoll who died during the week.  May she rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY:  Hannah Maria Denise Watters;  Penelope Una Joyce;  Sophia Jane McDonagh who were baptised last weekend.

ST BRIDGET’S PRAYER GROUP  –  Prayer meeting in Parochial House on Tuesday, 3rd March at 7.15 p.m.  New members welcome.

TROCAIRE BOXES  –  Around the world brave women face down fear to protect their families from terrible threats.  They are doing all they can but they need your help.  Please give and let your love conquer fear this lent.  Trocaire Boxes are available in all our Churches.  Please take one.

PARISH ENVELOPES  –  ARE AT PRESENT BEING DISTRIBUTED TO THE HOMES IN THE PARISH.  The collection each Sunday is mainly for the upkeep of our four churches, which includes insurance, heating electricity etc.  We thank you for your contributions in the past and ask you to continue your support for 2020 as upkeep costs are increasing.  We thank all those who distribute the Parish Envelopes.  Please write your name on the first envelope you return so we can complete the Parish register.  Many thanks.

HOLY HOUR  –  Monday 6.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.  In Castletown Church.  You are most welcome to come along and spend some time with the Lord.  Be still and know that I am God.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS each Sunday during Lent at the Shrine at 5.00 p.m.

FAUGHART LOURDES COMMITTEE   –  are holding a Table Quiz in Roche Emmets Club Rooms on Friday, 13th March at 8.30 p.m.  Four to a table €20 with light refreshments and prizes galore.  Your support would be greatly appreciated.  Meeting on Tuesday, 2nd March at 8.00 p.m. in the Parochial House.

FAUGHART SOCIAL GROUP –  Monday, 2nd is a musical open evening for people interested in seeing what we can do music with Seamus Roddy, Brian Grant, Paul Callan.  For a great night come and join us.  On 9th March we will have a Community Garda talk.  16th  No meeting.  23rd  Tea Evening.  Social dancing on Saturday, 14th March.  Music by Twice Shy.  Dancing 9.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m.  Supper will be served.  All welcome.

LADIES CIRCUIT TRAINING every Tuesday at 7.00 p.m. and Friday at 8.00 p.m. in Roche Emmets GAA Hall.  At fitness levels welcome.  Contact Jennie on 087 9424440.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE flying to Moster Wednesday, 24th June.  7 nights €725.  Call James 087 2202173 or Tommy 086 3397737.

ROCHE EMMETS  –  Result of Paddy Sheelan Cup match between Roche Emmets and Mochtas.  Roche Emmets 3.16  Mochtas 1.06     Well done to all the team.

CUPAN TAE  Our next Cupan Tae is on Tuesday, 10th March, 2020 – 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon in the Roche Clubrooms.  All welcome

ST VINCENT DE PAUL  –  Church Gate Collection this weekend at Saturday and Sunday masses.  We all find ourselves in times of need, throughout our lives.  If you or your family are in that situation today why not contact St Vincent De Paul Society on 087 252  0382.

SCOIL PHADRAIG NAOFA, KILCURRY  –  School places available.  Scoil Phadraig Naofa, Kilcurry, is now enrolling for 2020-2024.  Registration forms available from the school office. Email or phone 042 9339310.  After school collection and after school club available from Scoil Beag Creche.  Phone 042 9329862.



Sunday 11.00 a.m. Peter McKeown;  Kathleen Lynch;  Josephine and Gerry Reilly
Monday  9.00 a.m. Special Intention
Thursday  9.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. Margaret Alderson;  Kathleen and Michael Marmion and Deceased Family Members
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Anne Mee (Month’s Mind);  Owen and Patrick Muckian;  George and Elizabeth and William Hamill;  Josephine and Gerry Reilly
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Peter Donnelly;  Brigid Regan and Deceased Family Members
Friday  7.30 p.m. Deceased Family Members of the Casey Family (Slieve)
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m. Paddy, Mary and Catherine McGowan and Deceased Family Members;  Brigid Regan
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Kitty and Paddy Gonnelly, sons Tom, Martin and Pat, Daughter Margaret, Son-in-law Tom Murphy and Daughter in law Ailish;  Monina Matthews
Sunday 12 noon Paddy McNally
Monday  7.00 p.m. Daniel Martin
Tuesday, 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday, 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10.00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday  6.00 p.m. Vincent Callan;  Alan McShane;  Frank and Maura Martin
Next Sunday 12.00 noon Doris McArdle;  Gerry Cunningham;  Tom and Joan Kinch;  Marian Sheridan;  Maureen Rajasgam;  Arthur McArdle
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Special Intention
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m.